Unforgettable Memories

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Studying abroad may be a little scary at first, but it's also one of the most rewarding experiences a college student can have.
I remember when I first arrived in Perth... I had trouble adapting to the city, the language, the culture (and the jet lag, of course!).
But as soon as the classes started, it began to feel like home. The university embraced the new students by promoting social events, lectures, orientations for exchange students, Counselling and Psychological Services, everything with great affection to make us feel like part of that community.
Even when I had a little accident trying to skate, the school’s nursery assisted me in the best way they could.
In a place like that, all I wanted to do was to study, explore and unterstand the culture of that amazing country.
Today I see that studying in a different education system has provided me knowledge I would never get back home. It also made me more independent and self-confident because I had to adapt to all types of situations.
But most of all, in this program I gained life experience: friends all over the world, amazing sights, new foods, great stories.

Thank you UWA, for the unforgettable memories!

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