Wow in Wyacocha

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I traveled for twelve months to eighteen countries and volunteered in all of them. Love Volunteers placed me in six of the programs I served in. They were all outstanding and the first was in Cusco Peru working with the Wyacocha community located in the mountains outside the city. These families are the direct descendants of the Inca people and they are desperately poor in material things but rich in love and happiness. My time working with their children in an after school teaching and hygiene training program was incredibly rewarding and taught me about the purpose of life; to serve those in need. The result of this was my quitting my job when I returned to the US and starting my own 501C3 to support the people of Peru and the 13 other global communities I met along the way. "Love" made this all possible.

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