Two Weeks in Hungary!

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The Atlantis Project is a certified and professional program that helps students gain a competitive edge in the medical process along with a better understanding of universal healthcare in different countries around the world. My fellowship in Budapest, Hungary was a very interesting and fun experience that allowed me to closely work with doctors and nurses. The doctors I encountered were friendly and passionate about their work and teaching. The hospital I was shadowing at was relatively small, allowing me the chance to more closely interact with the doctors and see their everyday routine in the hospital. Along with advancing my professional career, I was about to learn about Budapest's public transportation system, their unique culture, and delicious food. I also made five amazing friendships with people from across the country that I can rely on if I ever need anything. Overall, I had a great time and this was my summer highlight. Thank you Atlantis and thank you Budapest!

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Year Completed