Best experience

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I found this program in April of 2018 while I was at my desk at work, hating my job, and dreaming of teaching in Spain. I knew I wanted a change, but I was so worried about leaving my security for the unknown. I worked in finance and though it paid very well, I was unhappy. I couldn’t find many reviews about the 3 month teach in Spain program through CIEE, so I was nervous to go for it. Now that I’m 2 months into the program, I can say whole heartedly that it’s the best decision I’ve made. I felt supported before departure, my questions were answered very quickly, meeting at the airport was easy, and orientation with others in the same boat as me made me feel a lot better. The first week or two were overwhelming because it’s definitely an adjustment. I know a lot of Spanish, but no one speaks much English (even the English teachers), and I didn’t expect that. My host mom doesn’t speak English, and the host dad only speaks a bit, but I couldn’t have asked for a better family. They have a young boy and girl too, and I love them to death. I’m already getting emotional about leaving them!! They will forever be my family, and I feel so grateful that I was placed here. My school is amazing too! The teachers are so helpful, and the kids are very eager to learn. I could go on and on about this program because it’s been the biggest blessing. My only regret is not doing a longer program!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed