My home away from home

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

As soon as I stepped off the plane in Santiago, I could immediately tell that I was going to like Chile, and once I met my host family in person, I knew I was going to love Chile. I could not have been matched with a better host family. This was my first time traveling alone, so I did experience a little bit of homesickness for the first few days, but my host family loved me like I have been apart of their family my whole life.

My teaching experience was unique in that we did not really have formal lessons. Instead, my host family preferred to learn solely through conversation and everyday routines and activities. I primarily lived with and taught a 71 year old lady, Sonia, who is absolutely precious. On weekends, we stayed with her daughter and grandchildren. While I was teaching Sonia English, she taught me how to knit and make sopaipillas.

My host family loved showing me around their country, and I was able to do a little bit of exploring on my own. The Chilean landscape is absolutely incredible. We visited the mountains and the beach, and it took about two hours to get to each location. I wish that I had spent more time in the country to be able to visit the north and south of Chile. I guess I will just have to go back!

The month I spent there flew by! When it was time for me to leave my new Chilean family, we all cried, but thankfully, technology allows us to stay in touch.

I couldn't recommend Greenheart Travel or this specific program enough. Everyone I spoke with along the way was incredibly helpful and encouraging. This has been an absolutely amazing experience!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed