The journey is nothing without the right destination

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Following a bad break up, I took some time off and landed in Thailand for the first time of my life, enjoyed it to the point to extend my trip from a month to months! I found myself teaching in Thailand for 1,5 year and absolutely loved it. Their team helped me a lot by organising everything (preparation, arrival, transportation, accommodation, etc...) and taking care of work visa and work permit. The orientation was fun and very interesting, I learned a lot about Thai culture which was essential for me. I also found important to have a team able to advise me if needed, they are experienced and always ready to help! I definitely recommend this agency especially if you are a solo traveler, or for a first trip in Asia, they are honest, efficient, welcoming and provide a great support :))

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Yes, I would
Year Completed