Amazing staff, location, and program

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Global Experiences has great staff. They provide you with everything you need before traveling abroad. They give you city updates before you even arrive, give you many pamphlets and documents with advice on what to pack, how to contact family overseas, how to change your phone number, what to do, etc. When I arrived at my apartment, a staff member was there waiting for me to let me inside, then even gave me a personal tour of my new neighborhood while providing me with detail on where to get basic necessities like laundry detergent. They make you feel comfortable and do not talk down on you as if they know more than you do. They treat you like a real adult and professional. The locations they place you in are outstanding. Better than any other location I have seen provided from other programs. I was placed in an apartment with air conditioning, a washer and dryer, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. When I walk outside, I am less than 60 feet from the Sagrada Familia. I highly recommend this program to all individuals, no matter what career path you are in

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed