My internship in NYC

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Participating in the ArtBound Initiative program was in every way a great experience. It took me in the end 2 years to finally get to New York due to the pandemic, but I was very well assisted throughout the whole process. I got high quality coaching at the beginning which really helped me define my professional goal and I was also very well equiped for applying and interviewing at my dream organisation, Creative Time.

Once in New York I got all the support I needed in terms of finding a place to stay, to information about admistrative stuff you need to do when you move there. These things can get quite overwhelming when you move abroad and it was nice to have someone to contact in case I had any questions and who was always responsive.
Besides getting a foot in the door in a competitive City like New York, I also got in touch with a lot of other participants. Some of them became very good friends and it is inspiring to think I have friends all over the world!

I would keep in mind that New York is a very expensive city. Coming from a background with low income, it was a huge challenge to live there, even if I saved money before coming. However, I would still totally recommend making this investment, because this experience was priceless and I know it will pay off in the future.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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