JET Programme, 2000 - 2003

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

If you are interested in coming to Japan to teach English for a while, I would definitely recommend the JET Programme as your first choice. Going with JET, my transition into Japanese life and the workday was truly painless. Transportation to my hometown was arranged, I was given a nice house to live in and taken on a tour of the town - including the essential grocery stores and home centers. JET provides ample training for the novice teacher, both before departure from your home country and while you are here. The salary was plenty for a single person, especially considering that I lived rent-free.

There are a couple of negatives that I should point out. One is that teaching materials are not provided -- you will need to make your own activities, worksheets, handouts, etc. However, you will receive so many ideas from the training that it should not be a big problem. The other issue for me is that, after you have done it for a year or two, the training becomes a little excessive, and frankly gets in the way of productivity. Still, they are all mandatory.

One other potential down side is that you have little say over where you will end up in Japan. You may choose preferences on what prefecture or city you would like to go to, but it is not guaranteed, and you can be placed literally anywhere in the country. If you don't like your assigned location, your only option is to quit the program.

I taught at two schools in a semi-rural town in Shizuoka prefecture. I loved them both -- the teachers were all good to work with, and the students, with a few exceptions, were well behaved and receptive. The teachers were mostly open to working with me as a JET, and we were able to have excellent classes together.

As JET likes to say repeatedly, "Every situation is different." You may have to pay rent. You may have to pay for utilities. You may end up in a school with terrible behavior problems, or in a town you don't like. Still, even with the uncertainties of JET, I would highly recommend you try this route before considering alternate teaching organizations in Japan - some can be rather shady -- do your research!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would