International work experience broadens life outlook

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I studied Japanese as an undergraduate, so the JET Program made sense even though I had no teaching experience. The training program provided me with extensive teaching materials, and I thus felt equipped to work with the lead English teacher in delivering content. In fact, this experience exposed me to classroom teaching and made me fall in love with it. After two years, I returned to the States to become a high school biology teacher!

Living abroad was amazing. Japan is such a clean and safe country. Its culture is deep and dynamic. I was very lucky to have lived near Kyoto City, so I admit I rarely felt isolated and there was always something new to explore.

I would advise that JET participants make a cognizant effort to befriend other Japanese, rather than English speaking friends. If your goal is to improve your language and integrate yourself into Japanese culture, it is the best [yet, sometimes hardest] thing to do!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would