Made me a better teacher

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

I have been working with Interac for almost five years and I would say that this is the most fulfilling and most enjoyable job I ever had in my entire life. It made me a better teacher.

To be honest, It wasn’t easy at first. I had to adjust and adopt to the culture and learn teaching styles and strategies that are applicable to teaching English in Japan. I used to teach young children backhome for several years but I had to unlearn some of my old teaching methods to be effective in my new role. Interac has been very supportive all these years. They provide intensive trainings to prepare you for the ALT role and continuous trainings as you go along. You’ll also have access to learning and teaching materials online.

With this job, I was able to enhance not just my teaching skills but also two very important skills that I believe an ALT needs- flexibility and collaboration. I learned how to teach flexibly as either the main teacher or assistant teacher and be prepared whatever the situation requires. Yes, Interac provides training for that but I also learned mostly from experience. Also, and I am very thankful for this, I learned to work harmoniously with the Japanese teachers and staff inside and outside the classroom. I am naturally shy, but overtime I learned how to interact not just with my students but also with the people I work with everyday. I will definitely take these skills with me wherever I go.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would