Unlimited possibilities

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I have been with Interac for over 10 years and it’s given me so many experiences I never thought I would ever have. Being thrust into a new culture took getting used to, but I really grew to love it. Interac had initial orientation and training to help get us ready, and afterwards, monthly meetings to cover basic topics regarding school and home life.

When I was ready to move to another prefecture, they were very supportive and helpful in my move to another part of Japan! They helped me with arranging movers, taking care of the utilities, finding and setting up my next place to live, and getting me settled and ready for my new school.

Leave your comfort zone!
Try new things, even if it’s just walking somewhere you haven’t been before!
Don’t be afraid to ask Interac for help!
Take pictures to share with friends and family!
Bring something from home to show students and fight homesickness!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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