Online Italian Course

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 4
Platform: 5
Value: 4

Chiara is amazing! She has endless energy and keep the classes fun so both my kids look forward to them…and so they are learning a lot.

For my 6 year old daughter - the lessons are really fun, interactive and topic based (eg. Restaurant, Christmas etc.).

For my 13 year old - the lessons focus more on grammar (she is getting him ready to take Italian iGCSE) but Chiara builds in as much interactivity as possible - and even manages to make grammar not boring!!

I can’t thank Chiara enough - without her my kids would not speak as much Italian.

Chiara è fantastica! Riesce a rendere le lezioni divertenti e così i miei due figli ci vanno volentieri e stanno imparando un sacco.

Chiara - grazie di cuore per tutto!! ❤️

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Yes, I would
Year Completed