Accra, Ghana Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 4

My CFHI experience in Accra, Ghana was extremely invaluable. I had the unique opportunity to serve in a local hospital where I learned about child and maternal health. Each week I rotated through a different sector of the hospital: Week 1 was the emergency room, week two was malnutrition, week 3 was community health/family planning and for the last week I was in the wards/NICU. I appreciated learning about healthcare in Ghana directly from health care providers. I was excited to practice physical exams and interview patients since these are skills I have acquired in my first year of medical school. The malnutrition unit was particularly interesting to me because I haven't had much exposure to working with dieticians. Malnutrition is a massive issue in Ghana, and I learned ways in which the dieticians plan to help their patients recover (utilizing a 4-step re-feeding plan) and how they work with the physicians in other units (ex. OPD or the ED) to ensure the best care for these patients.
Culturally, I enjoyed trying different foods such as red red, kenkey and kelewele. As the daughter of Nigerian immigrants, many of these foods reminded me of home as there were similarities between the dishes. Interacting with locals and admiring the art pieces and learning to play the drums at the art center was one of my many highlights. I really appreciate the sense of community I felt in Accra. I appreciated the opportunity to live with other students from different states and countries while learning about Ghana when we went out into the community each day. I will never forget this transformative experience as it strengthened my desire to continue to pursue Global Health in my future career.

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