Florence Internship

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

My time in Florence was an extraordinary chapter of my life, enriched by an incredible learning experience at C-YourCulture. Having the best boss imaginable, I delved into a world of knowledge that expanded my horizons. The team's warm embrace fostered a sense of belonging, and in a remarkably short span, I absorbed a wealth of knowledge from their expertise.

The AIFS team played an instrumental role, their swift responses and warm reception smoothing my transition into a new culture. Their meticulously curated events were nothing short of spectacular. The enchanting wine tours stand out vividly – a delightful symphony of stunning landscapes, sumptuous food, and an array of fine wines. An unexpected gift of a bottle of exquisite white sparkling wine from a winery added to the enchantment.

One of the highlights was a serene boat ride on the Florence river, accompanied by champagne – an idyllic scene that etched itself into my memory. Sharing two exquisite dinners at charming restaurants showcased the city's culinary prowess, leaving a lasting impression.

However, it was the people who truly defined this experience. From the kind-hearted companions on the journey, we transformed into a close-knit family. We explored the city, prepared meals, and shared laughter during wine nights. Nights at bars and nightclubs were a blast, cementing memories of joy and camaraderie.

Reflecting on this journey, I wholeheartedly advocate for anyone considering studying abroad. It's a rare, irreplaceable experience that not only broadens academic horizons but also instills a profound appreciation for different cultures. Florence will forever hold a cherished place in my heart, and the bonds formed are a testament to the magic of venturing beyond one's comfort zone.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed