Powerful, transformative experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

When I completed the karma yoga program last year, it was the most important, life changing experience that I'd had up until then and I'm in my mid 30s. The teachers and residents are patient, kind and supportive, yet dedicated to your spiritual growth and sharp when encouraging more wholesome habits. Participating in an intensive meditation program in a conscious community is an experience that I highly recommend trying - not only will you deepen your meditation practice, you can also walk away with other important life skills - cooking for 15+ people, mudding a straw bale cabin, marketing and web design, composting and gardening to name a few. There are guaranteed to be challenging moments when you run into your own ego, but with that comes the biggest breakthroughs. Thank you Clear Sky!

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