The BEST experience ever!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I can't even begin to explain how much I enjoyed my time and internship in Sydney, Australia! I am so blessed that CAPA was able to line me up with an internship that was my first choice option. The CAPA Sydney staff is wonderful and was always there to help anyone if we needed something.

A typical day for me in Sydney consisted of taking the public transportation system from Waterloo to Potts Point. I worked in a real estate office in Potts Point and I was responsible for a great amount of prospecting. I was also responsible for assisting with open houses by helping set up and get contact information and comments from guests who were visiting the property. I really enjoyed my internship and know many other people who I went with that enjoyed their internships, as well. The internship is a great way to network with people in Australia and is a giant boost to your resume. I find myself still talking about my internship and my trip to Australia. It is just a great experience.

When I wasn't working, I was out and about exploring the Sydney beaches, checking out museums, different parts of the city, shopping, and hiking the trails from beach to beach. The beaches were definitely my favorite thing outside of working because they are simply amazing.

I also had the opportunity to take part in various trips to other parts of Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef! It was great to be able to get away from the city for a weekend and go exploring the reef and the Daintree Rainforest.

When it comes to difficulties that I encountered, I would say my main struggle was when I first arrived in Sydney. I was aware of the bus system but I accidentally got on the bus going the wrong way. I ended up on the other side of town but a kind bus driver was able to help me get to the proper stop to get me back home.

Another difficulty I encountered would be the different terms some Sydney-siders use that we don't use in America. However, the other employees in my internship site were able to fill me in and it really helped me out. I thought everyone in my office was extremely nice and treated me with respect and they were always willing to help me out.

Overall, this experience was simply the best experience I have ever had in my entire life. I got to open up to a new culture and a new country. However, at the same time, I was able to get some valuable work experience that will separate me from others when I find a job after graduating from college.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would