The best decision you'll ever make

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

At first I was very hesitant about going so far away for such a long time with people I didnt know. However, TEAN made the time leading up to leaving and my time in Australia so easy. Every time I had any sort of question regardless of how dumb it was, I was emailed back immediatley with an answer.

Once in Sydney, we found out just how amazing our apartments were. We lived in serviced apartment that were right over a huge bus and train station in Sydney as well as had access to a gym, pool and tennis court. Living here was amazing and made it easy to travel anywhere.

One of my favorite parts of TEAN was the planned trips they offer. I went on a pre-semester trip to the Great Barrier Reef as well as a spring break trip to Thailand. Not only were TEAN staff on these trips with us but they were fully planned so we didnt have to plan anything ourselves. Thailand especially gave me a chance to see tons of cities and islands that I never would have been able to do on my own.

TEAN is an amazing program and made my abroad experience amazing, I 100% recommend this!!

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