Good experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Hello this is Fadu, and my recent immersion into Chinese culture through the Go Abroad China program was a profound journey of self-discovery. Prior to embarking on this adventure, my perceptions of China were largely shaped by Western media narratives, offering a limited perspective of this vast and diverse nation. However, my experience shattered these preconceived notions, revealing the multifaceted tapestry of China's rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people.

Upon my arrival in Shenzhen, I was immediately struck by the city's vibrant energy and modern infrastructure, a testament to China's rapid development and innovation. GoAbroadChina agency helped me found a temporary accommodation in China.They also connected me to a nice company in Shenzhen,gave me the opportunity to intern in this company. This working exprience provided invaluable insights into the Chinese work culture, characterized by diligence, collaboration, and a strong sense of community. Working alongside talented professionals, I was exposed to a myriad of job roles, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities for growth. This immersive experience not only expanded my skill set but also deepened my appreciation for the ingenuity and resilience of the Chinese workforce.

Beyond the confines of the workplace, I found myself enchanted by the beauty of Chinese culture, from its intricate traditions to its sumptuous cuisine. Exploring Shenzhen's vibrant street markets and ancient temples, I reveled in the rich tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors that define everyday life in China. The warmth and hospitality of the locals left an indelible mark on me, fostering genuine connections that transcended language barriers.

My journey in China also reignited my passion for Mandarin, a language I had previously studied but never fully mastered. GoAbroadChina agency also have online Mandarin learning program for helping forieners to level up their Mandarin reading, speaking and writing skills.Engaging in daily conversations with locals, I embraced the opportunity to refine my language skills, albeit with a humble accent. The patience and encouragement extended to me by the Chinese people inspired me to persevere, igniting a newfound determination to master this intricate language.

In retrospect, my time in China was a transformative chapter in my life, offering a profound glimpse into the heart and soul of this remarkable nation. From the bustling streets of Shenzhen to the tranquil beauty of its ancient landmarks, every moment was imbued with a sense of wonder and discovery. As I bid farewell to China, I carry with me cherished memories and invaluable lessons learned, forever grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in its captivating culture.

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Yes, I would