Impactful work in a beautiful community

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I have been volunteering for HCA for 7 months now and I absolutely love it! El Porvenir is such a welcoming and safe community, it has felt like home since the day I arrived. My favorite part about volunteering is the kids – they are so bright and silly and excited to learn! We all work very hard here and some days are long, but this has been such a fulfilling experience that I wouldn’t change a thing. It doesn’t hurt that we live right on the beach, so I can enjoy a daily sunset swim! I have 5 months left, but I can’t imagine leaving this place. If you want to work with kids and you speak (or want to speak) Spanish, I highly recommend volunteering with this organization.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would