My honest review & all my advice!
Studying Spanish abroad in Alicante was an incredible experience. My host family was incredibly welcoming and the program staff were very helpful. The program incorporates some trips and activities including a historic trip around Alicante and a trip to Valencia. As for the classes, I felt like they actually helped me learn a lot of Spanish, even though I was only there for a month. You take the tram to class every day, which is easy once you do it the first couple of times. I was in 2 classes because I was trying to fulfill requirements for my Spanish minor at my home college, and my classes went from 9:30am-1:45pm. A lot of people were only in 1 class, though (that would be more conducive for exploring). I do want to note that some people in the area speak Valencian, and there are also some street signs, etc. in Valencian. I didn't do my research on that, so I was confused. However, if you know some Spanish, you can usually understand.
As for Alicante itself, I enjoyed the beaches (specifically La Playa de San Juan), Castillo e Santa Barbara, Mercado Central (tons of fresh food), the shopping center (Zara, Mango, Bershka), Passeig Esplanada d'Espanya (lots of shopping from local vendors), and El Barrio Santa Cruz (aka Casco-Antiguo Santa-Cruz). If you go in the summer, you also get the chance to attend Festival de Hogueras, which is very cool. I was there for the tail-end of it and I highly recommend trying to go during that time. I can't comment on the nightlife in Alicante, because I didn't really participate. I traveled to Calpe with some friends to go to Los Baños de la Reina. This was the most beautiful part of my trip! You can get to Calpe and other nearby towns on the tram. I found the cuisine in the area to be okay -- my host family's meals were the best thing I had while in Alicante! There's not as much to do in Alicante as there may be in other cities. I was only there for a month and it was great, but I could see myself growing tired of the area after some time.
Many people in my program, including myself, chose to travel during our study abroad program in Alicante. Flights from Alicante to several places in Europe are quite cheap. I traveled to Italy and Mallorca, España and my plane tickets for both were less than $100. Others in my group went to Ibiza, Paris, and London. A lot of people travel to Morocco because it's such a short trip from Alicante. There's also a train in central Alicante that goes at least as far as Valencia. But just a heads up, you only really have time to do a weekend trip due to classes (this is true for the 1 month summer program at least).
I felt quite safe as a woman when I was in Alicante. I often walked around solo, even at night. I was catcalled on one occasion, but I truly never felt threatened in the city -- and that's coming from a very cautious person. I felt much more unsafe during my weekend trip to Italy.
My favorite part of the entire experience was my host family. Several people in my program chose to live in apartments instead of with a family. Although it has it's pros (e.g., you're roommates with other students in the program), living with a host family taught me about the culture, improved my Spanish, and made me feel at home. My host mom packed me snacks for school every day and took me to family events. One con to it was that I felt a little bit isolated from the majority of students living in apartments. Also, my host family's home was not right in the center of the city, as other accommodations were. That meant I had to walk a little further, but it was only a 10-15 minute walk from the center. However, I would make the same decision if I did it all over again.
I highly recommend USAC's Alicante program!! I have been dying to go back ever since I left!