No better way to spend three months

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I didn't know quite what to expect when flying to the other side of the world to embark on a full time internship in a city I had never visited, however it was by far the best experience I have had so far. That may sound very cliched, however I genuinely did enjoy every moment of my Global Experiences internship. I had applied to the internship program back in December 2012 and considering I had simply typed into google 'internships in Australia' and GE was the first to come up there was some doubt in both mine and everyone's heads around me about how this would turn out. However from the outset the support I have received from the Global Experiences staff whether this was all the preparation prior to arriving in Sydney or on the ground making sure we were all doing well was next to nothing. I can't think of anything to really fault them on.

I felt well prepared arriving in Sydney in January with an internship at a legal organisation arranged for me. Although I come from a politics background I have always been interested by the legal system and even at one point considered going into law and although this internship made me realise that may not be the immediate path I want to go down I still gained a great amount of invaluable experience that I am thoroughly thankful for.

On a day-to-day basis I assisted the senior solicitors with some of their legal submissions and even had the opportunity to work closely with some of their clients. Aside from this I also did administrative work and reception cover. Although you may think that they are stereotypical intern tasks, it has given me the experience there that I can at least put down on my CV as a skill that I possess. Overall I learnt so much from my twelve weeks and also made a some great connections and friends within the company.

Of course my experience wasn't only moulded by internship but also the social aspect. I have made some great, life long friends through living with my fellow interns and as I always say you get free accommodation around the world. Having the opportunity to live alongside the other interns in the program was great and as we were all in the same boat we were able to help each other through any problems we had whether this was homesickness or simply trying to understand the Aussie lingo. Global Experiences also provided us with a number of activities that we did as a group organised by our location coordinator. These were executed well with the excursions showing us a great array of Australian culture and definitely being aimed at what our age group would be interested in. This included a paddle board lesson, a tour around the opera house, a trip to the blue mountains, the chance to meet koala's at the wildlife park and even a professional netball game. Having these activities allowed us to see around Sydney and do all the touristy type things but at the same time we weren't overrun by too many organised activities. There was definitely just the right amount so that we had our own time to just chill after a full working week or explore and hang out with friends. It was definitely a great balance.

I hope this has given you just a little bit of an insight into my amazing time in Sydney and honestly I would do it a hundred times over if I got the chance. If you are interested in doing an internship abroad I would say go for it and I would thoroughly recommend you considering to do it through GE.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed