Un Tiempo Increible

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Studying abroad in Europe was the best decision of my life. I spent a semester in Rome, Italy in the fall (which was incredible), but I wanted something smaller and more immersive during my second semester abroad. And so, I decided to go to Alicante, Spain through USAC. The program was cheap, the location was wonderful, and the courses offered were perfect for my academic interests and goals. I knew the smaller city would help me improve my Spanish language skills, and it would enable me to really understand the Spanish people and culture. I was fortunate enough to have an amazing host family who taught me so much, and I would even consider them my second family. I also made some wonderful friends, many whom I believe I will have for the rest of my life. The USAC program enabled me to study abroad for a second semester because it offered numerous courses that allowed me to finish college in 4 years with 3 majors and a minor. I majored in Spanish, Sociology, and Anthropology, and fortunately many of the sociology courses in Alicante were taught in Spanish, so my home university counted them for both majors! My Spanish communication skills improved immensely, and I truly believe I learned more during my semester in Spain than I had from the 9 years I spent learning Spanish it back in the states. I was also fortunate enough to have an exchange partner, and an internship in which I worked at the local museum. The USAC staff there made all of this possible, and they worked diligently to make sure I was happy and safe. They planned so many amazing field trips and activities, and made my second semester abroad spectacular. I loved every minute of my experience, and I wish I could go back everyday! USAC is an incredible program, and Alicante is a lovely city.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed