Sea Turtles in Costa Rica

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I love the Sea Turtle Program in Costa Rica!!!. The type of work we did sometimes surprised me. At first I was surprised that clearing paths would help the sea turtles/conservation project, but then learning more I understood how all the parts we did helped to sustain or expand the program.
For me this was a completely new experience because I have never even been camping! It was not always easy to adapt to the very simple conditions but once I did it, it was one of the best experiences.
We had a share on-site accommodation that was not fully closed from outdoors. It was very basic but still felt safe. The meals were almost always a combination of rice, beans and something else. But very good.
The best memory of the trip was watching the sun set and the stars on the beach without light pollution and other noises/distractions.
The experience of nature is very different here. We had the whole beach to ourselves most of the time, That was a very rare and great experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed