Interning in Marvelous Melbourne

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I started looking at summer internships last April/May and began to worry about how I would find a quality program that would allow me to travel abroad and gain valuable experience. When I came across The Intern Group, I instantly got a good feeling.

From the moment I applied to the program, to the phone call I received telling me my spot was secured, The Intern Group was available for assistance every step of the way. The Intern Group employees were extremely informative and eliminated the nerves of traveling to a foreign country alone.

I spent my 6 weeks in Melbourne working as a marketing intern for Yellowfin, a leading business intelligence software vendor. From the second I arrived I was put to work and already learning valuable skills. Yellowfin allowed me to publish blog posts on their website, help illustrate a case study, and assist in researching and preparing a white paper about self-service business intelligence and data visualization.

The work environment at Yellowfin was extremely laid back. The Intern Group set me up with a mentor at the company making the process of adjusting to the new internship very smooth.

The Intern Group also does an excellent job with the social aspect of the internship. My favorite part of the internship was being able to get to know all of the interns. I was able to meeting friends from London, America, Canada, Peru, Scotland and more! Although 6 weeks seems like such a short time, the people you spend your time with really feel like family by the time you leave. A memory I will always recall is going to get drinks after work at a pub near our accommodation. The $5 pizzas are something everyone can get excited about!

Lana, our event coordinator, planned amazing events that allowed the interns to see how incredible Melbourne really is. We were able to feed kangaroos, cuddle koalas, view the skyline of Melbourne from exciting rooftop bars, taste just about every type of food possible, and more.

Intern Melbourne program is an amazing opportunity that will not only enhance your professional career, but will forever change you as an individual.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed