Barcelona and Beyond

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I will never forget the day I ventured to explore "Parc de Montjuic." I felt at one with Barcelona and myself, busy beholding the beauty around me, learning the history of the Castle atop the hill, touring the Olympic sites, and gawking at the view of the city from "El Museau Nacional d'Art de Catalunya." What a great day it was, a "me" day for the books. Four months full of days like this one allowed me to eternally fall in love with the bustling cosmopolitan city of Barcelona, the rich and unique Catalan culture and the new way of like I embraced by living in Spain. Living in Barcelona went beyond the journey of being in a new place experiencing new things, to embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

While in Barcelona, I always felt the support of the IES Abroad team; they truly had our best interests in mind. The staff was there to spark our excitement and calm any nerves--whether the issue was figuring out the metro system, or adjusting to a home-stay, or simply wanting a recommendation for a tasty tapas bar, the staff was eager to help. I also had professors that gave me the in class experience and a wealth of knowledge that served to enhance my personal experience and growth abroad. Overall, both the staff and professors urged us to step out of our comfort zones, something I am very grateful for.

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