A feeling of home

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 5

After about a week there and already having been away from home for a month, due to other opportunities, my French host family began to feel like a home away from home. One thing that isn't mentioned in the websites description of teaching abroad in a host family is that their families just want to do life with you. They are welcoming you into their home to not only grow in their knowledge of English but to personally learn from you about American culture and your life there. The family will also share their traditions, life styles and daily norms with you to help you become better accustomed. Sitting down to eat both lunch and dinner together is a rarity in the States, but in France it is a daily time to come together and enjoy one another's company. I think at the table is where I truly learned the most French and appreciation for my host family.

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Year Completed