Green Lion Sri Lanka 5 Weeks

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

On September 7, I flew over 9,000 miles away from home to volunteer in Sri Lanka for 5 weeks. My program started through IVHQ who set me up with the local volunteer organization called the Green Lion. The Green Lion has been wonderful. They have multiple volunteer placements to choose from and are totally supportive of all your needs. The coordinators are wonderful and kind and the accommodation was lovely. I was lucky and during my 5 weeks here I was able to participate in multiple projects. I have done the turtle conservation project for 2 weeks, spent another week working at both a disabled and a girls' orphanage. And my last week teaching monks English. Every single program was headed by amazing people who really appreciate all the work you do and they really care about how you are doing. I could type for pages and not properly word what a wonderful and life changing experience I have had here. I could not recommend The Green Lion high enough.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed