Interac ALT's have it pretty good

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Look at any job website for teaching in Japan and you'll see that many companies don't provide visa support. This is a huge thing all by itself.
Some other companies promise a position and rent you a dorm room to stay in until they find you a position and also during training. If Interac says they found a place for you, then you can be assured that they'll place you. And they set me up in a hotel room for training.
They help you with getting an apartment and all the utilities connected.
This is another handful of huge hassles they help you avoid.
I remember one time the gas bill didn't come one month and the next month the gas company sent me a notice. I had no idea what to do. Certainly didn't want my gas turned off in the middle of winter. Called up the office and they took care of it really quickly.

All companies have a down side. You won't get paid for school vacation months for instance. Other than that I liked most of the people they hired to help me get set up. A couple took me out to lunch and brought me treats. I became good friends with the other ALT's.
I think Interact doesn't get enough credit for how decent they are and how much behind the scenes work they do

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Yes, I would
Year Completed