  • Ecuador
    • Quito
Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Art History Biology Christian Programs Communications Cultural Studies Digital Media English Global Studies Hispanic Studies Linguistics Marine Biology Nursing Pre-Med Public Health Religious Studies Service Learning Social Work Theology +8

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Host Family


Starting Price
Price Details
You will need to check with your college or university for exact costs. However, in most cases, if you are a student at one of our partner schools a semester in Ecuador will not cost you more than what you are currently paying for school!
Cost Includes: Trip to the Galápagos Islands, Trip to the Amazon Jungle, Homestay with an Ecuadorian Family, Cultural Experiences, All In-Country Food during program events (about 50%), Lodging, and Transportation, Internship Experience (for credit option)
Does Not Include: Airfare, Passport, Visa, Immunization, Personal expenses like shopping, personal needs or personal travel.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Classes Meals SIM cards Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Jul 28, 2023
May 03, 2024
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Based in Quito, Ecudor, this semester program offers students the opportunity to experience a variety of new cultures, gain a global perspective, and participate in the joys and challenges of serving God in a cross-cultural setting. Students will earn college credit, and intern in a field related to their studies. During the semester you'll live in Christian community, participate in homestays for four weeks, engage in a local internship or service learning project, and go on many amazing multi-day excursions to the Amazon Jungle, the Galápagos Islands, and more!

Our program is designed for students to engage in the culture and community. This is done through local internships, shopping and making meals together, weekly chapel, and abstaining from alcohol in order to show respect for the primarily catholic culture, all this is to create an environment that focuses on personal well-being & development.

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Program Highlights

  • Christian Community
  • 12-18 college credit courses
  • One Month Homestay
  • Discipline-specific internship
  • Excursions to the Amazon Jungle, Galápagos Islands, and more.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 42 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.35
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 25 - 32 of 42 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredible Semester of Growth and Community

My semester abroad in Ecuador was truly incredible. I was challenged spiritually, culturally, socially, academically, and even physically, only to find at the end of the semester just how much I had grown in such a short time. One moment that I think embodies this growth was my decision to get baptized at the end of the semester. Throughout the semester, God showed me just how much I needed Him, and how I could only find true contentment in Him. He also showed me just how important community was, so what better way to end the semester than to get baptized on the beach of Ecuador as a public declaration of my complete trust in Christ, surrounded by all the people who had walked alongside me and challenged me throughout the most incredible experience of my life. I remember looking around the circle, looking at each and every person who had loved me with intention, who had genuinely cared for me, who had discipled me and who had spent time with me, and I felt undeserving of the kindness and openness they had shared. But God puts people in our lives for a reason, and I know with full confidence that it was no coincidence our paths crossed that semester. After the baptisms, I remember just jumping in the waves as it started to rain, laughing and hugging all the people who had challenged me to become the Christ-follower I am today, and knowing that each of those wonderful people would forever be a part of my story.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For sure the most nerve-racking thing I have ever done was go scuba diving for the first time in the Galapagos! The boat ride out to the dive spot was a complete blur because I was so nervous I couldn't even think strait! I remember just trying to calm myself down and breath normally as I put my wet-suit on, thinking through the different steps and hand signals. I was so nervous and hesitant that they had to push me in! But once I got down to the ocean floor, I realized that I was fine, I was breathing oxygen from a little pack on my back, and even though there were sharks swimming around, they weren't trying to bite any limbs off! It was all going to be okay, in fact, it was going to be spectacular! I think in order to overcome my nerves, I just had to go for it before my nerves could talk me out of it. And I had to focus on the details, like the hand signals and how to read my oxygen meter, and not focus on the fact that I was about to scuba dive for the first time with sharks! (It also helped to have someone push me...literally)!
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The Most Life-Changing Season of my Life

I learned so much about life, culture, community, and my relationship with the Lord while in Ecuador! Something new and different challenged the way I thought daily. Here's one highlight of something I learned on a volcano hike while in Quito:
For a small assignment in Spiritual Formation class, I climbed Pinchincha with a small rock in my hand to remind me of the constant presence of the Lord in every moment of life. Even with it IN MY HAND, I still sometimes forgot that it was there. This made me realize once again just how much of a forgetful human I am, despite all the amazing things that I have witnessed the Lord do in my life. Having just finished out the month in homestays the day before, I had freshly learned the closeness of Jesus’ presence with me through all the highs and lows, and this hike proved to be such an amazing symbol of the previous month. And in spite of my silly tendency to constantly become unaware of His guidance and love, I know that He guides and loves me still. Nothing I do or don’t do can make Him let go of my hand, even if I forget that I am holding it. I am so, so grateful for all of my experiences in Ecuador like this one.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
During homestays, my partner and I tried chicken feet and the lining of a cow's stomach for the first time. Definitely the weirdest things I have ever tried, but I'm still alive!! That must say something.:)
48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Grace Grant's Experience

Studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador with Living & Learning International was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It provided me with an incredible opportunity to be immersed in a new culture through classes, homestays, and trips. It also grew and strengthened my knowledge of the world around me. Through this experience, my faith in Jesus Christ was restored. I was also able to grow as a human and learn more about who I am. One of my favorite trips was going to the town of Banos. ATVing through the town was one of the most amazing and freeing moments of my life. I also loved being able to try all of the wonderful new foods, such as chifles, coco batidos, empanadas, jugo de mora and popcorn in soup. Everyone one of my experiences contributed to an incredible semester. All of these things would not have been possible without the incredible L&LI staff.

What would you improve about this program?
Meeting my homestay family was one of the most nerve-racking moment. But, immediately I was reassured by my director and welcomed with kind words and hugs from homestay mom. I ended up having the most beautiful homestay experience that I could have imagined.
53 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

STUDY ABROAD IN ECUADOR--it will change your life!

My experience in Quito, Ecuador was AMAZING! The program that I did it through is called Living and Learning International (L&LI) and I left as a completely changed person; it was the BEST experience of my life and I could have not done without the Lord and those that He brought near me when I needed it. I lived in a predominantly Spanish-speaking country for four months, where I went a short-term mission trip in the Jungle, lived with an Ecuadorian family, lived with a community of 40 people, learned more Spanish/took other courses like Biology as well and experienced the same God in a vastly different way! Also, I had an internship in an ethnically diverse church for my major and at the end of the semester, we traveled to the Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu in Peru, and the beach at the coast of Ecuador. Because of studying abroad in Ecuador, my heart now is at different places at once.

What would you improve about this program?
I do not think there is anything that can be improved in this program, it was perfect for me.
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Seeking... Finding

When I think back on my time in Ecuador I see color. I see David and Gloria greeting me with a kiss on the check and selling me beautiful fresh flowers, sneaking an extra bundle in for free. I see Jim smiling as I step into Harlans knowing that I want a cronut and latte. I see little kids squirting me with foam during Carnival weekend. I see the cohort sailing, well zipping down the river in the jungle. I see Peru from the top of Machu Picchu. I see water falling on top of me as i swim under the falls. I see our house in Quito, filled with barefoot girls and fruit, laughter and tears, and dance parties. I see my friend hustling for Maroon 5 tickets in Spanish hours before our flight out of the country leaves. I see our whole group worshipping on Wednesday nights. I see otters kissing my face in the waters of the Galapagos. I see myself and friends sliding down Pichincha in the snow. I see the color of the buildings.

My season in Ecuador was colorful. It was life changing because of the relationships. Now I work as a teacher and coach at a Christian High School and I see myself reflecting on my time in Ecuador not for the colorful memories as much as for the example of community. I want to live walking distance from my students because I know the support and comfort of having a teacher walking distance from me. I want to do things with them outside of school because I know the joy of swimming in a canal or going to coffee with someone who wants to teach and mentor me. I want to take time for their stories because people took time for mine. I find myself striving to cultivate community because that is what shaped me and made my study abroad experience life changing.

Go to Ecuador! Even if you're seeking colorful adventures, you're bound to find more.

What would you improve about this program?
I really am not sure what I would suggest to be improved. I think the program is so well developed and I fully recommend. Maybe with homestays to see what the families like to do and see if it matches how the students like to explore. Classes could be a bit more challenging but similarly you have so much going on it was about what I could handle.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ecuador Semester with L&LI Spring 2018

I knew I wanted to study abroad for a semester. At first, I was thinking I would end up going to Spain. However, after taking a closer look into the study abroad programs that my school offer, none had the perspective of Christian Worldview (which was weird to me, because I attend a Christian university). Anyways, a program with its mission based on Christ was what I was looking for, and that's exactly what I found with the program Living and Learning International. Choosing to study abroad in Ecuador with this program was one of the best decisions I have made and I do not regret it a single bit. Not only did I experience an adventure of the lifetime, but I got to experience this adventure with my best friend Hallie along with making new best friends there. I want to give thanks to all the staff who made my time in Ecuador possible and for the community that was made. It would not have been the same without them.

I also appreciate how this program's semester is set up with 1 month in the houses with people from the program, then 1 month in homestays (so you don't miss out on that experience), 1 month back in the houses together again, and then travel for two weeks to the Jungle and the Galapagos -- and not to forget, the Chapel sessions that took place once a week. This program was very organized with the set up including housing, travel, education & classes, and everything else and more! I think that definitely has to go along with the amazing staff. I already wish I could go back!

The country of Ecuador is breath-taking! I could tell you about it and all about my experience or...you could go yourself! I promise you will not regret it!

Life-giving and life-changing. 10/10 would recommend! :)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Elena's Review of Living and Learning International

This program is amazing! Not only do you get to live in Ecuador-- a country full of warm and interesting people, but you also get to be part of a very strong and special community within the program. One of the most impactful aspects of this program was the spiritual teaching and guidance. The staff of Living and Learning really care about each student and push them to become who they were created to be by God. Although the trips, sights, and crazy experiences were fun, the focus on God is what really mattered most to me.

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly can't think of anything of great import that this program could improve on. It is very intentional and well-thought out in all of its activities.
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The Experience of a Lifetime

Deciding to study abroad in Ecuador with Living and Learning is easily one of the best decisions I have made. There are many things to highlight from this incredible experience, but some that stand out are the people, the places, and the cultural practices. I felt welcomed and supported by staff from the very beginning- even before we had arrived in Ecuador. They do an amazing job of making everyone feel valued and seen. Additionally, the staff coordinates all the details of the excursions, so it is nice that you don't have to worry about anything and can just enjoy the fun trips- of which there are plenty! Not only did we travel all over Ecuador, but we also got to experience Peru! Lastly, this semester program does a great job of immersing students in Ecuadorian culture. From living with a family for a month to traveling to internships on public transportation, there are many opportunities to experience the culture firsthand. I would highly, highly recommend this program.

What would you improve about this program?
I have no suggestions- it was a fantastic program!
59 people found this review helpful.

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