Multiple Locations +3
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
4 - 26 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, 529 Plan eligibility, BIPOC funding

Program Details

Animal Viewing Boating City Exploring Farming Hiking Kayaking Remote Exploring Sailing Scuba Diving Sightseeing Swimming
Fall Spring
Boat Guesthouse Host Family Hostel Hotel Lodge Sleeper Train
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Program tuition includes accommodations, ground transportation, food, and activities once participants are in-country. All airfare is additional.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Some Equipment Meals Park Fees Transportation Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Airfare SIM cards Visa
May 18, 2023
Apr 13, 2024
57 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Leave the traditional classroom far behind, as we journey to the heart of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Our Southeast Asia Gap Semester is a unique blend of education, projects, and exploration of these intriguing and ancient cultures. Our exclusive access to people and places, developed over decades, gives us a window into aspects of Southeast Asia rarely experienced by outsiders. In Vietnam, we work with youth affected by Agent Orange in their daily activities. While exploring Cambodia, we get our hands dirty building and installing bio-sand filters for families in rural villages outside Siem Reap. We partner with local conservationists at an Elephant Nature Reserve deep in the jungle to understand the true value of conservation as we care for Thailand’s indigenous elephants. Standing knee-deep in rice paddies with our host families, we discover a way of life that has remained virtually unchanged.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

ARCC Programs believes that social responsibility is an essential aspect of our programming and business operations. We strongly believe that cultural immersion, cross-cultural conversations, and reflection on these experiences can increase self-awareness, promote empathy, and foster growth. We recognize that our staff, student, and participant body is not as diverse as we would hope. We also recognize that there are inherent imbalances in access, particularly when it comes to international travel and outdoor experiences. Recognizing the current imbalances and accessibility issues within the world and more specifically within experiential/outdoor education/gap year programs, we are able to move towards a more just and inclusive world.

ARCC is committed to increasing accessibility for our programs and supporting socioeconomic diversity within our community. ARCC’s Voyagers Scholarship provides up to five scholarship opportunities per semester to students who identify within the BIPOC community. These scholarships can range anywhere from $5,000-$8,000, and also includes gear lending and mentorship support throughout the gap year experience. The Voyagers Scholarship can also be combined with ARCC Financial Aid. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to gap@arccprograms.com.

LGBTQIA+ Support

ARCC Programs believes that social responsibility is an essential aspect of our programming and business operations. We strongly believe that cultural immersion, cross-cultural conversations, and reflection on these experiences can increase self-awareness, promote empathy, and foster growth. We recognize that our staff, student, and participant body is not as diverse as we would hope. We also recognize that there are inherent imbalances in access, particularly when it comes to international travel and outdoor experiences. Recognizing the current imbalances and accessibility issues within the world and more specifically within experiential/outdoor education/gap year programs, we are able to move towards a more just and inclusive world.

Neurodivergent Support

Our Essential Eligibility Criteria outlines the requirements for participation in our programs to determine if our programs are a good fit for each student. While ARCC Gap is not a therapeutic program, we do provide an inclusive environment for students with neurodivergence. We have had students with various diagnosed neuro-differences (such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, TS, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, etc) find success on our gap semester programs.

During our interview process, we have open communication with students and families about the support ARCC instructors are able to provide students while on program. For students needing some additional support, we ask them to complete a “Plan of Action” with their at home support system. These plans may include additional information about communication/support preferences, coping strategies, and/or specific requirements to encourage the student to engage with the program effectively. Once on the program, our instructors will periodically check in individually with each student, help the student stay accountable to their Plan of Action, and provide general support to all participants.

Accessibility Support

ARCC Gap Travels to locations around the world that have varying levels of accommodations for students needing accessibility support. For this reason, please see our Essential Eligibility Criteria to see if our gap programs are a good fit for you.

Whenever possible (determined by specific location and program - ie. infrastructure, access to specific health care facilities, dietary options available, etc), we have successfully assisted students with anaphylactic allergies, chronic medical conditions, and other accommodations on programs. We recommend that you reach out with specific concerns to your Gap Director to find the right fit for you.



At ARCC Programs we recognize that all human action impacts our physical environment and the living beings on the planet. Everything on Earth plays a role in supporting life and we believe that it is our responsibility to have a net positive impact with our actions. We strive to balance the impacts of our programming by partnering with communities and organizations with similar goals toward bettering our planet for future generations.

Ethical Impact

ARCC believes that we (as an industry) need to shift the way we think about international service. We (as a society) have now come to realize that international volunteers often benefit from their service experience, while the impact on the community can be short-lived or even harmful. We at ARCC are taking the years of experience that we have in the international service learning realm, have reflected on previous mistakes, learned from our in-country partners, and have made changes. Our goal is to live, work, and learn alongside community members while also making a positive impact. We are committed to partnering with local community-driven organizations to focus on reciprocity while contributing to established long-term projects. It is our responsibility to engage in mutually beneficial community-driven projects and teach fair trade learning principles to our students.

Program Highlights

  • Explore Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, and other Bustling Urban Centers
  • Study Public Health by Examining the Effects of Agent Orange While Working with Youth in Hanoi
  • Impact Lives While Installing Clean Water Filters in Homes in Cambodia
  • Become SCUBA Certified on the Thai Island of Koh Tao and Help Restore the Reef
  • Examine the Complexities of Elephant Sanctuaries and Rehabilitation in Thailand

Program Reviews

4.87 Rating
based on 39 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.18%
  • 4 rating 12.82%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.6
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.75
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 5
Showing 25 - 32 of 39 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The world is a big place

About a year ago I was in possibly a similar position to you, searching and reading through gap year programs and reviews. One of my friends had gone with ARCC to Southeast Asia for her gap semester and had told me about how great it was and how much she gained from it, so the positive reviews on sites like this and others just solidified my decision. I've always loved traveling and I knew it would be a great time learn about the world and myself. I knew at the start of my searches that I wanted to travel to Southeast Asia, it was on the other side of the world, for a large portion of my life I have been eating Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese food and I thought it would be really cool to eat those cuisines from the source. I wanted to immerse myself in a culture and lifestyle that I was very unfamiliar with and gain a greater world view than I had before. I think what stands out about ARCC compared to other teen travel companies is the attention to detail and all of the relationships that have been built by Sofia, Scott and the staff over the last few decades. They have travelled to each of the places that we go and have formed close relationships with the tour guides and local communities, which really makes a difference. All of our guides were fantastic, always teaching us things about the areas we were in, the people that inhabit it, its history, culture, language, food and much much more. Having these in country guides who really care and want us to gain as much as we can and really get to know the countries and places we go is something that I really appreciated and thought truly elevated the trip to another level. Southeast Asia is a very special part of the world, and I am really glad that I made the decision to come here with ARCC, give and learn what we did. I highly recommend taking a gap year and traveling, it gives you a greater perspective on the world, life, and yourself, and whether or not you choose ARCC is up to you, just know that if you choose to travel with ARCC I can guarantee that you will have an amazing experience and make memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that the home stays could be improved - our home stay in Thailand was really great, we lived with a family and spent most the week hanging out, cooking and trying our best to talk to them and I feel like it was a really great way to immerse yourself in the culture and language of the country. I think that it set a standard for what we thought the other home stays in China and Cambodia would be like, and I at least was disappointed when we really only slept and ate at the other two, spending most of our time away from them doing other things. This is something that I know will come through time and trial and error, and that is the service projects. We had some fantastic service projects dont get me wrong; building a watering hole for elephants in the forests of rural Thailand, spending time at migrant village schools in Kunming, China, hanging out with kids at the Friendship Village in Vietnam and assembling and installing water filters in a village in Cambodia, but still I feel like they can be elevated to the next level. We did some other service projects as well, and as a whole I feel like we didn't have the most personal, long lasting impact that I had hoped. The service projects were really great as I said, I did enjoy them and meeting local people and playing with the local kids, but I think that the service projects could be slightly better.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

e pluribus unum

Among the many exciting activities and service projects we took part in over the course of the trip, one of my favorites was the long and exhausting hike to Tiger Leaping Gorge. At the end of the hike, there awaiting us was a beautiful lodge and restaurant. There we spent two nights enjoying the scenery, great weather, and hiking trails around the hotel. One of my favorite memories during those few days overlooking the gorge was when many members of the group and I stayed up one night to watch a meteor shower. Shooting stars illuminated the sky while we bonded and stayed up all night talking. T'was a great, special night.

What would you improve about this program?
I think this program could be improved by incorporating more service learning projects and less tourism activities. During the service projects we were able to integrate with the local communities and learn more about their culture and way of life. I believe this is where the valuable lessons about culture are truly found.
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Such an amazing experience!

I came in with high expectations and every one of them was met! I met so many great people within the group and along the way. I loved being able to learn so much about cultures that I knew so little about beforehand. We fully deleted into all the communities that we became a part of, no matter how long we were there. the trip was a good mix of education, service, and tourism. I would highly recommend ARCC to anyone who is looking for a heavily group based trip.

59 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Clean Water Project

Loved all of the service projects, but working on the water filters in Cambodia not only helped the locals get clean water, but taught me to appreciate the importance of having clean water. The locals appreciated the filters so much and knowing that all the children would be able to drink cleaner water made me feel so good.

What would you improve about this program?
Waivers beforehand to ride motorcycles because that was a big part of the culture that we didn't get to experience. Also drinking should be allowed because it is legal and culturally insensitive.
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Birthday to Remember

One of my favorite experiences of my entire Gap Semester came in Chambok, Cambodia. Chambok is a small, rural village that sustains itself by offering homestays with local families. At first we were nervous about our three day stay, as there was no electricity or plumbing. But shortly after arriving, we realized what an amazing cultural and once in a lifetime experience it truly was. We hiked to an amazing nearby waterfall, swam in rivers, made rice noodles and bamboo sticky rice, learned traditional Khmer dances, spotted shooting stars, and even spent time with 6 adorable newborn puppies! My 18th birthday happened to fall over our three day stay, and I was able to start the day meditating with monks at the nearby monastery. That night, our wonderful hosts made me a traditional Khmer cake baked inside of a pumpkin. It was the most amazing birthday I could have ever hoped for.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish we spent more time exploring Vietnam. Most of our time was in Hanoi.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ARCC is life changing!

Travel is more than just seeing new parts of the world; travel is exploring yourself. Upon my arrival back into my contained, traditional American life, I had the realization that all I had done these past three months had altered the way I see everything around me. I eagerly share stories and experiences whenever appropriate only to be disappointed by the neutral response of "wow - that's pretty neat." Inside jokes are followed by confused stares, my 20 minute long synopsis about my most emotional experience in the Cambodian killing fields only warrants a quick 5 second response, no one understands that when I snap my fingers as others talk, I'm only politely agreeing. Others see and fear not to point out the change in my voice, the new step in my walk, the tan on my skin - what they fail to recongnize is what this all means. These physical changes represent more than just that, they're evidence of the new culture I've adapted to, the confidence I've gained and the hard work I've put forth.

As I try to adapt to American culture that seems so foreign to me, I must keep close to heart the experience I have gained that only a traveler could understand. I have a mother and father in Thailand, I have meditated with a monk. I have a family of 13 dispersed across the country that is in the same boat I am. I've faced discomfort, I've seen things some may only get to see in a documentary. I'm mature, I'm culturally sensitive, I'm educated. I am a world traveler.

What would you improve about this program?
I would love to see more service incorporated. The volunteer work I accomplished was arguably one of the most life changing aspects of the trip. It's debasing to walk away from a project after only being involved for only a week or so!
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great overall

This gap trip has been a really great trip overall. All of the service projects except for one have been really rewarding too. My only qualm with the trip is the no alcohol policy. Drinking with a local group is a great way to experience culture and bond. I've had to turn down so many really fun sounding opportunities because of it. That being said, there was plenty of fun to be had in the trip.

56 people found this review helpful.
Response from ARCC Programs

Peter, thank you for your review and for your appreciation of the service projects and the program as a whole. I'm glad that your experience was so positive in spite of your disagreement with our no tolerance policy. While we can appreciate that at times sharing a drink can foster cross-cultural connections, as an organization we have to balance the benefits of this with the issues created by allowing our students to drink during the program. Again, we are delighted that your overall experience was positive. We appreciate the feedback and we thank you for adhering to our policies.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my life

I decided to take a gap year during my junior year of high school, and then began the search for programs. As soon as I discovered ARCC, I knew there were no other programs like it. Sophia in the office answered my emails immediately about any questions I ever had. The trip itself has been an unbelievable learning experience. My two leaders, Anna and Phil, are knowledgable and passionate about many topics, including the environment, world/US politics, women's rights, and public health. Because of this, my group has many discussions about these points and I have learned more from them than I ever learned in school. I've also become more passionate about these aibjects as well, so it encourages me to learn more and share what I've learned when I go home.
I also enjoy seeing different parts of each country. We get to experience the urban and rural areas, and it's interesting comparing the cultures and customs of the people from each. I love visiting every place on the itinerary because every place is different.
The itinerary is nicely balanced between service projects and travel. Teaching at a Chinese high school, cementing a wall in a Chinese village, building and installing bio-sand water filters, volunteering with victims of Agent Orange, and constructing a pathway at a Cambodian school has taught me valuable skills that I can use the rest of my life, such as patience, communication, and the value of working hard. Visiting museums, walking around the city, and staying in homestays has taught me the rich history and cultures of the countries we visit.
During my three month trip in Asia through ARCC I've grown as a person. I've learned how to stand up for myself, fight for what I believe in, never give up, and so much more. It's the best decision I've ever made, and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything.

What would you improve about this program?
See more rural areas in Vietnam
53 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Yes there were a lot of photo and video opportunities. We had a group go pro that our leaders and members of the group used to capture moments through out the semester.