Multiple Locations +23
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Botswana
  • Costa Rica
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Dominican Republic
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Taiwan
2 - 12 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Dormitory Host Family Hotel


Price Details
Get more for every dollar when you study abroad with CIEE! High school summer abroad programs include Classes, Housing, 3 Meals/Day, All Ground Transportation (Once In-country), Access to Local Phone and WIFI, Cultural Activities and Excursions, Comprehensive Medical and Travel Protection and 24/7 On-site Support.

Scholarship opportunities are available for high school summer abroad programs.

There are no hidden charges or surprises when you arrive!
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation Travel Insurance Wifi
Oct 06, 2021
Jul 10, 2023
95 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Experience summer abroad in one of 30+ amazing worldwide destinations! From studying Spanish in Madrid to Wildlife Conservation in Sydney, from K-Pop in South Korea to Entrepreneurship in Berlin… it's a one-of-a-kind chance to make new friends, LIVE a new culture, immerse yourself in a language and gain real-world skills! Choose from 7 world languages or find a topic in Arts, Business, Social Change and STEM to explore hands-on.

Looking for scholarships to study abroad? CIEE administers the largest high school study abroad scholarship fund in the U.S., awarding $6 million in scholarships every year. These awards are based on academic merit and financial need and can cover between 10% to 100% of high school summer abroad tuition costs.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • 30+ exciting destinations in Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Australia
  • 3 to 4-week long programs with hands-on, interactive lessons in small groups
  • U.S. high school academic learning standards applied to programs
  • Comprehensive safety measures included with tuition, from carefully-vetted accommodations to health insurance
  • College credit available for language programs

Program Reviews

4.91 Rating
based on 35 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.29%
  • 4 rating 2.86%
  • 3 rating 2.86%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.85
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.75
  • Housing 4.55
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 17 - 24 of 35 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Summer

This program was probably the best experience I have encountered thus far– the activities were very fun, the lectures were interesting and engaging, and everyone was so friendly. We went around different cities, which was very surprising to me, but I loved it since I got to see the different cultures from each individual city. I learned more about marine life that can be helpful for me in the future, especially since I am considering studying that in college. I also liked the Portuguese language classes, which I did not appreciate that much at the time of the program. I love learning new languages and it was incorporated very well. The activities were very fun, such as kayaking, going to the beach, and taking surfing lessons, but they also had educational aspects to them! I would 100% do the program again if given the opportunity!

What would you improve about this program?
There could be better lunches that accommodated to specific dietary needs.
68 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Home Away From Home

My trip to Peru was a dream come true. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to travel outside of the United States. I finally got that opportunity summer of 2017. A lot occurred and it seemed like I was not going to go but it all worked out. The family I stayed with and my roommate were the best. We all coexisted and helped each other out. I even learned a little bit of Quechua, their native tongue. This experience was very unique because the session was during the time of their celebration of their virgin and the Peruvians love to party. To future travelers, always make sure you have your keys so that you will not get locked out and be very aware of your surroundings and when visiting the market, know hot to bargain. This trip made me realize how fortunate I am to live where I do and have the things that I have. Life is different in Peru, but it is also an experience that you will never forget.

What would you improve about this program?
The program can be improved by having only one session because I was a part of the second session where a lot of partying was happening and the environment caused some of the other students to "act out".
61 people found this review helpful.
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Ivana Madeline
Yes, I recommend this program

Swimming to my Doom?

Although, the title sounds a bit crazy, I really thought I was going to die. If you knew me, you would know that I was scared of the ocean and that I had no interest with it whatsoever. I didn't even know how to swim! To this day, it still amazes me and everyone else that I actually had the courage enough to be on this study abroad experience. I met so many people from all over the nation and learned our differences and similarities. Although, the world fits so many people, I have learned that the world is not so big after all. Everyone including the leaders have taught me how to swim and how to overcome my fears of the big ocean and amazing marine life down below. Everyone on the trip was very nice and humble enough to make sure that I was safe and having fun. One of my favorite memories was my first time kayaking on the Atlantic Ocean while collecting plankton samples for the lab we had later on that day. I remember kayaking so hard and strenuous and being confused as to why I was so slow compared to everyone else, until someone pointed out that I was the only kayak that had a net tied to the back collecting plankton samples. I really thought I just had weak arms, but now I know the cause of my lack of speed, I immediately thought I was so cool. This trip has taught me that the ocean is not our trash can and we as citizens of the Earth should prevent plastic pollution from going into the waters where it can eventually and potentially kill life. I have brought all my skills in Portugal and brought it back home in California to apply to my lifestyle and educate others about ocean conservation + sustainability. Future participants should know that this trip was always "on the go" and that we were always surrounded by nature. Backpacking is often placed in the schedule, so be sure to be smart with what you bring in your backpack during the days when you do go backpacking! More importantly, always drink water and sunscreen. ALWAYS!

What would you improve about this program?
It was strange that we did not interact with water as much as we thought. I hope that in the future, the programs will include more time with the water such as snorkeling, kayaking, scuba diving, etc. This will ensure students to learn more about marine life and how they can do to conserve them!
70 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


CIEE is a wonderful program that works hard to make sure every participant feels satisfied with their experience and become true global navigators. The staff members were as eager and excited as the students and CIEE did a really good job of matching students with their home families. I personally fell in love with my home stay family and I plan to visit frequently in the future. In addition, I made amazing friends that live throughout the United States and we are in contact till this day. CIEE not only makes sure that it's participants feel safe and comfortable throughout their trip, but they also make sure participants experience a diverse set of activities, all which help them understand the culture of Chile. My experience was amazing and I felt like I was part of a new family.

What would you improve about this program?
I think one improvement could be perhaps working on bettering the communication between CIEE and participants before the trip. CIEE assigns online assignments to all participants prior to the trip to make sure everyone feels comfortable transitioning, however I think CIEE should offer a section on what to bring to Chile and how to prepare for the activities.
70 people found this review helpful.
Response from CIEE Global Navigator

Hi Giselle, thank you for your review. We’re so glad you enjoyed your summer program with us! Your feedback is very important and helps us improve our students’ experiences abroad. Typically, CIEE provides a site-specific packing list and a schedule of available activities for every program prior to departure. We will assess any updates to make sure the material we provide is crystal clear!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Service In Santo Domingo

This program brought some of the best weeks of my life.
I was deeply well prepared by an educational program CIEE has you take before attending the program and got to know the people in my group really well.
There was a great balance between volunteer work time, tourist activities, and social time planned for each us all.
My host family was very kind, the maid always helped clean our rooms so that made life 10X better, and we always had breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared it was always beyond delicious.
We would usually spend the morning in service, and then do something related to tourism or exploring the area in the afternoon, or take Spanish classes.
We went to a local school to play sports with kids, and really just have fun with them. It was really interesting to see differences in countries with the school system.
The best part of the trip was the three - day excursion where we went to kind of a resort like area and we had our own cabin rooms that were super beautiful. We had little waterfall pools by us all and there were horses everywhere! We got to go hiking, and see an area that Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed at. We got to help plant trees and chill at the beautiful beach. I remember going to places with little mini tiki huts, and hammocks, it was absolutely beautiful.
The trip was so fun, helping the kids out and playing with them was beyond an adventure, and I remember how I learned so much more about the world just by being in a different country. It was an absolute gift and an experience I'll never forget.
If you're looking to volunteer, grow, learn more about the world, life, and meet incredible people looking for more experiences, I 10/10 reccomend.
This was an amazing experience in my life that I am beyond grateful for, and I hope that you get to experience this too.
Post program, I was more driven to travel in the future because I now know how beautiful, fun, and fulfilling it can be. I now value a lot of things that are in the US that many countries don't have like AC in most buildings, and clean drinking water.
Some useful tips if you decide to go
1) Don't come in with expectations and be prepared for a whole different way of living
2) Sometimes the showers only have cold water
3) Their are A LOT of bugs in Santo Domingo
4) Be prepared to be around people a lot and try your best to socialize to have a fuller experience
5) If you try everything, you won't regret it! You have to get out of your comfort zone or else you're not going to be truly happy
6) Things on this trip WILL NOT GO perfect. If you complain, you'll only make it worse. If you accept it, and do what you can about the situation than life will be 10X better for you
7) Allow yourself to have more fun on this trip!!

What would you improve about this program?
I would say to have more volunteer activities that we can do that make a bigger impact. Playing sports with the kids was fun, but how can we do even more for them?
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best summers I had had

This was a delightful summer to grow and improve my knowledge in Leadership. All lessons were led by professional lecturers and there was a lot of practical tasks. For example, we had to work with Portland baseball team, analyze their image and make suggestions to improve the game experience. There was enough support provided to ensure quality work and fun experience. The facilities were amazing with locally cooked buffet meals, gym, beautiful Maine scenery. Overall, it was one of the best summers I had had.

64 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience Abroad

During my time in Santiago, Dominican Republic was AMAZING. I grew so much from there, not only did the children I mentored learned something from me but I always learned something from them. I took what I learned and applied it to my everyday life. Having GREAT program leaders also contributed to my trip, there was never a dull moment while with then and I felt quite comfortable with them and the people who travel with me were great, I still keep in contact with them and soon will visit them. While study Abroad, I got the chance to volunteer, learn about the culture and language, interact with the citizen and travel on excursions! One of the best parts that made feel right at home was staying with an host family, scared right? The total opposite, my host family was so welcoming I felt right at home, we cooked together, watched tv togther, and ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner togther, which gave me the tile to get to know them! I don’t think I would ever chose a difference program other than CIEE to travel abroad with, I felt really safe and the experience was GREAT!

What would you improve about this program?
Make some programs longer !!
69 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Botswana Review

My experience was unique because of the people I had the pleasure of meeting and befriending. Some advice I'd have for future participants is to prepare for your host family experiences more. This has impacted my life post-program by giving me new connections across the country and across the globe and by influencing my choice in major (I've chosen Environmental Analysis) in college. My favorite memories are at the campsites with my friends. It was a really great group of people because everyone is passionate about the focus of the trip, conservation/ecology and are adventurous and excited. Some more specific memories are going to the mall with my host family, early morning safaris and exploring with my friends.

What would you improve about this program?
More bonding time or activities!
58 people found this review helpful.

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