  • Costa Rica
1 - 2 weeks
Need-based funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Tuition is all-inclusive, with the exception of airfare to and from Costa Rica and suggesting "spending money" for souvenirs and emergencies. In addition to lodging, meals, and activities, tuition also includes pre- and post-program support; a 24/7 hotline while programs are in session; a post-program photo album; a certificate confirming community service hours, and more.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

24/7 Emergency Hotline
Medical insurance

What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance
Oct 27, 2023
Dec 12, 2023
75 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Join us in Costa Rica, one of the most astounding collections of ecosystems and cultures on the planet!

This 10-day service learning adventure is designed for new travelers and seasoned explorers looking to dive deep into Tico culture. Live in a tight-knit beachside community in the Guanacaste region as you work alongside local organizations to make improvements to infrastructure and assist with ongoing environmental initiatives. Learn about Costa Rica, and about yourself, through leadership activities, local speakers and cultural workshops. You'll also have the opportunity to take full advantage of this country's incredible natural beauty: enjoy peaceful beaches, lively jungle and vibrant undersea ecosystems.

Service Hours: 20
Program Theme: Leadership & Exploration

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Lend a hand on projects that support community development as well as conservation initiatives
  • Get your blood pumping with river tubing and zipline excursions
  • Learn about ocean ecology as you snorkel among brightly colored fish
  • Cook--and eat!--local dishes and learn to salsa dance
  • Practice your Spanish with native speakers or learn the basics in orientation

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 81 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.59%
  • 4 rating 6.17%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 1.23%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.85
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 4.95
  • Program Selection 4.85
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 4.5
  • Value 5
Showing 65 - 72 of 81 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Protecting the Pacific: 2014

I participated in the Costa Rica Protecting the Pacific program in August of 2014. This experience not only allowed me to participate in meaningful humanitarian work, but also allowed me to immerse myself in the unique atmosphere of Costa Rica. The program was the correct combination of enriching volunteer work and exciting immersions into the Costa Rican community. We stayed at an eco-hotel (Canto de Ballenas) that was more than sufficient in meeting our needs. Although initial difficulties arose in adjusting to the absence of technology, we quickly embraced the idea of opening ourselves up to our surroundings.

The days consisted of 3-4 hours of volunteer work and 2-3 hours of activities. Our volunteer work consisted of building 2 filtration systems for for the Bahia Ballena National Park. We were assisted by dedicated community members who work tirelessly in order to improve the sustainability of their town. The work was physically demanding, but we were extremely satisfied when we saw the final product. While we weren't volunteering, we engaged in numerous activities that highlighted the beauty of the region. We went on a zip-lining tour through the canopies of the Osa peninsula, played soccer with the local school children, participated in a boat tour in which we saw animals such as turtles and dolphins, creatures that make up the backbone of Costa Rica's marine ecosystem.

The program coordinators were exceptional in dealing with any difficulties that arose during the program. They were understanding of difficulties and were effective in dissolving any issues that arose.

My experience with Global Leadership Adventures was nothing short of amazing, and I would not hesitate to recommend the program to anybody willing to participate in an enriching, worldly experience.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing about the program, it would be the price. I was able to pay for the program because I had saved up funds for about 6 months working at my local tennis center. Global Leadership Adventures do also run excellent fund raising programs that will allow students who do not necessarily have the financial means to participate to pay for their trip.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Adventure

GLA was without a doubt, one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I began the program ignorant of life outside of the the United States and completely oblivious to the lifestyle and beautiful culture that Costa Rica exuded. Everyday, I woke up to my three roommates (now, I prefer the term sisters) and hurried into a small shower in our petite, wooden cabin. The living conditions were by no means luxurious or sumptuous, but they more than enough to sustain us for the preceding three weeks. We prepared for a work day, and headed downstairs, where a deliciously classic Costa Rican dish was prepared--rice and beans with sausage. Afterwards, we all headed to San Bernado, a small town where we planned to work on cementing a new sidewalk and painting tires to make a children's playground. Through the arduous work and the beating sun, I was able to truly bond with not only my fellow volunteers, but also all the people in the community. I was able to exercise and practice my Spanish with the young girls from the local community, who incessantly hugged me and made me feel like a part of their society. Aside from the work, I also learned a lot about the importance of the environment and the significance of water conservation. GLA Costa Rica's Spanish Service Adventure gave me a memorable experience filled with work, excursions, and new relationships but also taught me lessons that I intend on teaching to others in my community.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change anything about this program, I would incorporate a lot more Spanish into the program. I came into the program intending to learn more about conversational Spanish and learning to have a more fluid conversation with my peers, the staff, and the community. Instead, we had Spanish classes (which were nonetheless helpful) but that is something I can easily get in school. I would have rather spent that team exercising my speaking skills by forcing us to only speak Spanish in that time.
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Unforgettable Experience

Over the summer I attended Global Leadership Adventures two week Empowering Rainforest Communities program. It truly was one of the most memorable and life changing experiences of my life. I know it is cliche and that you have read hundreds of reviews saying the same thing, and I felt the same way too. Like how good can this program really be? But after my two weeks in Costa Rica I can honestly say that the program met and exceeded all of my expectations. The way the program is organized provides for the ultimate amount of cultural immersion and fun social experiences. Everyday you wake up, eat breakfast, and then go off to do your designated service in the local communities. The service could possibly have been the highlight of my trip. As a student you are immersed in the local culture and get to meet people of a completely different lifestyle of your own. But what you learn to realize is that they are not much different from you. It is one of the coolest and most eye opening realizations you will ever experience. Throughout the trip's duration Global Leadership Adventures sprinkles in fun activities that allow you to explore this brand new country. For example during my trip, we got to swim and hike along a river littered with waterfalls, climb up to the crater of a volcano, and relax in Costa Rica's natural hot springs. As far as safety goes I understand that it is a huge part when choosing a program to volunteer abroad with, specifically from the parent's point of view. But Global Leadership Adventures does a great job in providing clean housing and transportation and you are always with a counselor or your program director. There was not one time I felt uneasy during this trip. Volunteering abroad sparked my interest in travel and cultural immersion and has inspired me to make a change in my own life and strive to help others make that change as well and I have Global Leadership Adventures to thank for that. I would highly recommend this program to any perspective students.

What would you improve about this program?
The program is a little bit pricy, but it is definitely worth the amount of money you spend.
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Yes, I recommend this program


The summer of 2014 I went to Costa Rica for 2 weeks. I had the time of my life. Volunteering everyday enhanced my leadership skills, working with others I made so many friends, and the adventures I will never forget. From the second I stepped off of the plane and found my mentor I felt safe. The social environment that I was surrounded by was so fun and positive! I volunteered everyday and seriously wouldn't have changed that for a thing! I also got to have fun experiences hiking, zip lining, going to a waterfall, kayaking through a mangrove, surf, and way more! While in Costa Rica I also had the amazing opportunity to learn about the environment, people, life lessons, about myself!!!! It is just amazing how much of an impact this trip had on my life! There was never a dull moment. In our free time we played games that I wish I could continue to play back in my hometown (it just wouldn't be the same). In downtime you also learn about your peers and connect with everyone! I wish I could have stayed longer than 2 weeks!

I highly recommend this trip to all teens!

What would you improve about this program?
Yeah it is expensive, but you pay for what you get and what you get is a life changing experience!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Protecting the Pacific: an Unforgettable Experience

I initially signed up for a trip with Global Leadership Adventures because I was so shy that I was afraid to going places without people I knew, and I wanted to change that. When I met the other students traveling to Costa Rica my shyness dissipated. All the students on my trip were genuine and open to learning about a new culture. When we landed in Costa Rica two mentors were right there waiting for us with a sign. Later we met the other mentors, and it was quite apparent that all the mentors loved Costa Rica, and wanted to share their love for the country, culture, and people with us. We worked on multiple service projects that immersed us in the community of Bahía Ballena, including beautifying the beaches, building biogardens, playing with school children, and painting murals in the town. The variety of community service exposed me to many different aspects of the Costa Rican culture, and prevented me from ever feeling bored. Being able to see the finished products of our service really showed the positive impact we had on the community. Community members also helped us with our service project, which gave me the opportunity to practice my Spanish. Not everyone on the trip knew Spanish, but we were encouraged to learn and practice it. We also got to do activities like surfing, kayaking, zip lining, hiking, and going to a waterfall. There was a perfect balance between service and excursions. During down time we learned more about the environment and how we could conserve it. We had group discussions, talks with locals, and group presentations on different environmental topics. All these activities broadened my awareness of the impact humans have on the world, and how even little things like turning trash into art would help the environment. At the end of my two weeks in Costa Rica I left with twenty two friends that I felt like I had known all my life. I also left with greater confidence in myself and my ability to overcome my shyness. It was a truly amazing trip that I would recommend for anyone who is looking to have a life changing experience.

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The Experience of a Lifetime

Program Staff: some of the best people I have ever met, the staff are inspiring because they live their lives doing what makes them happy and traveling the world, they have experienced so many different cultures and have so much knowledge to share, they love to do the activities with the students but are also supportive as guides

Facilities: Ecoplaya is a private resort with a large pool connected to a smaller one and two hot tubs, leads right to the beach where it has its own ocean front, view of an island, palm trees and flowers everywhere, a large canopy covers the open dining area, there is a separate meeting house with foosball and ping pong, volleyball net, soccer field with goals, paths for morning runs

Fun: meeting local children and their families, painting, playing soccer and volleyball on the resort, swimming in the pool and ocean on the resort, seeing sunsets, shopping at local stores and markets, visiting a cultural festival in town, dancing lessons, white water tubing, horseback riding, zip-lining, cooking local meals, boat ride to an island, hike up the island to look back down on the resort

Safety: 5-Point Safety System, clean tap water, additional water provided at all times in lobby, 3 meals a day with snacks, mentors have phones that allow students to call home during trip if necessary, all students call upon arriving, each plane has a GLA mentor on it, students meet other mentors upon arrival, same GLA cars stay with program throughout the trip, mentors are present whenever someone is swimming or leaving resort, mentors keep passports during stay, safes in room, locked doors at night, helmets/protective gear for horseback riding/tubing/zip-lining

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Safe & Life-Changing

Last summer I traveled with GLA to Costa Rica and it was the most incredible experience of my life. I met so many inspiring people and I I strongly believe I can change the world. I felt so safe traveling with them, I was always around staff from the minuet I stepped on the plane until I got off. I would recommend this program to be the best for anyone interested in service travel.

What would you improve about this program?
Longer! I wish I have more time!
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Life-changing Experience

My trip to Costa Rica with Global Leadership Adventures was amazing. I was nervous first going there because I had never traveled alone to another country, and I spoke almost no Spanish. But from the moment I landed I felt very safe and my nerves went away. The counselors were very responsible and helpful, they taught us useful phrases and told us things that we should know, about the culture and where we were staying. I loved not knowing anybody going on the trip it was nice to meet new people from all over the world who shared common interests with me. This program has a great balance between service work and activities. Helping out the community and seeing the local people's positive reactions to our work was such a powerful feeling. It was important to me to feel be immersed in the culture, and to feel like I was a part of the community for the time I was there. We were at a local elementary school building a bio garden for our service work and also did things like beach clean ups. There were a few times where it rained and our counselors told us we had to stop working, but my group was incredibly motivated to get everything we could done and tried to stay as much as we could. It wasn't all hard work, we did fun activities too. That included things like zip lining, surfing, snorkeling, and going on hikes to waterfalls. We even played a soccer game against local people from the town! It was nice to have those fun things to do after working. We also did a lot of learning on my trip and would have things at night like watching videos or reading articles which led to great discussions among the group. This trip changed my perspective on the world and made me realize what my interests are and what I want to pursue after high school. I discovered a passion for environmental issues and learning about conservation. Although I was fine without knowing lots of Spanish, due to help from counselors and other students on the trip, I decided to switch from French to Spanish because I realized how much I wanted to travel to underdeveloped countries and do what I could to help. I loved this trip so much that I signed up for a joint program this summer to the Dominican Republic and the Galapagos. I can't recommend this program enough!!

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Questions & Answers

This program is incredible! I was able to attend it this past summer and it gave me a whole new perspective. Some tips on saving up for the trip is to start a "Go fund me" account and asking relatives to donate money toward that for birthdays or other holidays instead of giving gifts. Also, I've started putting half of my pay checks into a savings account, which adds up really quickly! If you have...

While in Costa Rica, I felt extremely safe and so did everyone in my group! We were immediately welcomed into the country by our mentors and we found them easily after getting off the plane. In both of the places we stayed, everyone was extremely friendly and confident in what they were doing. Our trip was well planned and organized as well. I never doubted that I was safe which allowed me (and...

In my program, there were 14 girls. Although I was initially worried that there were only girls in my group, it made the trip even better! We had an amazing dynamic and all of us immediately bonded. By the end of the trip, it felt as if I had known those girls my entire life -- not just two weeks. We felt like sisters and there were many tears when we said goodbye. However, we still talk almost...

In Spanish and Service in the Osa we rotated through different projects. We painted the bleachers, helped dig the foundation for a basketball court, organize their library, help to brighten up and plant in their school's garden, and my personal favorite paint a large map of the world (as most of their maps were a little outdated). Not even the overwhelming heat could bring us down we were having...