  • France
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details



Starting Price
Dec 19, 2023
Nov 22, 2023
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About Program

In 2003 Travel for Teens was born with its first trips to France! Join us this summer to the country that started it all and learn why France is a TFT favorite! From its charming cafés to its rich art scene, the country is truly spectacular! Whether you crave a visit to Paris for its fashion, art, and architecture, or a more laid-back trip to the exclusive French Riviera, our French trips encompass it all!

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Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
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  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.9
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 16 of 16 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

Entering my freshman year of high school, I elected to take French to fulfill my language graduation requirement. In a short amount of time, French quickly became one of my favorite classes and something I was extremely passionate about. I wanted to learn more outside the classroom, I wanted to experience France instead of just reading about it in textbooks. However, I knew I wouldn’t be able to experience what I craved if I travelled with my family. I wanted to travel with French speakers, and to feel fully emersed in the culture. So, my parents found TFT and signed me up for the 22 day language trip in Paris and Nice. It was without a doubt the best decision we made.
I met an amazing group of kids who all came from different experiences and backgrounds. I was able to meet students who I wouldn’t usually be friends with, and because of that they became some of my greatest friends. Through bonding over our different hometowns and states, we all came together to experience our common passion for traveling. While traveling around France, every single member of our group became close. Not only that but our counselors were exceptional. I still keep my counselors updated with my experiences and travels two years later. Both of my counselors spoke French and were able to help me expand my knowledge.
This TFT trip was without a doubt the most amazing experience I have ever had. It has inspired my future studying abroad in France, and my desire to study French in college.
If you are considering doing a trip with this program, coming from a shy-at-first girl, you should without a doubt sign up as it will be a life changing experience.

What would you improve about this program?
This sounds cliche, but it honestly can't. Everything about this experience was amazing, and I wouldn't change a thing.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel For Teens: French Language

I am going on my third TFT trip this year, and I cannot wait! My first two trips were amazing; I learned so much about the countries and met so many people! On my trips to France and South Africa, the counselors knew so much about the countries, making the experiences even more meaningful. Being immersed into the culture through morning French classes and afternoon adventures around Paris, I learned so much about the French culture and country, while improving my french. The optional excursions to Giverny and Disneyland Paris added even more to the experience and are definitely worth it. Since I am not that interested in art, I was hesitant to go on the trip Giverny, expecting to learn about just another artist, but by seeing Monet’s inspiration firsthand, it heightened my appreciation for his work and gave so much meaning to paintings that I had never recognized before. This was my first TFT trip (and I had only been planning on doing the one) but as soon as I got home feeling more confident than ever before after the best summer of my life, I knew I had to go on another trip the next summer!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

One summer with Travel for Teens and BAM, you're life will instantly transform. (Mine did!) Before my first TFT trip, like most people, I lived for summer vacation. Being able to just sit back, relax and not worry about school work. But I was missing something. I was missing the sense of doing something. How can you expand your worldview, meet awesome new friends, maybe even learn a language while you're just sitting at home doing nothing. For some, this may be ok, but for me, I needed more. My first TFT trip was to France, where I went to language school in Paris and then "vacationed" in Nice. While only three weeks of my life, this experienced changed me forever. I made bonds with peers I will keep forever and experiences that will live with me for the rest of my life. Culture that gives me a broader understanding of life that will guide me until the day I die. Not to mention having TONS of fun and two INCREDIBLY AWESOME counselors!!!! Last summer, I went on a second trip, this time to the U.K., where I had the same super-positive reactions. All in all, for an enriching and exciting summer that will positively change your life forever while providing some good, old fashioned fun...look no further than TFT. With so many trips to all sorts of crazy, wild destinations, there's bound to be something for everyone. Feeling adventurous, TFT has a trip for you. Want to interact with locals in a way you never could have without an experienced, practically local person right at your side? Check. Want some great food????? OF COURSE TFT's got that, too!!
So, if you want a summer filed with jam packed, pure awesomeness, GO TFT!

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe a little longer
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Yes, I recommend this program

A True Escape: TFT Barcelona & Paris

I was standing on top of Gaudi’s La Pedrera looking in awe at the city in front of me. The skyline was one like no other. Glancing to my right I saw my Travel for Teens counselors watching all of the Barcelona and Paris program participants making sure that they were happy, safe, and one with the city. Turning back to the view it felt like time had stopped: no distractions, only the view holding my absolute attention. Being one of the first days in Barcelona, Spain, I was fully prepared for the trip ahead of me. The sites, smells, and activities were yet to be experienced. The Spanish culture was one that I had never experienced before and I was excited for the journey ahead.
After the conclusion of the program, I realize now how lucky I am to have chosen such a trip. It opened my eyes to what the true meaning of life is: to live in the present. Do all that you can in the day and live like it is your last. Take all opportunities available and live your life. The TFT Barcelona and Paris trip allowed me to do this by shaking me into reality and showing me how important traveling is and the growth of knowledge for other cultures.

What would you improve about this program?
The Travel for Teens Barcelona and Paris trip was phenomenal with its tasty treats, evening strolls, and cultural immersion. However, one thing that I would change would be the free time. On this trip I did not feel as if the participants were allowed to explore on their own as much due to the tightly packed day. If I could change one thing I would add some optional free time either in the early morning or late afternoon for those interested in exploring more.
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Travel for Teens: France Language

This trip was by far the highlight of my summer. Traveling is always fun, but I think the experience is really built by the people you travel with. In this case, the counselors made my trip one of the best experiences of my life. They were so kind, funny, and relatable. Instead of being distant, they were willing to truly get to know the kids on the trip. My favorite memories revolve around the counselors and their hilarious stories. Whether it was hearing about one counselor's time in the Peace Corps in Cameroon or learning about another's experiences in the 26 countries she has visited, we were always entertained. I remember laughing for hours on our train ride to Nice as our counselor told us about her interesting times working at a school in Cameroon and getting to see pictures from another counselor's trip to Japan. The way she spoke about her travels made me want to keep traveling. I am now signed up for two more Travel for Teens trips for this upcoming summer, one of which is the Japan trip she spoke so passionately about.
Another thing that I really appreciated about the Travel for Teens counselors was that every night they would email all of the parents and students with a detailed description of what we did that day. My parents raved about how much they loved having this information, and they claim that they lived vicariously through me over the summer because of my counselor's emails. One of my counselors was an incredible photographer, and she was so dedicated to making sure we had pictures to remember our experience. She would update the pictures nightly, and whenever I talked to my parents they would tell me how much they loved having the pictures to look at along with the emails. They enjoyed being able to read about the places we visited (my counselor included some historical background) and see pictures of them as well.
I think that this France trip was very unique in that we got to truly understand and immerse ourselves in the culture of Paris. Having 18 days in the city allowed us to not only see the usual tourist sites, but we also got to visit smaller museums and really live like Parisians. I felt completely comfortable and safe on my trip, and I gained so much confidence as a person and as a traveler because of my Travel for Teens experience.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked some more time in the South of France. We were so immersed in the culture of Paris, but we didn't have enough time to have that kind of experience in Nice.
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It was Fun

I want to start off with, I had a great time sightseeing and enjoying the weather. The actual Paris and Nice part of the trip was fantastic. The trip had a couple of flaws here and there due to the fact that half of the trip had been in Paris for two weeks prior to our arrival. However, that didn't stop me from making friends with them. The trip did not completely go by the schedule, but that is also a good thing. It was like we got the true backpacking experience.

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Amazing trip!

I went on the Paris Photography trip this past summer and I had the best time ever. I was pretty new to photography when I signed up, and I had just bought a DSLR camera. I knew, as soon as I met the trip leaders that I would be an expert photographer by the end of those 10 days. I learned more about photography and my camera on this trip than I did in my photography class in school! The trip leaders were all experienced photographers who each showed us their style. Every morning, we would look over the best photos from the day before as well as discussing the topic for that day. We would then put our information to the test at the most iconic Paris landmarks. The pictures I have from this trip, along with the amazing friends I made, will last me a lifetime! I cannot wait to do another TFT trip next summer!

What would you improve about this program?
I would not want to change this trip at all.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Travel for Teens

When I first told people that I would be going to Europe with a group of people I never met before they thought I was crazy. I admit it is an intimidating situation when you are on your way to an airport to fly halfway across the world with a group of strangers, but by the time I arrived at the hotel in Amsterdam I felt like I had known my group for my entire life, and they became my family for two weeks. It is an amazing opportunity to explore a foreign continent with people who share the same enthusiasm for traveling as you do. From the Vincent Van Gogh museum to the Eiffel Tower, I was able to experience three different cultures in a distance smaller than my own home state.

I have traveled to with TFT for the past three summers. I first traveled with TFT the summer after my sophomore year of high school and immediately fell in love with everything: the countries, the food, the people, my fellow campers, and my counselors. It was my first time aboard and I couldn't have imagined a better way to be exposed.

While on the trips campers will be able to see the country with people who are experts on the area. Many of the counselors are college students who have studied aboard in the area you are visiting, and also speak the native language. The age difference between camper and counselor is perfect. There is a large enough gap that you can look up to them, but small enough that you could have relaxed and friendly relationship. I can say with a doubt that all of my counselors are the most interesting people I have ever met, and they have greatly influenced the path that I plan on taking in college. They are amazing people who work extremely hard to ensure that all TFT campers have the best experience possible.
While in the foreign countries campers will stay in safe, clean hotels. Although they may not be what campers are use to it's nothing to worry about since you will only be sleeping and showering there. All meals are paid for with cost, so there is no need to worry about paying for food, which is convenient and a relief (and so all your spending money can be spent on souvenirs!). The restaurants that you eat at will vary, but the food is always AMAZING, you will never be hungry.

The advantage of going with TFT is that you are traveling with experts who have gone through the areas you visit before. You always get to travel with amazing people who you would most likely never meet otherwise.

I will never be able to thank Travel for Teens enough for the remarkable, eye opening opportunity they have given me. My counselors did everything they could to ensure that my trip was everything I could ever hope for, and more. It was without a doubt the best time of my life, and certainly one I will never forget. The life changing adventure that TFT offers is one that every teenager should experience. I am looking forward to spending another incredible summer with TFT this year.

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Questions & Answers

My favorite part of the TFT Barcelona and Paris trip was how it opened my eyes to what the true meaning of life is: to live in the present. Do all that you can in the day and live like it is your last. Take all opportunities available and be happy. The TFT Barcelona Extension allowed me to do this by shaking me into reality and showing me how important traveling is and the growth of knowledge for...

On the TFT Barcelona and Paris trip the program covered all meals and accommodations during the trip except for lunch!