  • Italy
    • Sicily
1 - 2 weeks
Program Categories
Adventure Travel

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Starting Price
Jan 16, 2020
Nov 10, 2019
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About Program

Participate in a fantastic service and travel program with Travel for Teens! Spend your next summer break abroad volunteering in Sicily, helping at a community center with reconstruction projects, tending olive trees, and engaging in cultural exchange with children. Go on exciting day trips to explore the Sicilian coast and hike up Mt. Etna. Immerse yourself in the Sicilian culture as you stay with a host family and experience the local way of life. Explore Sicily while earning up to 40 hours of community service!

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Sicily Discovery and Service

Live with an Italian host family while you immerse yourself in the country's culture and participate in meaningful service projects.

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 10 reviews
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  • Growth 4.9
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.5
  • Housing 4.5
  • Safety 4.7
Showing 1 - 8 of 10 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best trips I've ever been on

"Travelling to Sicily was an unforgettable experience. Not only did I create close friendships during my journey, but I got to have delicious food and experience unmatched natural beauty. The boating trip in the Mediterranean and the hike up Mount Etna was incredible and one of the best hikes I've ever been on. I was completely immersed in the culture as well. I attended a baptism of one of our host family’s daughters, and a fun reception afterward. I’m proud of the community service we put in to help our host family build a path to the meditation and prayer area at their home. My TFT trip to Sicily was a life-changing experience. I would definitely recommend TFT to all prospective travellers, especially those who want to make a difference.

What would you improve about this program?
I would include a visit to Palermo, on the west side.
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Summer in Sicily

My trip with TFT was a wonderful and eye opening experience. We got to go to so of the most incredible places and some truly amazing people. This trip was an fantastic way to spend a summer. We got to meet a wonderful family and live with them for two weeks. Our group got to do some awesome projects with other volunteers. We work on building toy for children in the community and picking lavender in the field near their house. We visited Taormina and got to swim in some of the most beautiful beaches. We also climbed Mount Etna - the largest active volcano in Europe. The views on top of the volcano were breathtaking and completely amazing. We also took trips into Syracuse and Catalina. There we explored the cities and learn their unique histories.

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Sicily Service and Adventure was a amazing mix of fun and service. While your there a phenomenal Sicilian family opens there home to you. They treat you like one of there own and they show you everything they do everyday. You even get to help them do some of there everyday tasks like making food, cleaning and working on little projects! One of the best things you get to do on this trip is bond with the great family they have, all the kids are so adorable and very sweet. This trip really puts you in the life of a Sicilian! Defiantly on of the most amazing trips!!

What would you improve about this program?
It can't its perfect!
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Best Summer in Sicily

This past summer I went on the Sicily Community Service trip. This was my first TFT travel experience and I was so excited. I had been hearing about TFT from my sister who had gone on trips with TFT for the past 2 summers. I didn't really know what to expect being in another country and living on a farm. It was such an extraordinary experience and I fell in love with the host family comprised of a mother, a father, and the 13 kids they were caring for. This family takes in children in need of temporary shelter. It was really rewarding on so many levels. I got to help take care of the children and play with them. I got very close to them. I miss them so much and want to go back and visit. I literally dream about them all the time. On the farm, we also helped to build a pathway to a sanctuary on the top of the hill. It wasn't just all work. Every other day or so, we would travel around exploring beautiful Sicily with our TFT group. I came on the trip with one friend, and left with a dozen new life long friends who I am still in touch with. We bonded while working along side each other as well as when we went on our excursions. My favorite ones were Vendicari Beach and Taormina. On the last day, and one of the biggest highlights of the trip was climbing Mt. Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe. At the top was the most extraordinary view. I had such an incredible experience so I'm already signed up for my next adventure this summer. But, I know I will be back to Sicily!

What would you improve about this program?
I wish this trip was offered for a longer time! I had the best time, and when I had to say bye to the kids, I could not hold back my tears. I wish I could have been with them for longer!
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Sicily Experience

TFT Sicily was an absolutely an incredible journey! This was my second TFT trip, and each one gets better. Overall, it was just an amazing experience. I had traveled internationally before, but I never had done a service trip like this. I am so glad I did it! From the moment we got there, we were met with open arms and smiles. The whole time we were there, I felt like I was visiting family. They were so welcoming and kind. The work was extremely rewarding, too. Each day we came closer and closer to providing a walkway up to (hopefully, in the future) a chapel. It was extremely heartwarming to see how much it meant to the family. My heart truly did ache when I had to leave the family. I felt I had made a small impact in their life by doing as much as I could, but they had made a huge one in mine. I will forever remember and cherish the family and experiences I made in Sicily this past summer. Thank you TFT!!

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A Home Away From Home

The sun, radiating down on an elderly woman and glistening off of her pale blue eyes, showed a glimpse of her appreciation for volunteers. She was a local, watching the Travel for Teens Sicily participants work for the Biancavilla community. Our hard work was rewarded with soft smiles from elders and laughs from children. The locals spoke limited English; however, their facial expressions transcended language barriers and were more meaningful than words.

As a member of the TFT team during the summer of 2015, I spent two weeks living with a Sicilian family. I assisted with many aspects of running the families facility, from farming and household projects, to a cultural exchange of ideas and knowledge.

After cleaning out an abandoned tool shed to use as a donkey barn, or picking pappleechaes off 300 plus trees, the true result of service was not the work itself; instead, it was how the work affected the feelings of others.

Travel for Teens Sicily allowed my desire to help others prosper through the service work, my drive to explore soar through the excursions to Taormina, Catania, and Syracuse, and my personal connection to the world to click through my hike up Mt. Etna.

What would you improve about this program?
The Travel for Teens Sicily program successfully immerses participants into the Sicilian culture while educating them on service skills. These skills are acquired through various activities such as gardening, cooking, cleaning, property development, and assisting local individuals.

During my participation in the summer of 2015, although the service activities were well coordinated throughout the trip between field trips to cities, beaches, and other tourist sites, there tended to be an a lot of free time after the community work.

At times it felt that my companions and I completed projects with such dedication that we ended early. This free time was given to us to relax, prepare for the next activity, or contact friends/family; however, as the trip progressed, this time felt as if it began to pile up. During that free time, I occasionally wandered throughout the property looking for things to do to, hoping to further contribute to assisting the local family.

In order for this program to be improved, I would recommend having more activities available for the program participants either on or off the host family property. These activities could include exploring the local community, interacting with neighbors, or participating in more service activities.
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The Trip That Will Change Anyone

When you first step away from your parents at the airport, it's hard to expect what this trip will do to you. In that moment all you can think about is who much you'll miss your family and friends. By the end if this trip, you feel the same way about the beautiful people who've met in Sicily. A trip to a foreign country can be scary without your family and with people you've never met before. Staying in a completely different atmosphere than you're used to the first is the most terrifying thing you can do, although admittedly the first night everyone is so sleepy they just collapse on to the bed and sleep. For a little while, you're still nervous and protective about letting people in. Eventually, you let all these amazing people in because in some kind of way they're much like yourself. 13 days was all it took for me to become attached to the people I met on this trip. The memories we created still play back in my head;late night talks, playing games at the beach, clearing the nature path, and the discussions at the amazing homemade dinner every night. I still miss my two favorite little boys who would tell me they loved me and try to teach me italian so that I could talk to them. I tell many people about the experiences I got to endure such as climbing Mt. Etna or going into the ancient theaters. However, the effects this trip has on people's minds and soul is impossible to explain and can only be experienced. On the last night there we all said goodbye to each with not a dry eye. In some way everyone had an everlasting impact on each person and even as most of us were saying goodbye for a long time, we all knew that we would have an unmistakable bond for with each other for the rest of our lives. From someone who continues to talk to the friends she made on this trip daily, I know that I, and anyone else who's ever had the pleasure of going on this trip, will always miss our Sicilian friends and our American ones as well. We know in our minds that Sicily is always in out hearts.

What would you improve about this program?
The sleeping accommodations could be better, especially the bathroom in the one bedroom. However, it was what was provided and would not be easy to change, so it's perfectly acceptable. More work ethic(get kids to actually put the work in, not just kinda do the work). More freedom to explore.
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Sicilian Impact

It was when I had the opportunity to bundle wood for the winter, paint a beautiful mural, play soccer with the little kids, dine on home cooked Sicilian meals with 30 others all gathered around the table, tour ancient cities, and watch the sunset sink back into the mountains that I learned the most about life and what it means to take chances. Sicily Community Service was the trip of a lifetime and an experience I will never forget. This trip changed me in so many positive ways. I met amazing people, saw incredible places, and got to take part in service that has forever impacted me. This trip gave me the opportunity to be a part of a new culture, it taught me to be flexible and patient, and it showed me how wonderful it is to open up your door to others in need. I am so grateful for the experiences I gained, the friendships I made, and that I was able to make an impact during my time in Sicily.

What would you improve about this program?
I would change the living spaces. For girls, especially, it was really difficult to share one little room with ten people. Because we were all living in the same space for 10 days, everyone started to get sick. It was also very difficult to shower and keep the room clean.

I would have also liked to tour a little more as it made the experience something I will never forget.

Lastly, for the price of the trip, in comparison to the People to People trip I went on, it would have been nice if the meals were all included, even on the days we toured.
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