  • Peru
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details



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Airfare Travel Insurance
Dec 07, 2023
Nov 14, 2022
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About Program

Embracing Peruvian culture and performing meaningful service to help the local communities is what our time in this amazing country is all about. Build valuable connections with Peruvian families as you live like a local in our homestay program. Experience the eclectic mix of cultures as you travel to key parts of Peru, including the mesmerising fabled Incan city of Machu Picchu. Service, culture, incredible sights, and adventure come together to create the perfect Peruvian summer!

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
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  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.9
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 10 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peru Service 2022

From the first moment when I arrived at the airport to the final goodbyes everything was beyond amazing. I could not be more grateful for the incredible group of people that made this experience possible, especially the counselors that made sure we were always having fun and made sure that if there was a problem, they adapted quickly and found the perfect solution. I have gained memories that will last me a lifetime, relationships and bonds that will never be broken. In addition to that I got to enjoy all of Peru’s special areas and really dive into its culture from the small village of Misminay in the mountains to the infamous Machu Picchu. For me the best part was spending a few nights in Misminay to really embrace myself into the culture and the daily lives of the native people. To have been able to experience all of this with complete strangers and meet new people made it all the more special. By the end of the trip it was like we had known each other our whole lives due to the fun and numerous memories we created in that short but magical period of time. Not a minute went by when I wasn’t enjoying myself, including the hard work put in during the community service, because I knew how important it was and how large of an impact it made to the people we helped. Another thing that made it worthwhile was that I got to experience it as myself rather than it being somebody else's experiences. TFT helped and guided me towards picking the correct trip that suited my character and goals, and they could not have picked a better life changing journey. It doesn’t matter if you have traveled on your own before or if your trip with TFT is your first because this trip is an experience that is unique to anything else. I wholeheartedly recommend you contact TFT immediately and get ready to embark on a life changing experience!

  • Well organized and great treatment by staff especially the counselors.
  • Emerged into the Peruvian culture as a member of a host family in their home rather than a tourist in a hotel.
  • Fun and important community service to give back to the people that let us stay in their homes.
  • Trip was too short to discover all of Peru.
62 people found this review helpful.
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Hello Peru!

I participated in three TFT trips while I was in high school, and this repetition shows my love of TFT! I went to South Africa, Peru, and Bali with TFT and I loved how each trip was totally different. I got to experience three completely different cultures and ways of living and partake in insane activities like swimming with great whites (in a safe manner of course). I loved how I got to meet other kids my age who shared the same love of travel and desire to seek discomfort. TFT was an inspiration for me to take a gap year and to continue to fuel my love of travel and push myself out of my comfort zone. I would not be who I am today if I didn’t have TFT!

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This Trip Changed My Life!

Traveling with Travel for Teens was the best choice I had ever made. This trip emerged me into the culture and the people I met were amazing. The entire trip was beautiful. I had a great time staying with host families and meeting locals in Peru. I also got the chance to go to a local school and meet the children. On the trip, we had delicious food including the option to try alpaca and guinea pig! We also got to learn about and make chocolate at one point! Altogether, the trip was so much fun and I will forever be in love with traveling.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
We got the chance to eat guinea pig! Obviously you were not forced to, but it’s a delicacy in Peru, they even have stands with guinea pig kabobs. This was a crazy thing to learn and do, but it was actually so yummy!
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Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

TFT gave me such an incredible opportunity to experience personal growth, meet inspiring people, challenge my comfort zone, and form long lasting bonds with families and students that live across the globe from me. It was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I went on the Peru, Ecuador, and Galapagos service trip that I can honestly say changed my life. From working with local preschoolers, living with host families, and picking up trash from sustainable farms to exploring Machu Picchu and swimming off the shores of beautiful white sand beaches in the Galapagos, I had an unforgettable experience. All the people I had met, both in my travel group and locals, have become dear friends and people I will forever share a special bond with. TFT is one of the most amazing programs I have ever been a part of, and I am sure you will discover the same.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
The only advice I would give is to cherish every moment you have there, make connections, and be vulnerable. As scary as it may seem, that is how I was able to grow a lot and learn so much not only about the culture there, but also about myself. Appreciate where you are and why you're there.
100 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Peru Service and Adventure summer 2018

This past summer (summer 2018) was my second year traveling with Travel For Teens, and my first year as a counselor in training, or CIT. In July, I set off with TFT on Peru Service and Adventure. This was the trip of a lifetime! For 21 days we traveled around the beautiful countryside and immersed ourselves into the rich Incan culture. What I loved about the trip is the equal balance of both the service work and the thrill-seeking. The community service we did for the schools and in the town of Misinay, Peru was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. This portion of the trip is where we got a sense of what life is really like for these people. For a few days, we were a part of the family and community. We were welcomed with open arms and were sent off with the warmest of hugs and heavy hearts. The goodbyes were bittersweet, as we all would miss our host families, but were excited about continuing on our adventure. The other half of the trip was just as inspiring as the first. Being the adrenaline-junky that I am, I was thrilled to go white-water rafting, walk across suspension bridges in the Amazon Rainforest, stand in awe of the beauty of Macchu Picchu, and visit the great floating islands of Lake Titicaca! Everyday was a new adventure and an checkmark off the bucket list! I am so thankful for the opportunity to experience it with TFT, the memories and the friendships that I made will last me a lifetime. Also, for me I had the unique experience of being the CIT for the trip, which gave me insights on what goes on behind the scenes. It was a new level of responsibility that allowed me to bridge the gap between the students and the counselors. I loved this incredible learning experience and it added so much to my trip! Needless to say the trip was an once in a lifetime adventure for me, and Peru now holds a very special place in my heart. All thanks to TFT!

What would you improve about this program?
I don't think there is anything that can be improved upon with this trip, I loved every part of it!
101 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program


In the summer of 2017, I was fortunate enough to embark on TFT’s Peru Service Trip and experience eleven days of wonder and bliss that I will cherish for the rest of my life. From the start, the TFT staff were extremely helpful and well-organized. At each destination I was provided with clean, safe, and comfortable accommodations and each activity was culturally immersive and fun. My counselors really fostered an inclusive and pleasant environment for everyone on the trip. Both counselors exceeded my expectations in every aspect and it truly speaks to the kind of company TFT is! I am happy to say that I am still in contact with everyone from the trip even a year later.

103 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Trip of a lifetime

This past summer (summer 2018) was my second year traveling with Travel For Teens, and my first year as a counselor in training, or CIT. In July, I set off with TFT on Peru Service and Adventure. This was the trip of a lifetime! For 21 days we traveled around the beautiful countryside and immersed ourselves into the rich Incan culture. What I loved about the trip is the equal balance of both the service work and the thrill-seeking. The community service we did for the schools and in the town of Misinay, Peru was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. This portion of the trip is where we got a sense of what life is really like for these people. For a few days, we were a part of the family and community. We were welcomed with open arms and were sent off with the warmest of hugs and heavy hearts. The goodbyes were bittersweet, as we all would miss our host families, but were excited about continuing on our adventure. The other half of the trip was just as inspiring as the first. Being the adrenaline-junky that I am, I was thrilled to go white-water rafting, walk across suspension bridges in the Amazon Rainforest, stand in awe of the beauty of Macchu Picchu, and visit the great floating islands of Lake Titicaca! Everyday was a new adventure and an checkmark off the bucket list! I am so thankful for the opportunity to experience it with TFT, the memories and the friendships that I made will last me a lifetime. Also, for me I had the unique experience of being the CIT for the trip, which gave me insights on what goes on behind the scenes. It was a new level of responsibility that allowed me to bridge the gap between the students and the counselors. I loved this incredible learning experience and it added so much to my trip! Needless to say the trip was an once in a lifetime adventure for me, and Peru now holds a very special place in my heart. All thanks to TFT!

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Peru Service and Discovery

This was my second trip with TFT and it was so fun. I went on this trip because I loved the first trip I did, South Africa service. This trip was amazing because there were so many different experiences. My favorite part of this trip was the home stay we did, this was the part I was most nervous about because I had no idea what to expect. But it was amazing, the hosts were so welcoming and it was something I had never experienced before. It allowed me to see how differently people live. Overall this trip was amazing.

What would you improve about this program?
I would say more service, we did a good amount but when you are there you see how much more you could be doing.
105 people found this review helpful.

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