  • Spain
    • Madrid
    • Granada
    • Córdoba
2 - 4 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Dormitory Host Family Hotel


Starting Price
Price Details
Program fee includes college credit, meals, lodging, all program activities, in-country transportation, health insurance, and experienced group leaders.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

Certificate of completion, Health insurance

What's Not Included
Oct 12, 2023
Aug 14, 2023
11 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Begin your Experiment in Spain’s capital, Madrid, exploring the famous sights, museums, and neighborhoods while trying authentic foods such as paella and pulpo. Take a day trip to Toledo, the “Imperial City,” known for its 2,000+ years of history, before continuing on to the province of Andalucía in southern Spain, where you will dive into intensive Spanish language classes.

Your Spanish language immersion continues with a stay in an Andalusian town, where you will enjoy home-cooked meals and visit local markets, beaches, and cafés with your friends and host family. Experience Spain’s outdoors with activities in beautiful natural landscapes.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

Diverse identities and experiences are essential to intercultural exchange. We are committed to recruiting and supporting participants of the broadest socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and geographic diversity of any high school exchange program in the world.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Diverse identities and experiences are essential to intercultural exchange. We are committed to recruiting and supporting participants of the broadest socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and geographic diversity of any high school exchange program in the world.



Environmental sustainability is a key component of all programs. Participants minimize their environmental footprint by using public transit, eating local food, and participating in community service projects in collaboration with, and according to, the needs of local communities.

Ethical Impact

Social and environmental responsibility is more critical now than ever. We are committed to delivering programs that support and are respectful of the diverse communities and ecosystems that host our programs.

Our programs are developed in close consultation with local and international partners and with a critical understanding of the communities and regions we visit.

Program Highlights

  • Improve your Spanish with language training and daily practice with your homestay family.
  • Learn about the culture and history of Spain through visits to renowned museums and sites, such as Plaza de la Encarnación and the historic Hapsburgs District.
  • Go on language-based excursions throughout the city with the guidance of your local teachers.
  • Explore the surrounding area with your group and enjoy a range of activities, from hiking nature trails to kayaking at a reservoir.
  • Join cultural activities, such as flamenco classes with local teachers and a visit to Alhambra.

Program Reviews

4.91 Rating
based on 23 reviews
  • 5 rating 91.3%
  • 4 rating 8.7%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.6
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 17 - 23 of 23 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

No Pain Spain

This program provided me with a comfortable and encourage setting of kids from all of the US as well as kids from Spain to help improve my language skills as well as explore the culture. The in country leader was fantastic at explaining historical sites and significance to us both in Spanish and in English, allowing us to have a deeper understanding of our surroundings. The homestay portion was for me, as well as many others, was another great highlight of the trip. Personally, the activities done with the host siblings made everyone feel included and allowed us to make unforgettable friendships. A lot of us still have shared group chats to keep in contact with one another.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that caused a little concern were the living conditions in Granada. This included things like not being able to eat outside the cafeteria, the rooms smelling, but these were eventually compromised.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spain 2018

My experience on the Experiment was beyond incredible. Initially, I was extremely hesitant to be immersing myself in such an unfamiliar culture for what seemed to be for such an extensive amount of time, but these emotions quickly faded. The 15 strangers that made up my group turned into my close friends almost instantaneously, and the experiences we shared were beyond compare. From exploring the streets of Madrid and Toledo, to meeting our homestay families in Guadix, to taking language and history classes in Granada, my time in Spain succeeded all my expectations. While I was the most anxious about the homestay portion of the trip, I ended up absolutely loving it. My family was beyond welcoming, and even though the language barrier was difficult to take in at first, I grew more comfortable communicating as time went by. I have so many great memories with my family from Guadix and they were, without a doubt, one the hardest goodbyes. I highly recommend this program, as not only is Spain such an amazing country full of endless culture and beauty, but I also met some of my best friends through this experience.

50 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

I went into this trip with not super high expectations because I was a bit nervous about spending a full month in a different country (my first time in Europe, no less!) and a different language with a group of people I'd never met before. My Experiment group turned out to be some of the coolest, funniest, most loving and wonderful people I've ever had the honor of meeting. They are like my second family. We still keep in touch and talk quite often! The program itself was also amazing! I learned so much about Spain's history and culture. We were able to visit some beautiful museums and see great pieces of art. I loved every second of it. Our homestays were in Granada, and that was a very immersive and interesting experience for us all! I think my Spanish skills improved, my interpersonal skills improved, and I had the best summer of my life (: We also did ceramics, flamenco, and language sessions for 2 weeks in a small town named Guadix. There, I was able to explore the town at night with friends and it was truly magical. To be in a new place and breathe the air and experience life and love and friendship was so incredibly special. Also, my leaders on the trip were super knowledgeable and cool!

My favorite part of the program was the 2 weeks we spent in Guadix because I just felt so much personal growth. In a language class activity, we had to ask locals for directions to a "secret" place (the house of a famous artist) and it was so strange to see strangers stop their day and help a group of Americans to find a seemingly random place. A lady we encountered actually waved to a moving car, motioned for the driver to stop, and asked him if he could help us out. And he did! Incredible.

To future participants: Look at the Spanish sky; it's so unbelievably blue and beautiful. Take those siestas, the naps will do you good. Don't get distracted, focus on being in Spain and truly experiencing it. Make each moment last. Don't be afraid to speak Spanish. Listen to the history lessons and museum guides; Spanish history is one of the richest and most fascinating in the world! And last but not least, have fun!

What would you improve about this program?
Spending some time in Barcelona would be incredible!
45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life changing opportunity!

I learned a lot and grew as an individual by traveling abroad to Spain through the Experiment. The group leaders, host families, and coordinators made this trip especially memorable for me. I not only learned more about myself and how independent I was traveling to another country, but I also was able to strengthen my Spanish skills greatly. This was an experience that I'll cherish and I'll never forget.

41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unique Experience

The memories I made while abroad with the Experiment program are some that I will treasure for my entire life. The year leading up to this past summer was my first year taking legitimate Spanish and my excitement in the classroom stayed with me when I went abroad. My home stay situation was not what I expected, but it made my experience all the better. My host family made my integration into a new country flawless, and provided me with a sense of belonging. With them I was able to grow as a person academically, and mentally. The month I spent in Spain has impacted my life in so many ways, and I am grateful I had the opportunity to go.

42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Las Maravillas de España

The few days before the others on my program and I would inevitably meet at the airport to travel to Spain, I was overwhelmed with nerves. I kept wondering: what was in store in the upcoming month? As soon as I met my leaders and peers, my jitters instantly melted away. The leaders made me feel so incredibly welcome and comfortable. Our group would soon turn into a family by the end of the month. Not only was my group amazing, but so were all the planned activities that we did together. I can't even name all of the fun activities that we did! We went on a graffiti scavenger hunt, explored the Alhambra, participated in language classes, did community service in Guadix, and traversed the beautiful landscapes of Castril. What made this trip so meaningful was that I got to do all of these wonderful things with my best friends.

What would you improve about this program?
While we were boarding at the school, there weren't great food options, especially for vegetarians.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Experience of the Experiment

Studying abroad in Spain was a dream come true. Not only did I make new unbreakable bonds with my group and our group leaders, but I gained a new family through my home stay experience. While in Spain, I became more confident with speaking more Spanish and becoming a more open minded person. Along the way, I became stronger and grew familiar with the Spanish tradition that I now make an effort to incorporate into my daily life. On this trip, I got the opportunity to see things that I have never seen before and I got to immerse myself in a culture I want to become more familiar with. Last but not least, I was given the chance of a life time that has made me a better individual. This was my first time going abroad and I will forever be grateful to the Experiment, my friends and family, and other people who made this happen for me.

What would you improve about this program?
If people enjoy the home stay as much as I did, they should be given the opportunity to stay longer if possible.
51 people found this review helpful.

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