  • England
    • London
8 to 12 weeks
Accounting Advertising Architecture Art History Arts Business Communications Computer Science Culinary Arts Design Economics Education Engineering Fashion Design Finance Hospitality International Business International Relations Journalism Marketing Media Relations Music Performing Arts Psychology Tourism +15
General grants/scholarships, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Non-Monetary Benefits
Fall Spring Summer
Weekly Hours
Age Min.


Price Details
The program fee includes: Guaranteed internship, centralized housing in London, social events & excursions, medical/travel insurance, and personalized support before and during the internship.
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities SIM cards
What's Not Included
Airfare Meals
Feb 21, 2024
May 14, 2024
321 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

An international internship in London gives you an amazing opportunity to live and work in a fascinating global city. London is one of the most culturally, socially, and professionally diverse cities in the entire world. The booming metropolis is home to thousands of professions ranging from business, marketing, fashion, international law, and everything in-between.

London is the ideal place for young professionals and students looking to enhance their resumes with international work experience all while learning about different cultures. In London, you’ll be kept busy with your internship while also being part of social events and excursions. AIFS Abroad is dedicated to making your London internship an experience you’ll never forget.

Please note, the price of tuition covers a guaranteed internship, housing, social events, our career development program, 24/7 staff support, health and travel insurance, and much more. Scholarships and academic credit also available.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

At AIFS Abroad, we want to support all participants in their study/internship abroad journey, inclusive of gender, race, religion, age, physical ability, or sexual orientation. Everyone has a complex identity, and faith, spirituality, and religion are important factors when deciding on a program location.

LGBTQIA+ Support

At AIFS Abroad, we want to support all participants in their study/internship abroad journey, inclusive of gender, race, religion, age, physical ability, or sexual orientation. Everyone has a complex identity, and faith, spirituality, and religion are important factors when deciding on a program location.

Accessibility Support

Everyone’s experience is unique. We recognize the location you choose can have an impact on your sense of belonging. We encourage you to use the information below as you review your options to select the program and location that will be the best choice for you. If you do not hold the identities that are amplified here, this information is still a great resource for you as well. It will give you a better understanding of those who have this identity.



In response to the overwhelming global climate crisis, AIFS Abroad is pleased to make Sustainability a key priority when considering organizational, operational, and programming decisions. We understand that the only way to effectively combat this crisis and mitigate the effects of climate change is to drastically reduce our environmental impact. Therefore, AIFS Abroad has committed to reaching carbon neutrality by the year 2025. AIFS Abroad is proud to announce we have signed the CANIE Accord, becoming the first US provider to make this commitment.

Program Highlights

  • Guaranteed Internship: As part of the AIFS Abroad program you are guaranteed an internship in your host city. We do our best to tailor your internship to match your background and future goals.
  • Personalized Attention: We want this experience to be as fulfilling as possible. From the first phone call, we support you and give you all the resources you need to make sure your internship is a success.
  • Centralized Housing: You’ll be living in accommodations centrally located in London with other AIFS Abroad interns. Your accommodations will have access to public transportation, ensuring its easy to get to and from your internship.
  • Professional Development: Through one-on-one coaching and webinars, we assist you in improving your professional documents, prepare you for an interview with potential employers, establish internship goals, and discuss your strengths.
  • On-Site Staff and Social Events: Our Location Coordinator lives in London year-round and provides you with an insider's glimpse of the city. The LC is there to provide 24/7 emergency support and takes all interns on a range of social events.

Popular Programs

Finance Internships

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Online Marketing Internships

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Journalism Internships

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Fashion Internships

This dynamic British design brand provides unique luxury tailoring for contemporary women. Their core product lines have gained recognition from the world's media and are now stocked internationally in the UK, USA, France and online with a bespoke service available in London. The selected intern will learn how to work as a team, develop sewing and pattern cutting skills and gain an intimate glimpse into how a fashion label works.

Program Reviews

4.75 Rating
based on 145 reviews
  • 5 rating 81.38%
  • 4 rating 15.86%
  • 3 rating 0.69%
  • 2 rating 0.69%
  • 1 rating 1.38%
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.65
  • Housing 4.25
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 49 - 56 of 145 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Expanding the Circle

Hi everyone!
For those of you reading this, I was in the GE London program in the summer of 2019. I spent my internship at a Drug and Alcohol Addiction Wellbeing Service and the professional experience I earned has been invaluable to my professional development. However, I want to make this review about the social climate found in the GE program, since the social aspects of my time here have been just as impactful.
A misconstrued idea I would like to dismiss would be that these programs tend to favour extroverts due to extroverts tending to have an easier time meeting large groups for the first time. This was not the case at GE. Not only was there actually a great balance of those who socialize easily and those who don't engage as easily, but the quality of the people in this program has been absolutely amazing; from the GE participants to the staff. Every participant that I've met has exposed me to a myriad of new ideas, constantly expanding and, more importantly, challenging some of my views. This leads to a stimulating environment where everyone has a mutual genuine interest in the other participants. A sort of cultural and experiential cocktail, if you will.
If I had to say there is one common thread that GE nails with their participants, it's that they find young adults with the desire to learn and feeling fine with being uncomfortable. This leads to friends that don't back down from growing and taking chances.
Looking back at my time here, I can't help but smile thinking about the amazing life-long companions I've met and the memories that we'll one day refer to as "the good ol' days". To end this, I wanted to mention a quote from one of my closest friends on the trip. I had asked her if she was going to miss London and she simply said, "You know, I think that when we expand our circles in life, we always end up missing some part of it. Instead of constantly missing the parts we're not in, I just recognize it's a testament to the amazing times we've had here and the people we've met. That is enough for me."
Whether you're a parent deciding to send your child on this program or a prospective GE intern, this program is an amazing choice. The people you meet and eventually build lasting relationships with will help to build you up as a global citizen, which is something very few people can bring to the table.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Going to the Royal Ascot was the biggest plot twist of my trip by far. I thought it would be a simple horse race but it ended up being a stunning event with the royal family in attendance. The bars there made for a great time with friends so I definitely recommend that!
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Yes, I recommend this program

London Abroad

I got placed into a great company for my internship. My expectations were matched and even more because I really loved where I worked. I am happy to have gone with Global Experiences since they really matched me well with a company that would challenge me and engage me in work related to my field of study. Besides work, I had a great time with the planned events, and made a lot of great friends. London has a great nightlife for anything. There are museums that stay open late, as well as free admission, and the clubs/pubs are always fun to go during the weekends. Even just popping in for pint after work with friends was a blast. There are great parks to lounge at during the day and cute cafes to hang around. I always had support for any issues that came up, and felt completely happy with my summer.

What would you improve about this program?
I would say housing even though it was pretty good. Except there were ventilation and heating problems. However, sometimes the process for getting an internship may take longer for some, as I was late to the program due to some visa issues and did not get placed early on. But everything got better once in London.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A summer of growth and fun!

I have absolutly loved my internship and I am so satisfied with how much it has taught me about entrepreneurship! Having an intimate look into how a small startup company is built and run has been extremely valuable. I watch my boss make cold calls to the biggest companies in the UK, warm calls to potential clients and attend I meetings with him to meet companies and media owners we have relationships with. The CEO runs most of the internal company functions and shows me how he makes his financial models and how he pitches to investors. Many of my friends back home are stuck in the corner in a cubicle working on something that will never be used in any relevant context. The sales research and outreach I do at work have tangible benefits for my company and the feeling of productivity is something I have been able to take pride in.

I have also been able to travel so much this summer! I had seven free weekends this summer. I stayed in the UK for three and traveled internationally for four. I took weekend trips to Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, and Berlin! On the three weekends I stayed in the UK, the first I went to the Royal Ascot horse race, the second I attended Wimbledon, and the third I did the GE trip to the White Cliffs of Dover! I love to always be moving so I never wanted free weekends and made sure that when I stayed in London I was making the most of it. Traveling on the weekends meant most of the time I spent exploring London was on the weekdays, where I attended lots of concerts! I have felt like I have integrated as a member of this city and cannot wait to come back to London.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice in one idea would be to do things that make you uncomfortable! Interning abroad is already a huge step out of the normal summer internship experience in the United States, so you should be proud that you’re getting to do something that not many people get to do! While abroad it’s so important to embrace the uncomfortable and just keep on going! When at work, try to take on new projects and always ask for more work. Completing things that you have never done before might be daunting, but when you figure it out the reward is huge. When spending time with other GE interns, go out and do new things that you normally wouldn’t. If you aren’t a social butterfly make sure you take time for yourself but try to challenge yourself to get out and make memories with new people! You’re only going to be with this group for 2 months, so make the most of it. And finally, travel as much as possible! I have tried to do as many international programs as possible at USC because I believe it makes you a more well rounded and innovative person. When you have to get over a language barrier, navigate a new city, figure out public transportation, or make your own accommodations, all of these things are understandably difficult and sometimes frustrating. But, without these challenges, traveling would not feel as rewarding as it does! These experiences make you more independent and adaptable in your personal and professional life, and there is no other way to gain this experience without diving in headfirst. So if you’re thinking about interning abroad my advice is to understand and accept your own reservations, but ultimately lay them aside and commit to this incredible experience. You will become a braver and more confident person because of it.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

GE is a wonderful program!

The GE staff are helpful and friendly (especially the treasure that is Carmen), the process of getting here was streamlined and easy to understand and the GE hosted events were always a fun time. The GE events/trips were a great way to see more of London/the UK while keeping your wallet happy. The only downside in my experience was the housing. For the price we paid I would have expected more. There was no AC so every night was like sleeping in a sauna, I bought a fan to help make my room cooler (which I definitely recommend you do on day 1) but it was still uncomfortably hot. The bathroom also could've been better, I'm not a tall person (5'7) and I had to hunch over to fit inside the shower. Then there was the kitchen, when we arrived we had plate, cup and bowl. Singular. We only had one set of everything for five people. Despite all of that the program was still fantastic in every other respect. If GE could get their interns a better housing situation the entire program would receive a 10 out of 10 but for now I'm giving it an 8.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future interns is do everything. Seriously. Go out every night and try something new, travel on the weekends to different countries. There is so much to see and explore and so much fun to be had. During my time in Europe I went to a different pub every night, I went to night clubs and danced until 3 in the morning and I got to visit places I always wanted to go to. Places like Amsterdam, Stonehenge, Ireland and Paris!
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Yes, I recommend this program

London: Professional and Personal Development

Moving in general for school or for a job is exciting, but also can make you nervous. Most of us know what that feels like as we have just begun the process of moving for college, or we have finished and are trying to figure out where our next home is going to be. So, as you can imagine, moving abroad to London makes you feel the same way, but the GE Team, similar to family or friends, makes that transition a bit easier and makes you feel a bit more comfortable. Our London GE Representative, Carmen Chamorro, welcomed our cohort with open arms and was readily available to answer any of our questions throughout the entire program. She also was willing to discuss with your strengths, ultimately preparing you for your work placement. Thank you Carmen!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Do not be afraid of doing things on your own! You have limited time in London and it is an opportunity for growth.. to identify moments when you do what is best for the team and go with group, in contrast to doing what is best to make your personal experience great! Both are important, and it is your job to find a balance :)
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Yes, I recommend this program


I came into this program with the hope of finding a permanent job in the UK and live there for a while. Within the first few weeks, I was trying my best to impress my employers, and I was putting all I had into my work. The shock was after the first month has passed, and I started feeling like the corporate world is not for me and I do not ever want to be trapped in an office. Luckily, Carmen, our GE counselor, was by my side all along, providing me with guidance and valuable insights. I was extremely concerned with the way I felt about not wanting to have a one full-time job sucking the life out of me. We have had continuously long conversations on the train every time we go on one of the incredible trips she’s planned. She’s also arranged a coaching session one in person and the other one on the phone right before my big meeting with my host company to discuss future collaboration with them on a project I have been working on during the last two months of my internship. The company was impressed with the research I have provided and wanted to hire me as their representative in the Middle East and North Africa. I will forever be grateful for all the help and guidance I have received from Carmen throughout my internship. Now I can live anywhere I want and do exactly what I love!!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be patient, it won't be easy, but you'll learn to adapt till you figure out exactly what you want in a job and all the ethings you wish to avoid in your future career!
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Yes, I recommend this program


I am so grateful to GE for helping me take part in this incredible internship experience. It was the perfect segue from collegiate life to the professional world and I feel incredibly prepared for the future now. London specifically was a great place to work in and was just enough culture shock without being overwhelming. There is more to do than you could possibly imagine. With the tube running through every part of the city, it is incredibly easy to get around and see everything. There is so much history to take in and truly shows you just how young the United States is. Not to mention there is incredible food every step of the way. The cheap chicken shops are perfect for a quick snack, but should never be the goal. Highly recommend this amazing experience for anyone thinking about going abroad!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Two big things:
First, pack what you think you need, then get rid of half of it all. Now you're ready to go
Second, come prepared with extra funding. Europe is super expensive and you will need every penny if you want to see everything on your list.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you GE

I am so glad I chose GE to do this experience with. I wouldn’t have been able to work abroad without their help! Carmen, our on site counselor, came up with such fun events and it was a pleasure meeting the entire group of GE students. As with most large cities, housing isn’t always great. But GE found a great student accommodation for us that was private, clean, and safe. GE matched me with the perfect internship for my career goals and I am so thankful for the experience to work in finance in London. St. Paul’s was definitely a fantastic area to work in with many restaurants and pubs around. If you are considering London with GE - it will definitely be worth it. Be sure to ask any questions you may have to your GE advisor as they are always willing to help.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
As with any large city, it’s easy to feel like you are all alone. If I could give one piece of advice it would be to really immerse yourself in your work environment and with your work colleagues in order to get the most out of the experience. Also, make buddies with your fellow GE colleagues as they will always be there!
55 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Elena! You have to pay for global experiences and the cost varies for each location. However, you pay the flat rate and they take care of finding your accommodation and you will not have to pay again for it. You do have to pay for your own transportation after the first week though, your plane tickets, and all of your other living expenses. Despite that, Global experiences was also really...