  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
4 to 12 weeks

Program Details

Fall J-Term Maymester Spring Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Age Min.


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For details regarding our latest program tuition & fees, please visit our website (www.vacorps.com/program-cost) or contact our admissions team directly (admissions@vacorps.com).
What's Included
Activities Some Activities Airport Transfers SIM cards Wifi
What's Not Included
Accommodation Meals Travel Insurance
Aug 21, 2023
May 08, 2024
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About Program

VACorps offers superior internship placements in Cape Town, South Africa. We commit all of our energy to one purpose – helping our program participants to have a professionally and personally rewarding internship experience in Cape Town. This is why VACorps unfailingly receives great reviews from not only our participants but also parents and university administrators. At the center of our participants' experience in our programs start with the careful selection of internships. Before they leave their home countries for Cape Town, participants will be in constant communication with members of the VACorps staff as we design peculiar details of their internship placements based on their academic, intellectual, and professional aspirations. We are Cape Town specialists, and all of our staff and programs are based in the mother city, simply because it is the most beautiful city in the world.

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Program Highlights

  • Professional internship placement in one of the world's most beautiful cities
  • Expert pre-arrival and in-country staff support (orientation, tour of the city, first-meeting at internship site, 24/7 emergency hotline and general support and guidance)
  • Weekly social excursions to help you explore Cape Town and its surrounds
  • Weekly workshops about South African culture
  • Enjoy plenty of travel opportunities to attractions like the Garden Route, Mozambique, Kruger National Park, and Cederberg Mountains

Popular Programs

Human Rights Internships in Cape Town

VACorps offers one of the most prestigious human rights internship programs in South Africa, facilitated and mentored by a US qualified lawyer who is currently a human rights policy advocate in South Africa. You will be placed with local organizations that provide services to victims of human rights violations. By working directly with service providers and the people they are trying to assist, you will gain exposure to the challenges associated with protecting and exercising one’s human rights.

VACorps counselling and psychology internships

Our internship placements will give you unique access to counseling and social support services in South Africa. Whether you are interested in a counseling internship at an NGO, a clinical placement at a rehabilitation center, or an organizational psychology internship at a private company, we will find you an internship that matches your interests and objectives.

Business Internships in Cape Town with VACorps

Cape Town is one of Africa’s largest business Centres and is home to many well-established companies, SME’s, social enterprises, NGOs, start-ups, and much more. Whether you are looking for experience in a fast-paced for-profit organization or would prefer to apply your knowledge and work for an organization that helps the underprivileged, VACorps will customize a business internship that will help you work towards your goals and objectives.

VACorps Technology Internships in Cape Town

Cape Town boasts a bustling tech start-up scene, and it is estimated that 60% of all African Tech startups have their feet firmly planted within Cape Town City Metro. A Technology Internship abroad will allow you to gain a unique perspective on the very important role the technology industry plays in a developing economy. As you gain experience, learn new skills and expand your network, you will also see how a different culture uses technology to address its own unique market needs.

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 230 reviews
  • 5 rating 90.87%
  • 4 rating 8.7%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0.43%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 65 - 72 of 230 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best of both worlds

I chose Cape Town to intern abroad as South Africa is a country I've always wanted to visit. So I couldn't have asked for a better thing than to intern in Cape Town as it is the best of both worlds. I really enjoyed my internship and the work I did, but I also had a great deal of fun exploring the city and uncovering the rich culture within. Over the course of my 6 months here, I've really really grown to love the city. Looking back on my stay here, I'm really happy I was placed in Observatory, as it is a lovely little neighborhood full of life, and full of different things to do and see. I'm really going to miss the little cafes and thrift shops along lower main, and the vibrant colors of the neighborhood. I love that it is close to a lot of things in cape town, but isn't downtown either. I've learned so much about myself, and this country during my stay and will be leaving with many stories, experiences, and ideas for my future. I do have to say that I recommend for interns to be here for 3 months, if not more, as I found myself only really getting comfortable/knowledgeable of Cape Town after 2 months here (it's so big, so many things to see and do and learn!!!). I'm also really thankful for VACorps to set up weekly activities with their interns, as it helps to get to know each other, but as I got more and more comfortable here and met more people outside of the program.

I stayed for 6 months and did my internship at a large public health NGO. The first 2 months I was at a clinic, I worked at the front desk of the Youth center (a center for youth up to the age of 24, where they get family planning, contraception access, counseling, and overall health assessments). I really enjoyed it, as I worked in close quarters with the nurse there. I was able to sit in on consultations with patients, assisted in removing implants, helped with minor first aid (I have first aid qualifications), talked to the youth there, and helped sort out their files. I felt like I was helping a lot where I was needed and felt good about it. Following those 2 first months, my supervisor tasked me to take over a pilot study: The acceptability of menstrual cups among 14-15-year-old girls in the Masi Township. This project is what I worked on (along with other tasks I got from my supervisor) for the last 4 months of my stay. I really enjoyed it, as I felt they trusted me to work diligently on it. I set up educational workshops with girls that were recruited for the study to educate them on basic feminine hygiene and basic women's biology and got a good grasp of what they knew about it all, and what was missing. I then was tasked to prepare/edit the protocol for the study, as well as various source files for the study, ethics approvals, amendments, etc. This was overall a very satisfying project to work on, as it gave me a good taste of what working in an NGO really entails.

Overall, I want to thank everyone at VACorps for having my back. I never felt alone or stranded or worried during my stay here as I knew I had a whole team ready to help me. I'm really going to miss this city, the mountains, the beaches, the shops and restaurants, the nightlife, and everything in between.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Valuable experience in a breathtaking city

I chose cape town for the sole purpose of it having the internship that fit my needs for this summer, and it was also a place I hoped to visit one day. Upon arrival, this place was absolutely breathtaking. The hiking trails are insane, and all the activities you can do will make memories for a lifetime. I did so much while I was here that I could not do in the US. Interning gave me great clinic experience and allowed me to work with patients that I could often not understand (due to the language barrier), it was fun overcoming that challenge. I got some valuable time in the clinic and gained observation hours for grad school. I also became friends with my coworkers.  The people definitely help make the experience. VACorps does a great at helping you feel at home and the friends you make are for a lifetime. I will definitely miss everything as a whole. I was here for 5 weeks and wish I could stay for longer. The VAC staff are fantastic and so friendly, and I am so grateful for the everyday support, and to them for facilitating this incredible experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A spectacular once-in-a-lifetime experience I will always be thankful for

My internship with Vacorps and my time in Cape Town were truly one of the best experiences of my life. The city of Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. The mountains, beaches, winelands, city, and surrounding areas make it a must-visit destination. Surfing, hiking, and bungee jumping are some of the most fun things I’ve ever done. Through my internship at a local clinic in Khayelitsha Township, I was able to gain priceless hands-on experience and observe countless medical procedures. As a pre-medical student, this place is a great place to be to see many of the important things one will see in a career in medicine. All the doctors and nurses were super kind and helpful. The friends I made along the way through this experience are some that I will keep for a lifetime. Never before have I been able to live and work with such a diverse group of people. Finally, the Vacorps staff was nothing short of spectacular. They are wonderful people who you will never want to leave. I will cherish my five weeks with Vacorps for the rest of my life. If you have gotten this far reading this… you must apply for an internship!

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Medical Internship in Cape Town with VACorps

I have had the time of my life in Cape Town these past weeks. I have been able to enjoy both the touristy things as well as immerse myself in South African culture. I have loved being my internship at the clinic, and have learned some Xhosa and been shown what it is like to live in a township in Cape Town. I have loved the nurses and doctors at the clinic as well- they were more than willing to teach me and encourage me. I felt respected by the clinic staff, as well as the staff at VACorps. They helped me get the most out of my experience. I enjoyed living in the house provided with RAR and that there were other VACorps interns in other houses. I liked getting to know the other interns that were from all over the world and doing all sorts of internships. It helped show me the versatility of the city and the opportunities available in the country.

I honestly think that this is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been- geographically and culturally. The people that I have met here and had the opportunity to learn from have shown me how rich the culture in South Africa is, and the differences from back home. I also appreciate that I got a taste of what medicine looks like outside of the USA. I feel as though the United States has a generally common theme between medical systems, so I learned a lot from the different care here. Overall, I think that the staff at VACorps did an incredible job in helping me feel welcomed and comfortable. They helped me ease into living in another country on my own and talked me through what it looked like to have a successful experience here. I also loved where I got placed for my internship, and would not change a thing about my time spent in this beautiful country.

This has really been an experience that I will carry with me forever. I can’t wait to tell everyone at home about what I got to do and learn!

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Yes, I recommend this program

I found my second home in Cape Town with VACorps

I chose Cape Town after browsing online for internship abroad programs. In my sophomore year of college, I decided, after networking with alumni from Ohio University, that going abroad was the right decision for me. I found VACorps along with CIS Abroad and a few other renowned programs. I knew VAC was right for me once I started the application process and began talking with the welcoming staff. Once I arrived I knew I made the right decision. It immediately felt like a second home and everyone I met, from staff, fellow employees, and locals were extremely nice.

I worked for 7 weeks at a financial advisory and investment firm. I was able to receive instruction and the ability to work on projects in real estate and finance equally. I spent roughly 100 hours for each, by choice, to ensure that I would feel comfortable in a professional business setting by the time I left. My favorite project was a financial model that I am currently wrapping up now before I leave.

I have learned so much about myself and the experience has come with a lot of growth, especially as this is my first time traveling alone – and abroad. Now that my 8-week trip is coming to a close, I can begin to reflect on everything I will miss. Most of all, the people are going to be the hardest to leave and it’s bittersweet meeting so many new friends but only being able to see them for such a short time. For anyone that plans on coming to Cape Town through VAC, I recommend communicating with everyone in your program from day one. It is the most important step to take and it can’t be anything but beneficial for you and your site, so don’t be afraid to reach out frequently and make sure you’re all on the same page. The weekly activities are amazing and they really allow you to make the most of your experience without having to schedule events yourself. From playing the drums to seeing museums, you will get exposed to culture in every form! Don’t be afraid to try out Xhosa or Afrikaans, it will strengthen your connection with people and show them that you respect and are interested in their culture! I am most grateful for the Friday experiences and I believe they took my experience one step further and made everything more memorable

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Yes, I recommend this program

The most rewarding experience of my life

Four months ago, I could never have imagined myself being here. Becoming a member of VACorps and journeying to Cape Town wasn’t originally part of my life plan, yet it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. There is something about Cape Town that captures the heart and soul of a person and makes you never want to leave. The work I have been able to do at my internship site has been nothing short of amazing and every day I have felt as if I am making a small impact on the lives of others for the better. Nothing has affirmed that more than the countless Uber rides where drivers have told me stories about how the organization that I have been fortunate enough to work for has changed their lives for the better.

Beyond the work, the number of adventures I have been able to go on, through VACorps and outside of it has been endless and all wonderful. I will come away from this journey having made countless memories that will last well beyond the moment when I embark on my journey home. Yet, the most rewarding part of this experience has without question been the people that I have gotten to experience Cape Town with. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I stepped off the plane, but right away I stepped into my house and was greeted with many welcoming faces. The VACorps staff has been wonderful and has constantly supported me throughout my time here, especially when things weren’t always going according to plan. I would without question recommend this experience to anyone that asked me about it because it truly has changed my life. Thank you for everything – Cape Town will always have a part of my heart.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fulfilling experience with incredible people

Coming into this program I wasn’t really sure what I was getting myself into. I knew that I was coming into an incredible city to gain work experience and expand my resume and that I would have an incredible experience no matter what. What I did not expect were all the friendships and relationships that would come along with being a part of this program. It may be cliche, but the people that I have met through this program are some of the coolest people who have quickly become some of my greatest friends. I expected to come away from this program feeling fulfilled from the work that I put into the community, which is most certainly true, but I did not expect to come away with so many incredible friendships with so many different people from all over the world. I know that this trip has taught me many valuable lessons about culture, about peoples’ differences, and many other things but the things that will stay with me are the memories made with the people I have met on this trip.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Nothing short of amazing

My experience in Cape Town over the last 3 months has been amazing. Everyone I have met through VACorps has very welcoming and nice. After one week of orientation I started my internship with a startup brewing company. My first week was very busy as there was a drink show that weekend that I had to help prepare for and run the event. After the first week my internship was pretty relaxed which was great because I had plenty of time to hike all over Cape Town and finally learn how to surf. Overall this program couldn't have been any better and I will definitely be returning to Cape Town soon.

47 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Erin, Thanks for the great question! South Africa is home to one of the largest commercial film industries in the Southern Hemisphere and we place VACorps program participants at a variety of different film production companies that operate in Cape Town. We accept gap year students (min age 18) so don't worry if you don't have any prior industry experience. All that is required is enthusiasm...