  • Spain
    • Madrid
    • Seville
    • Valencia
    • Bilbao
    • Canary Islands
    • Granada
    • Alicante
    • Murcia
    • Mallorca
    • Córdoba
    • Palma de Mallorca
26 - 52 weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School

Program Details

  • American Passport
  • Canadian Passport
  • Australian Passport
  • New Zealand Passport
  • Must at least be enrolled in either an Associate's or Bachelor's Degree program, or have already graduated with either degree.
Job Type
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School
Weekly Classroom Hours
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
Participants in the RVF International Teaching English in Spain Program can expect to earn a monthly salary ranging from €800 EUR to €1000 EUR, varying by region. This is in alignment with the local cost of living where you will be stationed. Rest assured, this income is quite competitive in the Spanish job market.
Starting Price
Price Details
Don't worry, we got you!

🇪🇸 Exciting Placement at a School in Spain (fully managed by regional government)
🇪🇸 Personalized Support with Entirety of Visa Process
🇪🇸 Personalized Support with Entirety of Required Spanish Legal Residency Process
🇪🇸 Personalized Support with All Required Bureaucratic Procedures After Arriving to Spain
🇪🇸 Visa Appointment Booking Guidance
🇪🇸 Certified Translations of Required Visa Documents
🇪🇸 Access to Exclusive RVF ‘Spanish from Spain’ Spanish Language Course
🇪🇸 Spanish Bank Account & Working Phone
🇪🇸 Program Excursion Opportunity
🇪🇸 Reliable Email Support & 1-1 Zoom Video Calls with Program Specialist
🇪🇸 Continued Support While Teaching in Spain
What's Included
Activities Visa
What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare
Apr 05, 2024
Dec 18, 2023
175 travelers are looking at this program

About Program


Through the RVF International Teach English in Spain Program, we will help connect you with a Language Assistant position in a Spanish public school, and will then assist you with every facet of the process to get you there!

Our promise to you:

🇪🇸 Exciting year abroad in Spain!
🇪🇸 Personalized Support with Entirety of Visa Process, required Spanish Legal Residency Process, & all Required Bureaucratic Procedures After Arriving to Spain.
🇪🇸 Cultural Immersion opportunities & travel excursions throughout Spain.
🇪🇸 Want to teach again for a back-to-back second year? No problem!

Don't worry, we've got you covered!

🇪🇸 Typically Four-Day work week
🇪🇸 Competitive Spanish salary
🇪🇸 Long weekends - perfect for traveling & exploring Spain and Europe
🇪🇸 Health Insurance
🇪🇸 Travel & Language Immersion Opportunities

No prior teaching experience of any kind is required! Contact us today!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Visit Madrid, Valencia, Seville, and many other cities all throughout Spain!
  • Earn a competitive salary as you gain unique ESL experience!
  • Travel all throughout Spain and Europe during your three-day weekends!
  • Immerse yourself and attain fluency in a new language, unlocking an enriching world of possibilities!
  • Immerse yourself in Spanish culture while making a difference in local classrooms.

Current Teaching Jobs

View the latest teaching job postings by RVF International LLC.

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 92 reviews
  • 5 rating 93.48%
  • 4 rating 5.43%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 1.09%
  • Benefits 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.8
  • Facilities 4.8
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 41 - 48 of 92 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International

RVF was very helpful in this entire process, especially through the complicated visa process. While it was months of hard work and could be very stressful at times, I am so happy to now be in Spain and could not have done it without the help of the RVF team. They are excellent about replying to emails in a timely manner, so that helped ease a lot of my nerves. Now I am enjoying a wonderful, life changing adventure in Valencia. I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and made the decision to travel abroad.

67 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International - Spain

RVF was professional and welcoming from the start.
If you are thinking about teaching in Spain, RVF is the way to go!
The application process was easy to figure out and the program specialists walk you through it each step of the way.
Unfortunately, I am unable to participate next year, but I will most definitely be recommending RFV to my friends and family. When given the next opportunity, this will be the program I choose.
RVF is there to guide you through and their response time is quick.
I am glad I found RVF and you will be too!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Set up a meeting with them and they will make you feel at ease.
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Superb Experience with RVF International

I started with RVF, with a curiosity in mind. For one, as someone who has never been to Spain, I immediately wanted to know everything about Spain. RVF eased my mind, and immediately provided an easy blueprint, as to how to get there. Perhaps what struck me as the best aspect about RVF, however, was the caring and compassionate nature of the RVF team. Everyone on the team went above and beyond to make sure that any concerns we had were addressed and conquered! They truly are an amazing team!!!!!

68 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF: really as great as they claim to be!

Moving abroad was simultaneously an exhilarating and terrifying idea. After all, I already had the American dream: great house, stable career, safe and happy community. However, I felt stuck, and I wanted to be able to see the world! The problem: how do my husband and I move overseas when all we have to offer is that we both are licensed English teachers? RVF solved that for us right away! Not only did they make getting a visa really simple, but they were always an email away if I had questions. I know it seems too good to be true--I was really hesitant to join their program because how could they do all this work and place me AND my spouse in the same city in a foreign country AND ensure we both would get jobs? I know it seems impossible and like a scam, but this company is legit and they were so helpful. I never could have done all this on my own--all the bureaucracy and paperwork and legal stuff was just too overwhelming to think about while I also needed to sell and pack up my entire life in the states. Not to worry, RVF babied me with constant reminder emails, quick responses to my questions, and plenty of communication when I arrived to Spain to help me transition. I don't regret working with them AT ALL!!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
STOP WORRYING! I am always so anxious and a total perfectionist. Moving to Spain changed my life and made me chill out. I've learned that as long as you follow the directions, everything will work out. RVF had me in good hands the whole time, so I wish I would have stopped worrying and doubting and just enjoyed the excitement every step of the way. At least I get to do that now in Spain, every day, while sitting on my balcony looking at the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean :)
64 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International makes teaching in Spain stress-free!

RVF International not only assists you in the process of going abroad to teach in Spain, but it also enables you to find a community of people to share the experience with. Whether it's paperwork, appointments, Spanish-lessons, or cultural presentations, RVF makes the process so easy. The documentation required for going abroad was an insane amount, especially if you aren't 100% fluent in the language. RVF handles translations, instructions, and everything you need. They are always responsive to questions (even on the weekends!) and go above and beyond to make the experience super easy. Highly recommend!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
My most nerve-racking moment thus far has been the hectic visa-process in Spain (receiving an identity number and card), however, with the help of RVF, everything was so simple. They set up all of my appointments and tell me everything I need to know.
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International

From my first interview with Carlos, and so on, I knew RVF was the right program for me. Everyone on the team that I spoke to have been so helpful. Especially Lourdes! She has been able to answer every single question I have. Every time I sent up a zoom call with her, she is so patient with me, especially when needed to mail out papers. The processes alone for the VISA, could be very stressful, but with RVF being there for me every step of the way things went pretty smoothly.

I know that RVF has a fee for their program, but all honestly it is very well worth it. I genuinely believe, that if I didn't have their support, I probably would have missed some paperwork, or important step. Who knowns, I might have not gotten my VISA, and been able to go on this amazing adventure.

From the start, RVF always kept everyone on check, from sending us checklist of what we need to do, to showing us how to fill out certain applications. Also, they were very informative with COVID restrictions and keep un updated if anything would change.

1000/10 I really do recommend this program.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
When thinking about it, or given the chance to live abroad, JUST DO IT. Do not think about it, and sign up for that program.

Also, as the day got closer for me to leave my friends, family, and my whole life in the States, you just have to push through. It is very natural to start feeling very nervous. I even started thinking to myself if I should even get on the airplane. Am I going to regret doing this program? I cried on my flight, and when I arrived to Spain, but after a few days, and meeting people from the program, I knew I was going to be okay. I was excited for all the adventures to come and people I will meet.
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fantastic & Very Safe & Reliable Company

RVF made the whole visa process so simple, and they still help me whilst I'm living in Spain. RVF is really supportive and I am so happy I worked with them to move abroad. This is my first time outside of the USA, and I couldn't feel safer. I also believe we get a lot of perks as Americans in Spain, because of our salary and limited working hours. We are very lucky to have an opportunity as this, and it really shows our privilege, as well. Teaching in Spain is so rewarding and it also looks absolutely fantastic for anyone's resume. You have to try it!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Boarding the plane was so nerve-racking, but I knew RVF would continue to help me even after I got to Spain. I also stayed in an AirBnb all by myself (I've never lived on my own before) and it was quite scary at first. Now, I live with a host family, which I recommend everyone to do.
47 people found this review helpful.
Waterfall in a park in Minneapolis, MN, August 2019
Yes, I recommend this program

Thorough and Caring Assistance the Whole Way Through

All throughout the lengthy process of my having been in contact with numerous members of the administrative staff at the RVF company (Lourdes, Harrison, Carlos) over the past few months, ranging from the period of initial consultation to the moment of arrival into the country to begin working in the first place, I have experienced nothing but professionalism and accommodation in order that each minute bit of the application process was given the adequate amount of attention it deserved to move me closer to my final goalpost. Seeming inconveniences, such as having to schlepp the last minute in early September to San Francisco from the Rocky Mountains to attend a consular meeting to confirm my visa, were handled with relative grace by all parties involved at the RVF company, and seeming mistakes and oversights I might have made on my own end were excused by my compatriots in this process to a greater extent than they perhaps should have been. Balancing my lengthy and rigorous application process with this company proved to be no small feat in tandem with other projects I was working on in the months leading up to me departure for Spain, but the fundamentally accommodating, decent, and personable nature of any and all figures that I dealt with at RVF made the process much smoother on my own end than it would have been with less understanding highers-up at the company. All in all, the process of getting from A to Z with RVF, given the timeframe and the unique personal circumstances on my own end, could not have gone more smoothly in any way that I could have imagined it to have from any other vantage point, and I would like to use this space to offer my sincere thanks and to promote the RVF company as a great vessel for up-and-coming TEFL teachers looking for an agreeable market to get their feet wet in.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be prepared to show a sizable degree of grit in terms of compromising personal time and energy to go through each and every facet of the process, alongside setting time out for the regular preparatory Zoom chats meant to educate you about specific components of the process of getting settled in Spain over the course of a successive few months. Take stock of the potential sacrifice you may have to make by re-establishing yourself in a brand new locale, and take ample advice from your peers joining this program along with you through such venues as the group chat sessions, befriending them on Facebook, and joining related WhatsApp discussion groups.
40 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hello Jeremy, Thank you for your question! Housing is independent and is not included in the program. However, our program has a very comprehensive housing assistance plan that helps our program participants find housing in Spain. On average, on average those in our program who follow our housing plan move into a fully furnished apartment in Spain within the first 48-72 hours of arriving in Spain...

It's very exciting to embark on this sort of Teach Abroad adventure with family! Currently at RVF International, we don't handle the visa process or transition process for family members. However, for anyone in the program coming to Spain with family, we are more than happy to get them in touch with English-speaking immigration lawyers in Spain who would be able to help answer all family member...

Yes! Please contact us today at https://rvfinternational.com/contact/ by filling out the contact form so we can get in touch with you this week to schedule a call. Thanks for your interest in coming to Spain with RVF International!

Hello Richard, Thank you for your question! You will earn anywhere between €700 EUR to €1000 EUR depending on where in Spain you'll be teaching as your monthly salary will be relative to the standard cost of living of where you'll be teaching. Doesn't sound like much? Don't worry, it is! Spain is one of the least expensive countries in all of Western Europe to live in, and you'll earn more than...