  • Thailand
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Starting Price
Price Details
Price includes complimentary accommodation during the 4 week course along with a pre-sourced, guaranteed job placement. It also includes 1 week Cultural Orientation with group activities such as Muay Thai, cooking classes, market and temple visits and volunteering at a local animal rescue! Get access to our Online Teacher Ressources, relocation accommodation assistance, 24/7 in-country support, lifetime placement support in our partner network, and the opportunity to join our Digital Marketing course to become a paid consultant and make extra cash while abroad!
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers
Feb 15, 2024
Mar 01, 2024
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Teaching in Thailand is the experience of a lifetime! One of the most popular teach abroad destinations in the world, Thailand has everything one could want - food, beaches, nightlife, rich culture, and high quality of life. The teacher salaries are quite high relative to cost of living, with plenty of savings potential. The public holidays are numerous, which, along with school breaks, gives you lots of time to travel!

The Take on Thailand program comes with a GUARANTEED, pre sourced, paid job after the course. Full support from beginning to end with an in-country team to assist you throughout your entire experience. We have 3 program options in Thailand: In-person TEFL, Online TEFL and a program for candidates who are already TEFL qualified. They all come with pre-sourced, guaranteed teaching jobs in Thailand.

Check out our link to see how you can apply and speak to one of our Abroad Advisors!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Accredited TEFL/ TESOL Certification course
  • Guaranteed, pre-sourced job placement in Thailand
  • Complimentary accommodation during the training course
  • Full pre and post departure support including visas and documentation
  • 1 Week Cultural Orientation with group activities

Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 80.52%
  • 4 rating 19.48%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.45
  • Facilities 4.65
  • Safety 4.9
  • Instruction 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Value 4.6
  • Academic Rigor 3.4
  • Job Assistance 4.95
Showing 9 - 16 of 77 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Overall Experience

I completed my TEFL training through TEFL Heaven in April of 2019 and I am now teaching 2nd grade English in Chachoengsao, Thailand. Everything about my experience with TEFL Heaven surpassed my expectations. The trainers were accessible and wonderful, it was indeed in a paradise location, and I felt well-prepared going into the classroom. If you are looking for a program that will help you make friends and get used to the Thai culture before you start teaching, this is the program for you! The program transformed the idea of moving across the world and getting a job from seeming scary and inaccessible to being a very manageable and fun experience. Myself and the other trainees on my course have nothing but great things to say about TEFL Heaven.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing I discovered through this experience was how quickly one can feel at home, even on the other side of the world.
225 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Thailand

I am extremely thankful to have done the TEFL program in Thailand because it was a nice introduction to the country before signing a contract to live here for a year. I was very nervous coming over, with obvious reasons, but the program really helped to calm my nerves and help me prepare for teaching. I did my training on the island of Koh Chang and it was so incredibly beautiful. I also got to meet a lot of new friends and that was a huge bonus as well.
Currently I am living in the town of Ranong Thailand, which is very south, and I'm teaching high school in an international program, this means that all of my students are able to speak at least a little bit of english. I teach english, sociology, geography and art and love it all! My town is small but there are many things to do, especially if you love nature! I live close to a lot of the major islands, like Phuket and Koh Phayam, so its nice to be able to travel there when I need a break. So far my experience here has been amazing- it's obviously not all easy but I'm learning and growing everyday and I wouldn't exchange this experience for anything.
I made a cool video of my life here in Ranong- from my school, to my home and some places in between! If you want to catch a glimpse of my life here check it out! :)

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t allow your thoughts to overwhelm and keep you from saying yes to an experience of a lifetime. I promise you that everything will be okay and although it won’t always be easy, you will come out of this experience stronger and more confident. This is something that I always wanted to do but was terrified of taking the steps necessary in order for me to accomplish this goal. Being here in Thailand now I realize how much I built it up in my head but in reality it feels so normal and is much easier than I initially expected. If you have any doubt in your mind, stop and ask yourself if it’s out of fear of the unknown and don’t allow that fear to stop you. Jump headfirst into the unknown because it is there where you will learn and grow so much more than you ever expected and it’s a beautiful process along the way. Life is meant to be lived and you have the world at your fingertips, if you choose to experience and explore, and there are so many beautiful things and people waiting for you. If i can leave you with any advice, it’s: Please don’t let fear keep you from living your life, accept and acknowledge it but keep moving forward- you never know how far you can go until you try.
227 people found this review helpful.
Christmas Day Activities at WatRakhang
Yes, I recommend this program

A good set up to help you achieve your TEFL goals

We originally picked TEFL Heaven because they had the best reviews online for a TEFL cert in an overseas location. We didn't want to do the course online since we were working full time and didn't want to be studying all night afterwards. Studying in the country we wanted to be in and learning some of the culture and language first was a nice way to be introduced to our working abroad time.
TEFL Heaven was on top of things from the first time we spoke to them. They answered my questions, emailed within a reasonable amount of time and helped us with the process of applying, etc.
The 3 week course itself was fun with a good group of people and great trainers. It wasn't academically challenging but just full on as it is all day in the class room at high energy. We had every weekend off which was nice to explore our island. I feel like the time in training helped me prepare a little for how teaching would be when we got jobs.
TEFL Heaven placed us with an agency in Bangkok and they placed us in a all girls high school (recommend!). Our school is great - lovely kids (mostly), teachers and good location for us. It was really cool to see/participate in all the cultural days/festivals with the teachers and kids.
All in all, we did this program to get out of our comfort zone, have a change of scenery and decide if we wanted to be teachers at home. It has been successful on all of those fronts.
The culture shock is still in play even after 6 months and we'll be glad to be home in our familiar surroundings, but we're very glad to have experienced this and would recommend it to others.

What would you improve about this program?
To improve this program I would have a section on housing and apartment hunting. It was quite daunting trying to find a place in our school area. Our agency did make a call in Thai for us once and gave us 1 or 2 apartment names nearby, but other than that, not much support on the whole. In the end, we were lucky enough to have a contact at the school we were going to and she helped us a lot with where to stay, info on the school, etc. I would suggest that TEFL have some kind of mentor program - where trainees can link up with current teachers and get advice/information about the area, school, clothing, etc. It really lowered the stress levels for us having someone on the inside to talk with.
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Training in Koh Samui

Hey everyone! If you're looking to teach abroad and still need to get your TEFL certificate, I would definitely suggest looking into TEFL Heaven. I thought it was a great way to ease yourself into Thailand and an easy way to meet a large group of people, some of whom you end up getting placed with! The training they supplied was wonderful and doing it in person (on a paradise island) made it that much better. They even brought us to a Thai classroom for 2 days which was an incredible insight into what to expect. On top of that, we were right on the beach and could change into our bathing suits immediately after training and relax. I think the best part of it all is that it's now 4 months after my training and I am still making travel plans to meet up with friends that I made during training.
I know it is a bit pricey but if I could go back I would do it all again. It was well worth it.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Have an open mind to absolutely everything. It is going to be live changing and incredible but it is also is challenging at times. Embrace the change and the challenge to let this adventure help you grow and open your mind and heart to a new culture.
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Heaven, Phuket, October 2018

I had a great experience doing my TEFL certification through TEFL Heaven in Phuket in October 2018.

The course was not overly difficult, but I learned a lot. It was definitely a good opportunity to get more comfortable standing in front of a classroom. I've never been one for public speaking, but this was a great way to step out of my comfort zone while still in a supportive setting. We learned a lot of different teaching techniques and games that you could use with your students. We even got to apply what we learned over a two-day English camp near the end of the course. Camp consisted of planning a lesson for groups of Thai students and getting your first real hands-on teaching experience. It was a ton of fun and gave me some confidence before setting off to teach on my own.

My course instructors were both awesome and everyone I interacted with at TEFL Heaven was friendly and supportive. I also met tons of new people who I'm still friends with now. Daily Thai lessons and staying at a hotel near the beach definitely didn't hurt either.

Overall, this was a good way to ease into teaching in Thailand, and I don't regret it.

What would you improve about this program?
We received a course booklet to use throughout the course, but it would be nice to also receive the corresponding answers guide. Additionally, TEFL Heaven provided a breakdown of costs associated with the course and starting out as a teacher in Thailand. After talking to people in my group, I think we agreed that costs ended up being higher than presented. I do understand that it's difficult to provide a breakdown of spending that applies to everyone, but just something to keep in mind when starting out.
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best decisions you'll ever make

I can't say enough wonderful things about this program...The course teaches you so much not only about teaching English as a foreign language but also about Thai culture and much more. Our training group got super close and truly became a little family which was really comforting being far away from home. TEFL Heaven immediately set me up with a great job, helped me find a nice apartment, and was so helpful every step of the way in terms of getting a work visa and all other questions I had, no matter what they were. They made the transition of moving from the US to Thailand easier, more fun, and more rewarding than I ever thought possible. If you're even considering teaching abroad, I highly suggest going through TEFL Heaven without a doubt-you won't regret it!

61 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Traveling Teacher

TEFL Heaven was a wonderful way to begin my teaching experience in Thailand. They made my pre-planning painless, and the course helped ease my initial anxieties.

They provided me with all of the information, documents, and confidence I needed to be a successful teacher. In addition, I gained confidence in myself, my skills and my ability to handle new situations.

TEFL Heaven is unique, in that participants get the opportunity to train 3 weeks in paradise and also gain hands-on classroom experience and real-life experience teaching children in “English camp”. Exposure to teaching before conducting my own classroom was incredibly helpful. TEFL Heaven supplies participants with the opportunity to discover an exquisite culture, learn some Thai, explore the breathtaking Thai islands, and make lifelong friends.

After the three weeks of training I felt confident, excited, and prepared. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is considering teaching English abroad. You will gain friendships, knowledge, and a whole lot of confidence!

What would you improve about this program?
During my training a lot of the focus was directed towards teaching Prathom (middle school) students. More emphasis on teaching kindergarten and high school students would have been helpful.
59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Heaven - Koh Chang April 2017

When deciding what program to choose for this journey of my life, I was highly drawn to the TEFL Heaven internship program. The main points that were important for me is that the company was reputable, they were supportive, and they guaranteed a job after the training. TEFL Heaven hits the ball out of the park on all of those points!

The three week training course on Koh Chang was an intensive crash course on becoming a teacher that concluded on going to an English Camp and teaching lessons to real kids. I can say that I was very shy about talking in front of groups before I joined onto this course. Now after two months of teaching that shyness has flown out the window. In the very beginning of the course they put you in the hot seat to perform under pressure, which is a quality that every teacher has to have - especially in a foreign country.

My favorite experiences during the training course were the day trips we did on the weekends with our big group. It was a nice chance to hang out and get to know the fellow TEFL trainees and the TEFL trainers. After a long week of training, some fun in the sun is much needed every weekend.

I don't think I'll ever be the same person after this because now the travel bug has bitten me. Before the TEFL course, I was working the standard 8 - 5pm office job and that wasn't the life that I wanted for myself. So, if you are contemplating doing bigger things then this may be the opportunity for you!

What would you improve about this program?
They should make sure people are more prepared before they come with certain items (speaker for classroom, all the necessary clothes for teaching, any home comforts that you may miss) . A pre-packing checklist would be nice to have. Also, letting people know they should check if their phones are unlocked, so they can get a Thai SIM card for their personal phone.
59 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

With TEFL Heaven, Asia teachers are required to be from the age of 20 - 55 years old. In Latin America and Europe you would be required to be between the ages of 18 and 65.

Yes. It says on the website: FOR THOSE WITHOUT A BACHELORS DEGREE If you do not have a bachelors degree you can receive a guaranteed paid teaching job on this program: PUERTO VALLARTA & PAID JOB MEXICO If you have not yet acquired your bachelors degree yet, but are still studying, you are also eligible for the guaranteed paid teaching job, as long as you get your degree certificate sent to you...