  • Thailand
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Starting Price
Price Details
Price includes complimentary accommodation during the 4 week course along with a pre-sourced, guaranteed job placement. It also includes 1 week Cultural Orientation with group activities such as Muay Thai, cooking classes, market and temple visits and volunteering at a local animal rescue! Get access to our Online Teacher Ressources, relocation accommodation assistance, 24/7 in-country support, lifetime placement support in our partner network, and the opportunity to join our Digital Marketing course to become a paid consultant and make extra cash while abroad!
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers
Feb 15, 2024
Mar 01, 2024
13 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Teaching in Thailand is the experience of a lifetime! One of the most popular teach abroad destinations in the world, Thailand has everything one could want - food, beaches, nightlife, rich culture, and high quality of life. The teacher salaries are quite high relative to cost of living, with plenty of savings potential. The public holidays are numerous, which, along with school breaks, gives you lots of time to travel!

The Take on Thailand program comes with a GUARANTEED, pre sourced, paid job after the course. Full support from beginning to end with an in-country team to assist you throughout your entire experience. We have 3 program options in Thailand: In-person TEFL, Online TEFL and a program for candidates who are already TEFL qualified. They all come with pre-sourced, guaranteed teaching jobs in Thailand.

Check out our link to see how you can apply and speak to one of our Abroad Advisors!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Accredited TEFL/ TESOL Certification course
  • Guaranteed, pre-sourced job placement in Thailand
  • Complimentary accommodation during the training course
  • Full pre and post departure support including visas and documentation
  • 1 Week Cultural Orientation with group activities

Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 80.52%
  • 4 rating 19.48%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.45
  • Facilities 4.65
  • Safety 4.9
  • Instruction 4.75
  • Support 4.95
  • Value 4.6
  • Academic Rigor 3.4
  • Job Assistance 4.95
Showing 25 - 32 of 77 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Heaven Koh Pho Ngan

TEFL Heaven was a beautiful experience. The location, the curriculum, and the people made it magical. I felt accomplished and ready to get into a Thai classroom after graduation. The content of the curriculum had a flow, starting from the basics of teacher etiquette to the depths of English grammar and discipline techniques. The environment was serious, yet so fun and playful. It has been a month since beginning my teaching career. The highlight of my teaching thus far has been the students, the energy that they bring, and the relationships that I have fostered with them, already, within 3 weeks. It's fascinating...the relationship is quite different than anything I have experienced. I don't speak Thai, and they don't speak much English; so there's inherently a sense of distance between me and my students. However, despite the lack of "real" communication, I feel as ever connected with them. It is authentic as it gets. My relationship grows through gestures, eye contact, smiles, and the words I have taught them. It is rewarding and TEFL Heaven really prepared me for that, and I am so ever thankful.

58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience in Thailand so far

TEFL Heaven is the best program you could choose when it comes to TEFL training. The benefits from this course really are invaluable to your teaching career and you will draw things you learnt from TEFL into your teaching every single day. Not only do you get to train on a paradise island, you also get to make friends for life. You're surrounded by like-minded people who are there for you to lean on as they are in the exact same boat as you are. These will be the only people you know in the entire country; living in a country foreign to your own can be lonely sometimes so it's paramount you make some friends- with TEFL Heaven, these friends will be like your family. The classroom experience TEFL Heaven provides really is invaluable; every single day you will be planning lessons, activities and games and presenting them to your peers and trainers which is a huge confidence boost and readies you for teaching. The trainers are fantastic and are constantly on hand to offer advice both in teaching and living in Thailand in general, they are so helpful. You get thai lessons on the course which is super important; I couldn't get by in my town if I didn't know basic Thai (like ordering food, asking how much things are and directions for taxi drivers). The guaranteed job placement is a relief as it takes the complicated job search away from you and your agency will help with every step of visa and work permit process so it really is easy.

English camp is where you get thrown in at the deep end, but trust me when I say this is what you need to be ready for your classroom. It is overwhelming at first but when your nerves calm you realise TEFL have given you the tools and knowledge to succeed which is really reassuring. I use game ideas, classroom management techniques given to me by TEFL Heaven every single day, without this course I would never have had a chance of being a good teacher.

Thank you TEFL Heaven!

59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Take the risk

I decided to take a risk and attend the TEFL Thailand training in Koh Phangnan. I will say I was a bit nervous because there are a lot of teaching abroad scams but I went with it anyway. For the most part, TEFL Heaven was really well organized and communicative. Considering the many moving parts of this program they really tried their best to move the process along, and ensure that we had a great time doing so.

Getting an online certificate isn't enough. It's very important to get the in-classroom experience alongside the local culture. This can avoid a lot of culture shock. When I made it to the agency (that I was placed at) orientation you could easily distinguish between those who were well trained (within a classroom setting) and those who weren't.

We were lucky enough to be taught by experienced teachers that provided us with a no bs perspective on teaching in Thailand. I don't think I would've gotten the low and dirty if I didn't hear it from the horses mouth.

You had to teach, from the minute you got there, oftentimes on the fly with little preparation. This was a valuable experience.

We learned a lot of useful games, teaching techniques and formats and we got an awesome lesson in learning Thai.

Free breakfast and discounted lunch!

I highly recommend the TEFL experience, just be flexible and open, save your money (because you can easily run out), and have a great time. Although I was a lot older than my classmates, over time we both were experiencing the same circumstances and the same challenges. Awesome way to meet people from all over the world!

What would you improve about this program?
Our trainers left in the midst of the course. That jarred me and made me nervous, granted they've been teaching non-stop for quite some time. This isn't a vacation, this is actual work and the possibility of burnout exists like any other profession. But till this day I wonder if there was more to it.

The accommodations that we were staying in had tons of cleanliness issues. My expectations were low, but if you have terrible allergies then you won't make it. I was fighting mold, dust and anything else that existed. I didn't spend a lot of time there as a result. But it depends on your standards. I wasn't expecting a Westernized experience but I was hoping for some level of cleanliness.

A bit more focus on learning how to teach different levels.

There are times in which things were a bit disorganized.
60 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Hi Fran,

Thanks so much for taking the time to leave us a review :) We're really sorry your training course was affected by trainers leaving. The reason behind this is they had never trained before but were confident teachers. They hadn't had a break since finishing school and went straight from teaching at school to training a group of 23 TEFL trainees on our program. We contacted them and they said they could not do it any more as they were burning out and just wanted a break.

This was the first of us hearing they were actually struggling. So they said they would stay until we found a replacement. I did, and they left the next day.

We've taken on board your comments also about the cleanliness of accommodation, and we'll be sure to pass this on to the hotel!

We're glad to hear you were happy with our service, and you'd recommend our programs to others :)

Kind regards,
Charlie - The TEFL Heaven Team

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Yes, I recommend this program


If you are at all considering teaching abroad, especially in Thailand, you would be silly to choose any other program than TEFL Heaven. The experience I had far exceeded anything I could have imagined. I spent three weeks in paradise on a beautiful island with the most chill and awesome people I have ever met. Everyone was so creative and inspiring, and always had a unique perspective or comment to add during discussions in training. Especially the trainers! They provide you with adequate information, materials, tools, and insider tips about teaching in Thailand that you cannot get elsewhere! I never expected to learn so much in such a short period of time. Not only do they prepare you professionally, they help you adjust to moving across the world to a place completely foreign to you. They are extremely supportive and empathetic to the feelings of nervousness, not being sure if you made the right decision to come, or even feeling inadequate about your abilities. They remind you WHY you did this in the first place and give you the boost of confidence you need on those harder days. It also is completely hands-on from day one. Nothing like the classrooms you remember from your formal schooling. TEFL Heaven gave me memories I will carry with me for a lifetime and always hold close to my heart. There were countless days I laughed until I physically could not breathe. You will not regret choosing TEFL Heaven, they are the absolute best, and extremely affordable for all that they offer. No worries about anything, trust me. Pure awesomeness all around.

60 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Hi Heather,
Thank you so much for leaving us such a lovely review :) We're so happy you had a brilliant time, and it can only be made possible with amazing people like you!
Kind regards,
Charlie - The TEFL Heaven Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Spectacular program!

I searched and searched online while looking into which program to take my TEFL course with to teach in Thailand. I could not be happier with my decision to go with TEFL Heaven. The program is very organized and practical. I learned a lot to prepare me to teach and met over 20 absolutely beautiful souls that made the entire course so worth it! Teaching abroad can be very overwhelming, and TEFL Heaven took all of the stress out of it! They found me a fantastic company who provided me with a job which I love, and I have lifelong friends who I can meet up with on the weekends and explore Thailand together! I cannot recommend this program more! If you're thinking about it, do it!

53 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Hi Tira,
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review of the program :) We're super happy you chose us too and that you had a brilliant time training and working in Thailand!
Kind regards,
Charlie - The TEFL Heaven Team

Yes, I recommend this program

Tefl Heaven Koh Samui

The three weeks of training was a great combination of intense training, socialising and exploring the beautiful island of Koh Samui! As soon as I booked onto the course I had a constant flow of support. It is comforting that now, almost a month after the course has finished I still know that I can contact the TEFL heaven team if I ever need help with anything.

What would you improve about this program?
-Training aimed at teaching higher skilled students
-Felt that the topics covered were all very basic, primary subjects e.g colors, numbers
-My school is a very high level secondary school covering alot of grammar
-Less games throughout the course and more learning how to teach
-I wish that we got taught different ways to assess students

48 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Hi Sacha,
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave us a review! You're right, you can get in touch with us at any time, and if we can help then of course we will!
I've given the feedback re the course content to the trainers and Directors now, so will be taken on board. Thanks for the feedback, it's always good to know where we can improve!
Kind regards,


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Yes, I recommend this program

A lifetime of memories and knowledge.

I can't explain how happy I am with the decision to take this course. Fresh out of college, I had such a huge desire to travel but to do it in a way that would give back to the community and this course has truly allowed that to happen. I had previous teaching experience but never in a formal setting, and may I just say that this course truly does educate you. Although, it can seem like a lot of information all at once, the TEFL teachers are there every step of the way to help guide you. Each day is beneficial not only because of the content you learn for teaching students but because of the added bonus that you learn first hand the culture of Thailand from people who have already experienced it. I'm so glad I didn't take a TEFL course back in the United States because I really don't think it could have prepared me for this amazingly unique country. Through the course I was able to get a better understanding of aspects of teaching English in Thailand that a general TEFL course in the U.S. wouldn't have been able to provide. Beyond the course material itself, the staff and trainers are phenomenal, and do everything to make you feel comfortable. Even when a few of us got sick (it's bond to happen), they took care of us, translated to pharmacists what we needed, and in the rare occasion rushed us to the doctors. It's scary starting a new career, but what you learn a long the way, and who you meet in the process of the course changes you. If your'e having doubts, DON'T, if you are accepted to the program jump right in and enjoy the ride, you truly won't regret it.

What would you improve about this program?
I had no personal problems. I know a few others were disappointed with their teaching location, but they were quickly transferred to somewhere they felt happier with! If anything I would have loved more lesson ideas for kids whose English level is quite high.
51 people found this review helpful.
Response from TEFL Heaven

Hi Summer,
Thanks for leaving us such a lovely review :) I'm glad you had a great time with us!
We've taken on board the feedback about teaching those with a higher level of English, and this will be worked on! We value feedback highly, and this will help us improve for sure.
Kind regards,

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Yes, I recommend this program

Strong Program

TEFL Heaven made moving to Thailand and becoming a teacher an easy transition. Their staff answers emails quickly and helps you in whatever way they can. The TEFL training gives you enough support and guidance for you to teach and prepare lessons on your own. They placed me at a great school that has a great campus, friendly Thai and foreign teachers, A/C, and cute, energetic kids. Getting a visa and moving to a new country has never been easier. Confidence and an open attitude are needed.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be nice to teach kids more than one day
50 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

With TEFL Heaven, Asia teachers are required to be from the age of 20 - 55 years old. In Latin America and Europe you would be required to be between the ages of 18 and 65.

Yes. It says on the website: FOR THOSE WITHOUT A BACHELORS DEGREE If you do not have a bachelors degree you can receive a guaranteed paid teaching job on this program: PUERTO VALLARTA & PAID JOB MEXICO If you have not yet acquired your bachelors degree yet, but are still studying, you are also eligible for the guaranteed paid teaching job, as long as you get your degree certificate sent to you...