  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Surat Thani
    • Phuket
    • Korat
    • Surin
    • Chiang Rai
    • Bangkok
    • Chiang Mai
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School

Program Details

Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School Elementary Middle School High School
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation.

The price above is our Placement Only program fee and includes our guaranteed job placement in carefully vetted schools which ensures your income is secured and we guide you through everything you need before you depart and from the moment you touch down, you’ll continue to receive peace of mind 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.

Visit our program page for our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only pricing and benefits.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Some Activities Airport Transfers SIM cards Transportation Wifi
What's Included (Extra)

Shared accommodation for your 1st month in country during your TEFL course
Internationally Accredited TEFL/TESOL Certification
Cultural Orientation including excursions
Lesson Plan templates and resource directories
24/7 In-country support
Support Networks
Lifetime Teaching Placement Guarantee

What's Not Included
Airfare Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Apr 08, 2024
Oct 21, 2023
140 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Get paid to teach English in one of Asia's most exciting and culturally immersive destinations. Guaranteed job placement with flexible contracts ranging from 3 months to 1 year, giving you the chance to make a positive impact globally, grow both personally and professionally, and make new friends from all over the world - all while getting paid to live in paradise.

We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your teaching placement for anything you need help with - be it big or small.

Our In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placement and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL Accreditation. You’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide, prepare and support you before, during and after your experience.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • JOB SECURITY: TravelBud guarantees you a teaching job in carefully vetted schools where every effort is made to match placement preferences. Earn salaries of $800 – $1000 USD per month (30,000 to 40,000 Thai baht)
  • SUPPORT: We walk you through everything you need to know before you depart to Thailand and from the moment you touch down, you'll continue to receive 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.
  • TEFL & PLACEMENT OPTIONS: Our internationally accredited In-Class TEFL & Placement, Online TEFL & Placment and Placement Only program options cater for those who require an accredited TEFL certification as well as those who hold existing TEFL certificates
  • TEACHER NETWORK: A support network of fellow teachers where you can meet other like-minded individuals who are experiencing the same pleasures and challenges you are.
  • LIFETIME PLACEMENT: Once you’ve completed your contract, we can guarantee you a position at another partner school throughout Asia for which you are eligible, at no additional charge to you.

Current Teaching Jobs

Program Reviews

4.77 Rating
based on 77 reviews
  • 5 rating 84.42%
  • 4 rating 12.99%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.6%
  • Benefits 4.6
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.15
  • Facilities 4.25
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 4.65
  • Support 4.8
  • Value 4.25
  • Academic Rigor 3.45
  • Job Assistance 4.8
Showing 65 - 72 of 77 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

it couldn't be better than this

I didn't know what to really expect when moving to Thailand to teach English. It was an impromptu decision and I'm very happy that I made it. Travelbud has gone above and beyond my expectations I their support and advice given before and even after completing the tefol course in Thailand.

They were able to give the inside information about Thailand, what to expect and how much one would enjoy living here, you just don't realise how much you will really love it until you get to your new home and start teaching. Working in a foreign country and teaching student's who can't speak the same language as you can be daunting at the best of times, but TravelBud has been a consistent support throughout my time here.

60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Gift of TravelBud

As I graduated from college, the idea of teaching in Thailand was something I longed for with all of my might, but making it happen seemed near possible. I began researching, but the more pages I uncovered and information I found, the more overwhelmed I felt. The idea of just hopping of a plane, alone, nervous, and unsure of my next step seemed quite daunting. As I sat on my living room floor completely absorbed with doubt, I randomly ended up on a Facebook page called TravelBud. The Universe had sent me the answer I had been waiting for. Within the next 24 hours, I was chatting with Peter over Skype, and I genuinely had the best instincts about this organization. Every aspect of me believed and truly knew that this was the right decision. From just one friendly and honest conversation, I had my mind made up. After a long chat and a night of rest, I woke up the next morning feeling sure that this was how I would find myself in Thailand within my goal of two months down the road.

I will happily inform you that I write this review from the comfort of my home in Northern Thailand, where I have been living for the past two months or so. I owe every aspect of this beautiful, challenging, life-altering experience to the crew of TravelBud. They provided me the guidance and support to let go of fear, say so long to comfort zones, and pursue what my heart longed for. I hold such a special place in my heart for this organization, because they have truly made my dreams into a reality. Cheers to you TravelBud!

63 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Brianne, thank you so much for the incredible review! Despite all the contact we've had, this still caught us off guard and brought smiles all round to the whole team. We're so excited to have been part of making this life-changing dream come true for you. Enjoy it and keep paying that positive energy forward, those are some lucky kids to have you as their teacher!

Yes, I recommend this program

From Stellenbosch to Trang!

Writing a review about the best decision you have ever made while trying to not get overly excited and sound completely biased is a tough ask, but here is my attempt. The first step in making the decision was when I met with Peter from TravelBud in a coffee shop in Stellenbosch on a Saturday morning.

He was off the clock, it was weekend, but he took time out of his own personal life to meet up with me and chat about moving abroad. This was even when he knew I was not completely convinced about moving abroad and that I was in contact with other agencies on top of this uncertainty. He wanted to make sure I had all the information to be informed before leaving, even if I didn’t choose his agency TravelBud. An incredible gesture considering we live in a world where profit is the bottom-line.

His stories amazed me, they were exhilarating, frightening and hilarious all at once and from this point on all I could imagine was sitting down with my future kids and grandkids and telling them my own tales. I wanted similar experiences; I was completely sold on that day. His raw honesty and enthusiasm was enough to change this eternal skeptic.

To clear up any confusion you may have, TravelBud are essentially your agents before you get to the country of your choice. They help you with the paperwork and hassle of visas, booking flights and provide you with priceless information you need before you jet off. Once you get to your destination, you’re handed over to your agency in that country. That is the norm with every agency, but TravelBud continued to provide support and information, even going as far as to place an employee within our city for the duration of an entire month while we completed our TESOL. No other agent did that, not one, but TravelBud went the extra mile and ensured that we were eased into a new culture and had some form of a support structure as we adjusted to life in our new homelands. They checked in and kept an eye out during the nervy placement process. Furthermore, they organised a fantastic group dinner, study groups, TESOL support and a number of other awesome excursions for us during our free time, which helped with meeting more likeminded people and in the end, form friendships with people from all over the globe. These come in handy when you travel around and need a place to crash in either your own new home country or further abroad!

If you are in two minds, you need only speak to one of the amazing team members and hear about their priceless memories and experiences. I recommend TravelBud as your choice to lead you into your new life, they have the perfect balance of professionalism and fun/friendly/warm that you need, a mould you can use for your own approach as a teacher. Take the plunge, you really won't regret it.

60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Thailand

Teaching in Thailand with TravelBud was one of the best decisions I have ever made! When I signed up to the programme I was unsure whether this was the right thing to do, and the months leading up to my departure I was so nervous that I had made the wrong decision. But I was so wrong to have had any worries, TravelBud were great in assisting me with everything I needed, and they were so quick to reply to my emails.
The TESOL course in Hua Hin was such a great way to make new friends and experience new things. Not only was I prepared for teaching English as a foreign language, but I was also taught how to teach in a Thai classroom, and what to expect when teaching Thai students. I felt fully prepared on my first day at my school in Krabi.
Teaching here has completely exceeded my expectations, my Thai school is amazing and I love my students. My fellow Thai teachers have been so welcoming and they are always trying to involve me in school activities. It felt a little overwhelming at first, but I quickly settled in and now I don't ever want to leave!

For those who are considering teaching in Thailand, I would absolutely recommend going through TravelBud, they offer a fantastic programme! The only thing I could fault is that during the TESOL course there were various costs I felt unprepared for, and I did end up spending a fair bit on teaching materials as they are not provided for you. But if you are willing to save the money, then go through this programme, you definitely won't regret it!

What would you improve about this program?
It would be useful to give future TravelBud members a list of optional but useful materials to bring with them for teaching. Things like whiteboard markers, cardboard, speakers, sticky tape etc... I ended up spending a fair bit of time and money trying to find these things.
65 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you TravelBud!!

I was so impressed with TravelBud! As I was completing the course, they were right there supporting me in every way I could imagine! Our TravelBud representative in Thailand planned weekend excursions for us which was so helpful! They also were there to celebrate our birthdays, assist us with our course, or give useful tips for Thai culture or just getting around! Their professionalism was unparalleled and I met others who wish they went through TravelBud after seeing how well they treated us! It is hard to trust your time, money, and future with any organization, but I would trust TravelBud with mine again in a heartbeat! They were truly the BEST organization to go through and I am so happy and thankful that I researched and found them!

What would you improve about this program?
Better communication of how it is not the TESOL course (the in-country partner gave the TESOL course) but the path to get there. I was so confused at first but once I met others from other programs it made a little more sense.
66 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peace of Mind

This review is entirely written to put your mind at ease and to briefly explain to anyone wanting to leave your comfort zone and work in another country of the incredibly informative and reliable service offered by TravelBud.

When I decided to teach English abroad, I was faced, as we all are, with the very real concern of scammers. My first dealings with TravelBud were extremely pleasant and I could see right away that this was the real deal. There were no tell-tale signs of fraudulent activity and the company appeared far too organised to be a hoax. Keep in mind that I was only 22 at the time and a valid concern of my parents was that I did not know enough about the world to be really sure. So, as parents do, they fired-away with every single question you could possibly think of in order to achieve piece of mind, often to my moans and groans of "come on mom what else do you need to know".

TravelBud helped me understand where I was going, what I was going to be doing, who I was going to be doing it with and most importantly, exactly why choosing to trust in their system would be beneficial for me and my future in my new home/country. Every single bit of prep work (visa's, airplane tickets, etc) that needed to get done before I stepped on the plane was done with the help of their extremely understanding team members. They made sure that I was all set and ready to go with complete confidence in the fact that I was going to have the time of my life.

The help didn't stop there (and still hasn't). TravelBud followed up with constant contact from their side and really made the effort to make sure everything on my side was still going smoothly.

That is why I am writing this review. Truthfully, I wouldn't normally do this sort of thing but because I felt as though they really had a huge part to play in me being properly prepared for my time here I felt it only fair to repay them in this form. TravelBud do very well and I wish you, whoever is reading this, all of the very best for your future and I urge you to trust in them the same way I did.

I'm having the time of my life.

57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A+ For TravelBud!

To anyone interested in teaching overseas in Thailand, or a number of other foreign countries, I would highly recommend going through TravelBud! From the first day of getting contact with the team over 6 months ago, to today, where I am currently teaching in Thailand, TravelBud has been with me attentively throughout the whole process.

My decision to go though TravelBud from a friend who had gone through the program the previous year and only had extremely positive feedback. Now I can see why!

Knowing that the TravelBud company is not based in the US, where I was currently residing, made me a bit uneasy for fear of complicated or minimal communication. However, this was not an issue at all. Even with the major time difference, a member of the TravelBud always responded to e-mails within 24 hours and even made themselves available for phone and Skype chats to answer my questions and concerns.

After deciding on teaching in Thailand, the TravelBud team gave me a lot of insight on what what the culture and teaching life would be like once I moved over. They gave advice on pros and cons of different cities/towns and helped me get a rough estimate on average salary and living expenses.

When it came close to moving time, TravelBud was on top of their game with reminding me of deadlines and documents that needed submitting. They even had an agent who found me the cheapest flight option and booked my flight for me!

Since arriving in Thailand, members of the TravelBud team have kept in touch and are very much still hands-on to help me in any way. I am EXTREMELY satisfied with my choice of choosing TravelBud and would definitely recommend them to people looking at moving overseas!

64 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Most Enriching journey ever!

It was one of the most enriching experiences ever, Thai people are by far the most welcoming and friendly people I've encountered, even being back home my Thailand connects are still making me feel the love across continents.

The Travelbud team was a great support structure throughout the process, the fact that you guys are there from the very beginning and continue to follow through throughout the process is amazing. I can say that you guys are hands down the best agency in the game from what I've heard. The welcome dinner and the braai are great touches!

I literally have not a bad word to say about my experience with Travelbud and definitely feel like I got my money's worth. The only constructive criticism that I would pass on would be the handover from you guys to your in-country partner, there were some slight gaps there, perhaps because of the outstanding amount of information that we were getting prior to the handover..

The biggest gap in the first bits of communication from TravelBud's in-country partners (I and many others felt) came in as far as costs were concerned. As much as we're told about the big budget figure that we're expected to have to carry us through, it's just lovely to have a breakdown of just how much of it is gona slip right out of our fingers in the very first week. So things like, bank card costs, songteaw for the month, breakdown of accommodation costs from H-Residence to Hua Hin accommodation etc. but all in all that is not enough to leave a dent in the experience so all's well that ends well.

That said, moving from the course to my placement made my experience that much more amazing. Ayutthaya became home away from home within no time! Having a place where even through the language barrier you can feel the love, is priceless. I straight up cried my entire last week in the place and almost a month later, I'm still getting an out-pour of love from my students something I will carry with me forever and a day!

I would recommend this to anyone and everyone as it will change the way you see the world forever!

What would you improve about this program?
Better communication and transparency particularly from the TravelBud's in-country partners side.
**When you pack your bags and leave your home for the unknown, you make a conscious decision to become a grown up. Not being treated in the light even in the slightest manner is rather disheartening.
60 people found this review helpful.
Response from TravelBud

Hello Bongi

Thank you so much for sharing your Teach Abroad experience with us in Thailand. It is so great to hear that you had such an enriching experience teaching at your school in Ayutthaya - this is exactly what we work so hard to offer to all our teachers in Thailand!

Thank you for also sharing such valuable constructive feedback with us. We are actually in the process of reviewing our suggested budget for Thailand and how we go through it with all our soon-to-be teachers. We are always working hard to improve every aspect of our Teach Abroad programs and feedback like this really helps, so thank you :)

We're wishing you the best of luck for your new job back home and please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if there is anything we can do for you. We're always here to help!

The TravelBud Team :)

Questions & Answers

Hi Marjorie, The age limits are between 20 and 45 years of age. The other requirements are: - A passport from the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand - A Bachelor’s degree in any field I hope this helps Marjorie and we look forward to assisting you!

Hi Salil. Thanks for your question- it's one we get often so thanks for asking! The qualifications to be an English teacher does depend on which country you are looking to teach in and what the associated visa and school requirements are. At the most basic level for all programs a teacher needs to hold a Passport from one of the seven countries that are considered native English speaking: USA...

Almost, qualified teachers with all of their necessary documents will travel to their placements after 1 week in Thailand. During this week they will embark on a Cultural immersion course. This is highly recommended to any future teacher as you gain important insights into customs, and how to make a good impression at your future school. There are often language lessons as well, while only a week...

Hi Garth, Our Paid Teaching program in Thailand costs $2200 for the full program - which includes an in-depth TEFL certification course and Thai cultural orientation in Thailand before you start teaching, as well as your guaranteed job placement with a monthly salary of $950 to $1300 at one of our trusted and vetted school partners. 24/7 support is also provided throughout your time on our program...