  • Costa Rica
1 - 4 weeks
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Dormitory Hotel Lodge Tent
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Costs vary depending on program. Between $ 1,195 and $1,895 per week, plus international airfare to San Jose, Costa Rica. Students traveling from the United States will travel on our escorted group flight from the United States, international participants can choose to take our group flight from the USA or arrange their own airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 02, 2020
83 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Since opening Costa Rica operations in 2003, Rustic has expanded to include the most spectacular regions of this Central American paradise. From the Pacific to the Caribbean, from rainforests to rivers, from service to adventure, our programs here encompass the breadth of what Costa Rica has to offer. Our team of talented local staff members challenge veteran travelers with new experiences and introduce more novice adventurers to the joys of travel.

With our large staff of local Ticos, you’ll quickly feel at home in Costa Rica and easily slip into the lifestyle of pura vida, a phrase meaning “pure life.” Embrace the idea of living life to the fullest as you learn to relax, appreciate nature, and experience everything Costa Rica has to offer.

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Popular Programs

Surf and Service

Learn to surf or take your skills to the next level during this one-week program. Live at our base house and soak in the laid-back culture of beach town life. When you’re not surfing, work on infrastructure projects supporting the communities around Playa Grande. You’ll also have the chance to go on a private catamaran and go whitewater rafting!

Turtle Conservation Project

This program is designed especially for students who are passionate about turtle conservation and want to embrace the authentic and rustic park ranger lifestyle! Live at an actual park ranger station, take cold showers, and work alongside the rangers to protect this incredible species. Take walks along the beach at high tide to track sea turtle behavior. When not working hard, zip line, surf, and enjoy the beautiful beach views and sunsets.

Sea Kayaking

Surf the hidden breaks and enjoy the secluded beaches of Dominical. Set off on a three-day sea kayaking expedition through the Golfo Dulce in the Osa Peninsula. At night, camp on the beach and enjoy dinner next to a bonfire as you exchange stories about the day’s adventures. Venture into Corcovado National Park, keeping an eye out for monkeys, sloths, and scarlet macaws. Participate in a variety of infrastructure service projects to support the communities you visit.

Program Reviews

4.91 Rating
based on 113 reviews
  • 5 rating 93.81%
  • 4 rating 5.31%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0.88%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 5
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4
  • Safety 5
Showing 49 - 56 of 113 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Heart of the Jungle: the Adventure of a Lifetime

Basically, the program was nothing like I imagined it would be. It was the most incredible experience of my life. You start off the program easy, doing really adventurous and fun activities like surfing and waterfall rappelling, and then kayak to an ecolodge that has the most amazing views you will ever see. After that, you spend a few days in a hotel, and this is when the hard community service comes in, where you meet people and get to give back to the world less fortunate than you. After that, you go to another ecolodge, which is exactly what I imagined paradise to be, and you get to see all sorts of animals all while cleaning the beach. The final stop is back in the base house, where you get to white water raft, and then go to San Jose to spend a few hours zip lining. What I just described was the most basic itinerary of the summer I spent with Rustic and there's so much more to it. There are memories that are etched into my mind until the day I die. Like when we swam in the ocean, and it started raining, leaving us all in awe of the most beautiful scene. Or in Saladero, when there was a thunderstorm, so we just made a bonfire using flashlights and cups. There's the rainbow we could see as we were rappelling down the waterfall. There's the nights where we'd be exhausted and we'd all sleep on each other while the counselors tried to ask us how much fun we were having. There's the laughs together, the tears, the stories. The list is endless. There's the singing Moana songs in the middle of a store, and stopping for milkshakes at any chance we got. We made a family. We laughed together, cried together, shared our stories. We all fell in love with each other, and created bonds that we cannot fathom anywhere else in the world. We were all disconnected from the world, with no wifi half the time, and we got to experience the purest version of each other and most importantly, ourselves. Costa Rica changed everything about me, and the trip helped me find who I am, who I want to be, away from the social media world our generation is being sucked into. The people who go to Heart of the Jungle are people who are ready to work and do actual community service - the people who have the biggest hearts on the planet. Rustic Pathways are doing a really great job of bringing the best people in the world together, and making sure they make a family. They make sure we all are tolerant and we love one another, and we find the best version of ourselves. I had the most incredible experience of my life, and it hurts so much to know that my family is spread across the globe. But I am so lucky to have shared the adventures with them, so lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard (Winnie the Pooh).

What would you improve about this program?
Make sure you have a lot of bug spray!
41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Pathways: Surf and Service

Going into my first Rustic Pathways trip, I was both nervous and excited, naturally. Those nerves disappeared quickly upon my arrival to the airport. I was greeted by many kind people and had made friends within about five minutes of being at the airport. Rustic truly does attract some of the kindest, most adventurous and engaging people you will ever meet. I would be traveling, along with these new friends of mine, to Uvita Beach in Costa Rica for the Surf and Service program. Uvita Beach is a beautiful, safe place filled with friendly people and lots of culture.
All it took for our group to become instant best friends was the four hour bus ride from San Jose to Uvita Beach. Upon arrival at the base house, the group had gelled unbelievably well and we were more like a family than a group of strangers who had met the night before.
Whether we were surfing, whale watching, doing service, or even just relaxing at the base house, we had the greatest time with each other. Smiles were contagious and there was never a dull moment.
As for the program leaders or counselors - if you are looking to meet some of the most inspiring, adventurous and kind people in the world, then come on a Rustic trip and meet our counselors! Each counselor makes time to engage with each student, whether it be on the walk to a service destination or during a meal. Each time I got the chance to talk to one of my counselors on Surf and Service, I came away from the conversation feeling inspired and enlightened. Getting advice from one of the counselors or even just having a conversation with them was truly a gift like no other. The experiences and opportunities that this trip offers, along with every other Rustic trip, is a gift like no other.
Post-program, this trip has changed my life in the best way possible. My friends and family say that I haven't stopped smiling since I got home, other than the occasional frown or even tear that missing all of the amazing people and the amazing friends I made on my trip creates. I left for the trip with 19 strangers, and came home with 19 best friends from all over the country. My passion for travel has grown immensely since my trip, and I have developed a sense of adventure that will stay with me for the rest of my life. And for that, I have Rustic Pathways to thank.
I recommend this trip to absolutely anyone who is eligible to go on it. It is a unique experience that will provide you with memories that will last a lifetime, friendships that will last a lifetime, and a passion for travel and adventure that will last a lifetime.

What would you improve about this program?
The only way this program could be improved would be by making it longer!
42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Nicoya Turtle Expedition

As a first time traveler, I was very nervous about leaving the country and not knowing anyone on my trip. However, as soon as I met my flight leaders in the airport, a weight was lifted off my shoulders because of how friendly they were. Once in Costa Rica, my group bonded very quickly through service and outings. Most days were spent cleaning up the beaches to aid turtles who were nesting on the beaches. At night, we collected turtle eggs and re-nested them in hatcheries so that they were protected from poachers and predators. All of my leaders were amazing, and I felt like I could talk to them about anything. One of my favorite memories from my trip was hiking up a small mountain near the beaches we were staying. It was very challenging for me as I am not a hiker, but it was so rewarding to see the views from the top, as well as pick mangos. Post-program, I gained a new view into tourism and traveling. We talked a lot about being a traveler versus a tourist during my trip. Travelers go places to learn about the area; they appreciate the culture, eat native foods, and talk to locals about their lives. I encourage everyone to be a traveler, and learn about the place you are going to so you can truly understand it. Costa Rica was a beautiful country, and all of the local Ticos were incredibly friendly. It's a great country for first time travelers, and I would highly recommend this program to anyone with a love of nature and preservation.

39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer Camp Leadership

This was my first Rustic Pathways trip and I really enjoyed it. I would recommend it to anyone looking to do community service in Costa Rica. All the activities were very fun and the leaders were very nice and helpful. It was interesting to interact with the Tico children because you get to learn about their culture and they were so sweet and thoughtful. I thought it was a nice balance between community service and also having a great time in Costa Rica. I also believed I improved my leadership skills by taking charge of the camp along with the other students.
1- Pack light, I didn't end up wearing a lot of the clothes that I brought
2- Bring a camera and a journal

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Yes, I recommend this program


Going into this program, I had no clue what to expect. I mean, I knew that there would be service and fun involved, but I did not know to what extent. I quickly learned that the phrase, "work hard, play hard" was important to Rustic as with any service project, we had a fun activity shortly thereafter. The friends that I met here are sure to last a lifetime. Being on the quieter side, it is rather hard for me to open up to people, but knowing that I was in a safe, loving, and judgement free environment, it was pretty easy to make new friends. On the last day, I never saw more teens cry in one area in my life. We were all heartbroken over having to say goodbye to our friends from all around the world, but we were happy that we met each other. Rustic Pathways changed my life in a positive way.

What would you improve about this program?
This program does not really need to be improved.
42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Saving the Turtles

Going to Costa Rica was my first trip out of the country. I was pretty nervous flying all that way by myself with no one that I had ever met before. However, it turned out to be the greatest experience of my life. I think the fact that I went alone made the trip more worthwhile than if I had gone with a friend. It forced me to go outside my comfort zone and learn new things about myself all on my own. I think I really grew as an individual that week. I not only learned about myself, but about the environment in Costa Rica and more about our global community. The conservation trip taught me the about the damage that humans are constantly doing to mother nature and the destruction we have caused on our beautiful oceans. My favorite part was releasing the baby turtles back into the ocean. It was a physical reminder that what we were doing was good and worth all the hardships. This experience opened my eyes to a whole new world outside of the small suburban bubble I grew up in. This program has given me this unstoppable itch to travel all over the world and help where I can, and stop being a part of the problem that is ignorance toward our global issues.

What would you improve about this program?
It was amazing! Nothing!
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Turtle Conservation - Most Amazing Week of My Life

I was really really nervous about going on this trip because it was my first time traveling by myself, but I am so so happy that I did end up deciding to go. I can't even explain how much the trip impacted me, and I came home feeling like a new person. It has literally changed my life, and now I feel like I have a second family.

All of the people that went on my trip were so easy to connect with and we created such close relationships with each other so quickly that by the end of it, it felt like I've known each of them my entire life. I feel like all of the free time we had and having to be in such a communal environment contributed to our friendship a lot. One of the best things about this trip by far was not just the friends I made but the group leaders, park rangers, and the cook. All of them were so welcoming and by the end, you feel so close with each of them. And the food was some of the best food I've ever eaten in my life!!

Before leaving for the trip, I didn't know much about the topic of turtle conservation but now after working in the hatchery, doing beach cleanups, and going on night walks (even though we only got to do 2) broadened my knowledge on the subject and got me really into continuing conservation work at home.

In the beginning, I kind of dreaded doing the service work 2 times a day for 2 days in a row, but after doing all that we did, like aerating sand, I feel very accomplished and it gave everyone a sense of pride. One morning, we got woken up early by a group leader and were told to go down to the beach to release baby turtles, it was honestly one of the coolest experiences that I've ever had. Also, on the night walks you could see the Milky Way and tons of stars in the sky and it was beautiful.

We also got to go on surfing, zip lining, rafting, and canoeing excursions. While during zip lining, we got caught in the middle of a thunderstorm and we had to hike all the way down in the pouring rain, which turned out to be a great experience!

The whole trip was absolutely life changing and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

Tip - Bring more clothes than they tell you too!!!

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that I would say is to make it longer!!!
39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Intro to Community Service in Costa Rica

I would highly recommend this program to first time travelers or students who have never experienced a Rustic program before. This program immerses you into the Costa Rican culture and puts you in that "pura vida" mindset. I loved being connected to the Ticos and learning so much about their life values from communicating with them. Though I knew very little Spanish, it wasn't nearly as difficult as I first thought it would be to effectively communicate with the Costa Rican residents. This program was a perfect balance of service, education, and ultimate adventure! The Rustic Program leaders are amazing at connecting with you and doing their best to make your experience an experience to remember. I never had a doubt about my well-being or safety on this trip. The people are incredibly nice and so down to earth. They truly care about your experience in Costa Rica and will do anything to make your stay a great one. Lastly, this trip has had an everlasting effect on me and has changed the way I look at life. I have been taught so many crucial life lessons and have made incredible memories.

40 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi there Cesca, I would recommend checking out our blog channel all about prepping for your program. It won't be specific to Summer Camp Leadership, but might help. (Link below.) I would also check out our student lead Facebook group – Rustic Pathways Travelers 2018. Hopefully that helps, but please feel free to reach out to us at hello@rusticpathways.com if you have any additional questions...

Basically, Rustic Pathways has a program called group travel, and you can choose which country you want to go. For the Costa Rica group travel programs, the prices range between $1945 and $2355.