  • India
    • Delhi
    • Jaipur
1 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Family Solo Women


Starting Price
Price Details
The costs include:
- 24 hrs Assistance and support from staff
- Comprehensive Pre- Departure Information
- Pick up from the airport
- Orientation
- Food (2-3 times a day)
- Accommodation
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals
What's Not Included
Airfare Domestic Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Nov 16, 2023
Nov 28, 2023
46 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Volunteering Solutions provides the most affordable and meaningful programs in India. It's time for you to take a trip to this majestic country and indulge in doing something worthy for the underprivileged people living in this country. VolSol partners with local organizations and NGOs, and aims for sustainable development!

There are more than 15 different volunteering & internship programs available in India in the cities of New Delhi, Jaipur & Palampur. You can choose to volunteer with street children, or teach kids, or intern under a professional doctor at a healthcare center. No matter which projects you choose to be a part of, you'll get to learn a lot and gain experience. Explore the beauty of India, and visit several UNESCO World Heritage Sites including the Taj Mahal. In Palampur, we have introduced the Yoga & Volunteer Adventure Program, which would be a perfect choice for those who are keen to learn the art of Yoga & Meditation while volunteering with kids.

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here. Learn more about how Volunteering Solutions is promoting ethical volunteering.

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Program Highlights

  • Volunteer to make a difference and gain valuable work experience.
  • Explore India and travel to cities like Agra, Varanasi, Rishikesh, Jaipur etc.
  • Walk down the Himalayan trails & experience the thrill of trekking.
  • Get to know more about the country's history, culture, heritage & traditions.
  • Binge on the spicy Indian cuisine and let your taste buds feel the heat!

Popular Programs

Medical internship in India - New Delhi

The Medical Internship in India will be a highly valuable experience for international students studying medicine and nursing as they get to gain valuable international exposure. Under our specialized medical internship, students will gain insights into new techniques and be able to clearly distinguish themselves from their peers. The Medical Internship assignment takes place in a large hospital placement in thSouth Delhi area in close proximity to some of the best areas and markets in the city.

2 Week Special Volunteer Program in India

Be a volunteer for the 2 Weeks Special Volunteer Program in India with Volunteering Solutions and make the most of your time by engaging in some meaningful work, as well as exploring some of the most beautiful historical & cultural sites in Delhi & Agra. This program has been essentially curated for those who have a time crunch yet wish to volunteer abroad and contribute meaningfully!

Street Children Volunteer program in India

Being a volunteer for the Street Children Program in New Delhi, you can make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged kids, who are mostly street dwellers and have been seen scavenging the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused, falling prey to drug peddlers and child traffickers.

Summer Volunteer Program in India

Be a part of the Summer Volunteer Program in India with Volunteering Solutions and experience the best that India has to offer in just a span of 2 weeks! This project is designed to give you a meaningful travel & volunteering opportunity as well as connect you to the cultural, historical and popular highlights of the major north Indian cities.

Construction volunteer project in Jaipur India

With this project, we aim to select vulnerable schools, centers, and clinics in Jaipur that don’t have enough money for renovation and send our delighted volunteers to “save” the building with their beautification or renovation skills. The project is available to full year-round and upon completion of the renovation, we seek another building or project that needs the help of the volunteers, thus projects are hardly ever repeated.

Program Reviews

4.85 Rating
based on 59 reviews
  • 5 rating 89.83%
  • 4 rating 8.47%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 1.69%
  • Impact 4.6
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.6
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 25 - 32 of 59 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Streetchildren Project in New Delhi

One thing that I will never forget, is most properly my last day at the project and saying good bye to all of the gorgeous kids. I was expecting it to be a very heartbreaking day, but to my surprise the girls in my afternoon class which were about 8-10 years old, organized a little party for me. They had their mothers cook some delicious food and brought all sorts of snacks and cakes, from the little money that they have. This was a very touching moment for me, because I had realized that those girls were not only my students, but that they had also become my friends. We had lots of fun that day and they enjoyed styling my hair and giving me a "bindi", so that I would look like I'd just escaped a Bollywood movie. There was also a lot of dancing and singing and I must say that these experiences with the girls had let me love the Indian culture more than anything else could have! After our little party and all of our laughter, I then had to say goodbye to everyone. We all hugged each other a thousandth times and didn't want to let go. But sitting in the car on my way home to the accommodation, I had a grin on my face. Because on the one hand I knew that I would miss these girls, which mad me sad, but on the other hand I was so grateful to have taken part in their lives, because they have the kindest hearts and the brightest smiles,which I'll never forget.

What would you improve about this program?
It was perfect, so I see no need of improvement:)
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

India Summer Camp

India was the most incredible trip I've ever been on. Teaching young kids from the age of 3 and developing their English was inspiring. These kids have very little to live from and still make the most of everyday and smile more than you can ever imagine. They're full of energy and will definitely put a smile on your face. Growing very close with certain kids makes it extremely difficult to leave without a tear in sight. These kids taught me more than I taught them and that life should never be taken for granted. Exploring the country after our two weeks of volunteering was hectic from the get go, but I enjoyed every part. One day you'll be at the Taj Mahal and the next at the Golden Temple, the culture shock is immense and it's lovely to see how differently they do things compared to the western world.

What would you improve about this program?
The only negative comment I have is that I wish there was a better health and safety scheme put into place. Whilst I was travelling, a terrible thing happened to a fellow volunteer and no one was really sure on what to do, I wish we were put at ease more and knew what needed to happen next. Apart from that, the trip is incredible!
62 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Dehli Volunteer Work

Saying goodbye to our students was one of the hardest parts of the trip. Although these wonderfully sharp children may lack physical resources, they make up for it with their energy and their wonderfully generous hearts!
On our last day, one of our students gave me one of his only earthly possessions; a little toy robot. I knew how much this toy meant to him so I refused. He said, "It's a gift. You helped me all week and I wanted you to always remember me." It brought me to tears and will be one of the many touching memories I experienced while participating in this program.

What would you improve about this program?
Developing an emergency protocol when tragedy happens. I was on the trip when a fellow volunteer came down with a contagious disease and died while on the trip. We were all exposed, but no one from the organization followed up with our safety regarding our health. We all should have been checked!
They told us they would see us off to say goodbye but they sent the house boy instead. I felt that the organization knew something had happened but failed to communicate it with us. Luckily we were travelling with people who had connections to the medical profession and we were able to get medical advice and purchase precautionary medication while on the trip, especially since many of us were continuing on with further travels.
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Delhi Orphanage Program

In May 2016 I had the opportunity to participate in the 2 week orphanage program in Delhi. I worked with the NGO Jamghat and went to the girls' home Aanchal, which housed 12 girls between the ages of 12-18. These girls either did not have parents, or their parents could no longer take care of them. The girls were so welcoming on the first day I arrived and made leaving them nearly impossible.
One of my favorite memories was when I had gone in to visit them on a Sunday after their weekly dance class. Since I have a background in ballet, they asked if I would teach them a short routine and in exchange, they'd teach me their most recent Bollywood piece. The girls were so happy and kept smiling and laughing the entire time.Seeing how happy such a simple thing as dance made them helped me realize how fortunate I am. I still keep in touch with the girls through email and they will always hold a special place in my heart.
Overall, my experience with volunteering solutions was excellent. The staff was very helpful throughout the entire application process and answered all of my questions leading up to my arrival in India. The accommodations were very nice and Rajiv and his family were amazing hosts. I'm so thankful for my opportunity to work with volunteering solutions and can't wait to return.

58 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

My experience in India

India has been an incredible experience, for me working in a health center and in a hospital was a great way to learn medicine but also about indian culture and people.

Since the first day in India the adventure was amazing, the places I went, the people I met, the food, everything was just incredible.

Now I have a lot of friends I met back in India, that´s why traveling alone is one of the best things I did, incredible people living in the same house with me and sharing beautiful moments, traveling around, and getting know about India.

What would you improve about this program?
In the health center, probably making that the volunteers participate more with the doctors, and doing more medicine practice.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering solutions - India 2016

During the summer of 2016 I went on a volunteering trip to India. It was an inspiring experience, full of learning and culture. It was amazing to see people with so much less than me but still be just as happy and just as willing to succeed as I am. I met children who had dreams of becoming pilots and soldiers. The love for their own country is immense and how proud they are of what they have become and what the country has achieved is beautiful.

What would you improve about this program?
The program is amazing and I cannot think of any way that it could be improved, apart from maybe a longer day with the elephants.
55 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

The Man from Akshardham

India was the place I wanted to go to most in the world. Taj Mahal was the site I wanted to see the most but my favorite memory was from Akshardham. When I was there I was first in aw from the beauty and detail of each individual piece of the temple. Then actually looking around beyond the architecture my mind was subdued by the teachings and study of the Hindu religion. In the end I was confused. I was as confused as my friends from the UK were when I said "yall". I just kept reafinh everything to hope to understand but in the end I couldn't. Just as I was ready to give up a local man came up to me and greeted me with namaste. He continued on by asking my name and where I was from after a brief conversation he asked "Are you Hindu?" and I replied "No". He then choose to take his own time to explain to me so much of the religion. Not in a way to convert me but to teach me. He explained the stories and prayer I witnessed. Back where I'm from people don't go out of their way to help random tourists. This made such an impression on me that that's the first thing I think of for India.

What would you improve about this program?
Not going to the place with the traditional dancing. It felt to much like a bad theme park or circus.
64 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a life time!

The summer program trip was amazing, and I'm glad I went on it. I met incredible people from all around the world, and made some great friends along the way. This trip will forever change how I view myself, my world, and my opportunities. It offered me new ways of challenging my views, and my abilities. I would definitely say that this trip was the journey of a life time, that empowered me to believe in the good in the world, and the strength in me. It tested my heart, mind and body, only to strengthen my values in life. I started the trip hoping to make a difference in the world, and came home having the trip make a difference in my life. India gave me so much more than I anticipated. She gave me a love for life, health, adventure, and personal growth.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that more time in Delhi, and less time in Palampur would be something to consider.
61 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Maggie, according to the Volunteering Solutions site, "The minimum age requirement for individual participants for most of our programs is 17 years old. Some programs also have a minimum age requirement of 18 years. We suggest you to visit the specific program destination page to check the minimum age requirement. However, volunteers below 17 years old and children can join the program if they...