Multiple Locations +2
  • Peru
  • Chile
4 - 26 weeks
Program Tags
Adventure Travel College Credit Conservation Cultural Immersion Hands-On Learning Language Immersion Post-High School Social Justice Study Abroad Volunteer Abroad Wilderness +1
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, 529 Plan eligibility, BIPOC funding

Program Details

Animal Viewing Backpacking Boating Camping City Exploring Farming Hiking Kayaking Rafting Remote Exploring Sightseeing Swimming Trekking
Fall Spring
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel Hotel Tent
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Program tuition includes accommodations, transportation, food, and activities once participants are in-country. International airfare is additional.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Some Equipment Meals Tour Guide Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare SIM cards Travel Insurance Visa
May 18, 2023
Apr 23, 2023
33 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Adventure and education collide during our journey through the lush jungles, snow-capped peaks, and enchanting sites of Peru and Patagonia. Treading in the footsteps of the Inca, we gain insight into an ancient culture as we explore the famous ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru. Setting up camp in a remote community in the Sacred Valley of Peru, we get hands-on experience understanding the important role that llamas play in environmental conservation and sustainability in the region. Embarking on a rafting trip down the famed Futaleufu River, we experience some of Patagonia’s most exhilarating rapids. Settling into a homestay on a traditional estancia, we immerse ourselves in the Chilean gaucho way of life. Exploring the effects of climate change on the melting glaciers in Patagonia we understand the complex conservation issues facing Patagonia. Embarking on a five-day trek amidst the towering peaks and glacial lakes of the famous Torres del Paine National Park, we are awed by the beauty.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

ARCC Programs believes that social responsibility is an essential aspect of our programming and business operations. We strongly believe that cultural immersion, cross-cultural conversations, and reflection on these experiences can increase self-awareness, promote empathy, and foster growth. We recognize that our staff, student, and participant body is not as diverse as we would hope. We also recognize that there are inherent imbalances in access, particularly when it comes to international travel and outdoor experiences. Recognizing the current imbalances and accessibility issues within the world and more specifically within experiential/outdoor education/gap year programs, we are able to move towards a more just and inclusive world.

ARCC is committed to increasing accessibility for our programs and supporting socioeconomic diversity within our community. ARCC’s Voyagers Scholarship provides up to five scholarship opportunities per semester to students who identify within the BIPOC community. These scholarships can range anywhere from $5,000-$8,000, and also includes gear lending and mentorship support throughout the gap year experience. The Voyagers Scholarship can also be combined with ARCC Financial Aid. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to gap@arccprograms.com.

LGBTQIA+ Support

ARCC Programs believes that social responsibility is an essential aspect of our programming and business operations. We strongly believe that cultural immersion, cross-cultural conversations, and reflection on these experiences can increase self-awareness, promote empathy, and foster growth. We recognize that our staff, student, and participant body is not as diverse as we would hope. We also recognize that there are inherent imbalances in access, particularly when it comes to international travel and outdoor experiences. Recognizing the current imbalances and accessibility issues within the world and more specifically within experiential/outdoor education/gap year programs, we are able to move towards a more just and inclusive world.

Neurodivergent Support

Our Essential Eligibility Criteria outlines the requirements for participation in our programs to determine if our programs are a good fit for each student. While ARCC Gap is not a therapeutic program, we do provide an inclusive environment for students with neurodivergence. We have had students with various diagnosed neuro-differences (such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, TS, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, etc) find success on our gap semester programs.

During our interview process, we have open communication with students and families about the support ARCC instructors are able to provide students while on program. For students needing some additional support, we ask them to complete a “Plan of Action” with their at home support system. These plans may include additional information about communication/support preferences, coping strategies, and/or specific requirements to encourage the student to engage with the program effectively. Once on the program, our instructors will periodically check in individually with each student, help the student stay accountable to their Plan of Action, and provide general support to all participants.

Accessibility Support

ARCC Gap Travels to locations around the world that have varying levels of accommodations for students needing accessibility support. For this reason, please see our Essential Eligibility Criteria to see if our gap programs are a good fit for you.

Whenever possible (determined by specific location and program - ie. infrastructure, access to specific health care facilities, dietary options available, etc), we have successfully assisted students with anaphylactic allergies, chronic medical conditions, and other accommodations on programs. We recommend that you reach out with specific concerns to your Gap Director to find the right fit for you.



At ARCC Programs we recognize that all human action impacts our physical environment and the living beings on the planet. Everything on Earth plays a role in supporting life and we believe that it is our responsibility to have a net positive impact with our actions. We strive to balance the impacts of our programming by partnering with communities and organizations with similar goals toward bettering our planet for future generations.

Ethical Impact

ARCC believes that we (as an industry) need to shift the way we think about international service. We (as a society) have now come to realize that international volunteers often benefit from their service experience, while the impact on the community can be short-lived or even harmful. We at ARCC are taking the years of experience that we have in the international service learning realm, have reflected on previous mistakes, learned from our in-country partners, and have made changes. Our goal is to live, work, and learn alongside community members while also making a positive impact. We are committed to partnering with local community-driven organizations to focus on reciprocity while contributing to established long-term projects. It is our responsibility to engage in mutually beneficial community-driven projects and teach fair trade learning principles to our students.

Program Highlights

  • Delve into South American Culture and Language During a Homestay
  • Volunteer on the Grounds of Parque Patagonia, Chile’s Newest National Park
  • Walk in the Footsteps of the Incas and Explore the Ancient Ruins of Machu Picchu
  • Trek in the Shadows of the Towering Peaks and Glacier of Torres del Paine
  • Raft the Exhilarating Turquoise Waters of the Futaleufu River in Patagonia

Program Reviews

4.72 Rating
based on 46 reviews
  • 5 rating 73.91%
  • 4 rating 23.91%
  • 3 rating 2.17%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.5
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.6
  • Value 4.6
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 41 - 46 of 46 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


We were able to live in a village in the Ecuadorean Amazon and it was really enlightening. We took part in the traditional dances and worked with them to help their community center it was really cool and stuff. I had a lot of fun

What would you improve about this program?
More independence for the students and the ability to drink and be social if you're older.
74 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

Taking this gap semester with ARCC was the best decision I ever made! This trip changed my life in so many ways: from the unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, to the 11 unique individuals I got to live with and learn from, to the incredible support of the two trip leaders (Graham and Margo) who constantly pushed me to jump outside my comfort zone and set me on the path to becoming my best self.
The program could not have been planned more perfectly: we had a great mix of service and adventure, urban and rural, rugged and comfortable, structured curriculum and independent learning.
In Costa Rica, we got to learn Spanish and relax on the beaches, work on conservation and service projects on the coast and in the mountains, go surfing and whitewater rafting, and experience the local culture through homestays and a stay on a beautiful farm deep in the mountains.
In Ecuador, we got to experience life in the Amazon through home and village stays, explore the amazing city of Quito, go ziplining in a beautiful cloud forest and hiking through mountains and jungles, plan our own adventure in Baños and Lake Quilotoa without any help from our leaders, build community houses and volunteer at schools, and immerse ourselves in two entirely different indigenous cultures (that of the Amazon and Andes Quichua people).
In Peru, we got to see rich Inca history in Cusco and Machu Picchu, immerse ourselves in a remote community while helping them build clean stoves, work with Peruvian Hearts at a hogar (orphanage) and rebuilding the house of one of the organization's Peruvian Promise scholarship recipients, and stay at the beautiful Lake Titicaca.
Everything about this trip was unbelievably amazing, and I wish I could experience these 3 months again, because they were some of the best 3 months of my life.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish that Spanish was more of a focus throughout the trip, not just during our first week at the language school in Samara. I feel as though I learned a lot of Spanish those first few weeks, but didn't have much of an opportunity to continue learning as the trip continued.
72 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

3 unforgettable months!

Choosing to do a Gap year program with ARCC is definitely the best decision I've ever made. It doesn't get better than spending three months in three beautiful countries with a group of strangers that become your family. I absolutely everything we did on the trip!

Some highlights for me were going to an indigenous wedding in Ecuador, staying in a beautiful cloud forest in Costa RIca and of course going to Machu Picchu in Peru!

What would you improve about this program?
There were a lot of places I wish we could have stayed longer. It was always sad to say goodbye to our new friends.
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing 3 Months!

I'm so glad that I decided to do this gap semester with ARCC. It was without a doubt the best three months of my life. It was challenging for me especially at first to be away from home and experience things that were so different from what I was used to. However, our trip leaders Johanna and Franco were amazing and always supportive and they really helped make the semester as awesome as it was for me. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know everyone in the group and our trip leaders were excellent at facilitating group discussions and activities that helped the group bond throughout the trip.
Each week we were working on a different project in a new location which was fun, although it was often bittersweet to leave the communities we stayed in after such a short period of time. Every week brought a new adventure. Some of the highlights for me were working on a sea turtle conservation project in Costa Rica, a community stay in Ecuador, and working at a girls' orphanage in Peru. The trip had a good mix of service and adventure travel. Things like white-water rafting, ziplining and hikes were so much fun in addition to the service projects we worked on.
The trip also had a good balance between staying in rural and urban areas. All of our accommodations were comfortable; with some being more rustic than others. However for me it was the weeks when we were away from things like wifi or electricity that were the most fun and the most meaningful. I really fell in love with the unbelievably beautiful places we stayed from the mountains of Costa Rica to Lake Titicaca in Peru.
This semester taught me a lot about myself and I'm so thankful for this experience and the people that I shared it with. Overall, this was an amazing semester and I would highly recommend ARCC.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked for the trip to include more Spanish classes. We went to language school for a week but I would have liked to continue more formal Spanish education throughout the trip especially since many of us didn't know any Spanish when we started the semester.
68 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Three months that changed me

This gap semester with ARCC is that best thing that I've ever done for myself. I was challenged and pushed everyday along with being given incredible and fun activities consistently for three months.

For example I will never forget the hike up Wayna Picchu in Peru. It was one of the most challenging hikes I've ever done. I could feel myself being challenged both physically and mentally. However, I will never forget the feeling of pride reaching the top and seeing the most incredible view below me. Everyone was so supportive and patient on that hike which was a relief because it felt like everyone was in this challenge together.

The homestays, rafting, zip-lining, teaching, community service and all the activities we did on a day to day basis are all things engrained in my memory. I grew, learned, and had an AMAZING time!

What would you improve about this program?
A bit more down time, maybe. Things felt very jam-packed sometimes.
66 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Gap Semester in Latin America

I had an incredible time during my gap semester in Latin America. I experienced many different cultures and had the chance to go on many different adventures including white water rafting, zip lining, rock climbing, and some incredible hikes. We had the opportunity to hike Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano in the world, and spend a week at Lake Titicaca, the highest elevated body of water in the world. We also had the opportunity to visit and stay with several indigenous communities. The highlight of my semester was when I spent a week with an indigenous family on the Amazon River. While I was with them I tried their traditional foods, learned how to fish using their nets, worked on their farm, hiked through the amazon, learned about their traditional plant remedies, and swam in the Amazon river with all the local children. My host family also had a pet monkey that I got to hang out with each day. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. The trip as a whole was absolutely incredible and I can honestly say I was never bored. Every week was a new project and a new adventure. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who is interested in Latin America. You can learn so much about the culture, improve your spanish, and have some once in a life time experiences.

What would you improve about this program?
The program was incredibly well structured and everyday we had something new to experience. While that was awesome, it also meant that there was very little time to sit back and relax. I personally did not mind this but someone who likes to have some time to their self to relax and recharge may find there isn't sufficient time to rest.
54 people found this review helpful.
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