  • Israel
    • Tel-Aviv
    • Jerusalem
26 - 52 weeks

Program Details

Academic Year Fall Spring
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
The price of Aardvark Israel includes program tuition, housing, medical insurance, fees for all academic courses, staff, field trips, seminars, local transportation, and more. The only things not included and flights to and from Israel and food in Israel.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities SIM cards Wifi
Apr 27, 2020
May 09, 2024
4 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Aardvark Israel is a program which combines volunteering/interning and learning while living in apartments in Israel (right in the heart of Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem) and experiencing Israeli society from many different perspectives. Aardvark Israel is also fully accredited by the American Jewish University, participants can earn up to 30 college credits, whilst also volunteering, interning, touring and deepening their connection to Israel and exploring their Jewish identity. We also offer international trips and special interest add-ons such as Marva (Army); Magen David Adom, Entrepreneurship, and Selah (Jewish learning). Aardvark provides our students with a balanced structure enabling them to build their resume, have meaningful experiences and enough free time to make their own plans to enjoy Israel.

Program Reviews

4.35 Rating
based on 52 reviews
  • 5 rating 73.08%
  • 4 rating 9.62%
  • 3 rating 1.92%
  • 2 rating 9.62%
  • 1 rating 5.77%
  • Housing 4.2
  • Support 4.1
  • Fun 4.5
  • Value 4.4
  • Safety 4.4
Showing 41 - 48 of 52 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changer

Aardvark was, without a doubt, the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me. Was the program perfect? No. No program is without its faults, but the resources and opportunities that Aardvark provides its students are tools that can be used and applied throughout the rest of their lives.

I learned so much both about myself and my Jewish identity while on this program. I grew spiritually and mentally and I am a full believer that I am better off now, having waited a year before attending college, than I would have been had I gone straight through without taking a gap year.

You get the chance to explore the country and develop a greater understanding of the Jewish state. I never considered myself a Zionist before, but Israel now plays a very important part in both my life and my belief system. Who knows exactly what the future holds in store, but my opinions and love towards Israel have changed irrevocably.

I've made life long friends and miss the country and the Aardvark staff terribly. I know that my academic journey must continue, but I am forever indebted to Aardvark for helping to guide and shape me into the person I am today.

What would you improve about this program?
There is not a huge amount of organized programming which I didn't think was a bad thing, it just may not be what other students need. This program isn't a perfect match for everyone. However,one of the greatest things about Aardvark is that whatever you are hoping to get out of the year, they will help however they can. Have a clear idea in your head what you what to get out of the program. If you're looking for a gap year that will choose your path for you, then this is probably not the best option, but if you're independent and want guidance along your journey, than Aardvark is a program you should seriously consider.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best year of my life was on Aardvark Israel

Before I went to college I knew I wanted to do a gap year in Israel. Aardvark Israel appealed to me for many reasons. It offered independence, minimalist structure and would allow me to participate in both Magen David Adom and Marva. I had the best year of my life on my gap year in Israel and it was all thanks to the amazing people I met on Aardvark. The kids from every other gap year program were always jealous of Aardvark because we had the most fun :) Get ready for an amazing adventure!

48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An experience to remember

Coming from South Africa and coming with no friends I was nervous. I was even more nervous because I came in January during spring semester. But on arrival I was welcomed by 3 amazing madrichim in Jerusalem. Then I met my room mates who were there from America. One joined when I did and the other had been there since September. I chose to Jerusalem as coming from a religious background I felt more connected then Tel Aviv.

The next day we went on our first over night trip to Ein Geddi. There we met up with the Tel Aviv students. That night we had a break the ice activities. We learnt about what to expect on the program and what was expected of us.

The next week we started our volunteering. I was at a Gan. It was difficult in the beginning as most of the kids spoke only Hebrew. My Hebrew wasn't up to scratch but as the months went on I learnt both from the Gan and Ulpan. I honestly loved every minute of being there. Sure some days were harder then others but because I enjoyed it so much I didn't mind. (This was 4times a week).

In the afternoons we had classes. I did Ulpan (which was mandatory), film and news around Israel and a midrash class. The ulpan class was interesting because everyone coming from different backgrounds we had different influences and our knowledge was all at different levels. I was in level 2.
The film class was done by our madrichim. The films were informative and relevant to our society and the way we live today. The ones that were in Hebrew you had to concentrate a bit but nothing to serious. News around Israel:the group got given articles from an online magazine or newspaper and we had to read it. After that we had a discussion on our thoughts and if it was something good what we could do to continue it and if it was something bad how we can try change that.
Midrash: it was me and 2 other people. Growing up in a religious environment I loved the class. It was easy enough for all of us to understand but also done in a way that made us think outside the box and not in a simple way.
(These happened 3times a week).

Tuesday trips: every Tuesday we went on a trip around Israel. The ones that were most memorable for me were: Sderot, Haifa, Temple Mount, Chevron. The reason for this is because they were places I hadn't been to before. It was beautiful to see and experience the way in which other people within Israel live. Some areas poorer than others, the natural beauty in the gardens and how it is preserved and how other religions view these places either holy or spiritual.

From Thursday afternoon, after classes, it was the weekend :D. There were plenty of options on what you could do. You could go to friends or family, have people stay at you, if your room mates agreed, if you wanted to party going to Tel Aviv and having accommodation was never a problem. People on the program either have an extra bed or you just used the pull out couches.
Every 2nd month there was a shabbaton. For this you went to different location from Friday till Saturday night. I went on one in the desert. It was peaceful and relaxing and was an opportunity to get a few things off my chest.

In Jerusalem across the street from our apartments there was a pizza and felafel take away place. It was a blessing. Whenever I wasn't in the mood to cook there was somewhere for me to get food (what a Jewish thing to say).
About a 5 minute walk away was a grocery store. There were always specials on products and many things were sold in bulk which for me was a bonus because it meant less money spent on food and more on shopping.

During the week at night there were optional activities which the madrichim put together. We had a poitjie night, pesach masterchief, keriokee, cheese and wine before Shavuot, a trip to Nachlaot and the shuk.

To end off this very long review although it was hard the people I have met from around the world are friendships that will last forever.

I hope this was helpful if not please let me know and I will add things in.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I had a problem with was the Tel Aviv area. Although it is a hip and upcoming place I didn't feel safe. It was just very sketchy and everything just always felt dirty
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Year as an Aardvark

I am really glad that I chose to do Aardvark. We had a schedule which allowed us to have enough free time to explore the cities in which we lived and also on the weekends to explore the rest of the country. We had great volunteering options and we got to go on trips around the cities in which we lived each Tuesday, which was really fun. It was nice to see both sides of Israel- the religious (Jerusalem) and the hip (Tel Aviv.) It was exhilarating to switch from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv midway through the year.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that the behind the scenes of the program needs to be more organised, because the participants noticed that it wasn't the most organised.
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Start of a journey

Aardvark really changed my life. It's true beauty is that you are ultimately responsible for you own experience. There is more freedom than any other program of its type and they set you up with apartments in good areas of tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The basic structure is volunteering in the morning, classes in the afternoon and optional activities most evenings. You could choose from a wide range of volunteer positions (I was an intern at a start up company and volunteered on an ambulance) you can even set up volunteering yourself if you have a specific passion that they could set it up yourself. You can also switch volunteer positions, so the experience here is all on yourself.
You can take a light or heavy classload. However, I was somewhat disappointed in the short amount of Hebrew lessons and the selection of classes. I know it is a small amount of students so they can only have so many classes but I think a larger emphasis on Hebrew should be given. It is the language here and you will be living here for at least half a year after all. That being said I worked hard on my Hebrew in class and volunteering and improved my Hebrew a lot.
Activities were a little bit hit or miss but that is on how many people show up and with what attitude.
Field trips were generally once a week and were educational and enjoyable

The true beauty of the aardvark program is its freedom. Most evenings after 6 and nearly all weekends you are free. I had no choice but to learn how to cook, you must feed yourself
There are lots to explore in both cities, more than you can ever do in 4 months. In tel Aviv you are 2 minutes walk from some of the best bars in tel Aviv on Florentine Street.
You must learn how to budget yourself, a true life skill. Every weekend I went on a different adventure, I tried not to be in the apartments on the weekends, tried to really experience the country without breaking the bank. Aardvark allowed me to do that, and based on my year in Israel I decided to stay and make aliyah
Would recommend for the adventurous type.
In short great opportunity that I would recommend to anyone who is looking to spend some time in Israel before college

What would you improve about this program?
Class selection
To survey the participants and see what they want to take.
Higher emphasis on learning Hebrew!
More helping activities teaching us more recipes tricks for living together etc
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Gap Year

The only regret that I have is that I only completed one semester. I wish I was there for the whole year. I fell in love with Israel and made life long friendships. A great balance of independence for me and comfort level for my parents. Aardvark was an incredible experience and I feel I really grew as a person.

What would you improve about this program?
Aside from wishing I was in Israel longer, there should be more interaction between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on the group Tiyuls as only doing one semester it can be hard to create the connections with the other section.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

worst part was that it ended

My gap year in Israel was the best year of my life, hands down. As long as you can handle being somewhat independent in a foreign country, aardvark is the number on program out there. Aardvark is about letting you shape YOUR israel experience, so prepared to have to take initative sometimes in taking your own classes, your own trips around israel, buying your own food etc. This may sound daunting but being in charge of your israel destiny is such a good experience to prepare you for the real world. Don't get me wrong though, aardvark is always there for you in whatever you need.

What would you improve about this program?
Oftentimes the planning and organization of certain activities were rather last minute, which seemed like a big deal at the time, but looking back the good times shine above all therest.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Aardvark was awesome. Classes were easy, I had a fun internship that looks solid on my resume, and the social scene was unbelievable. Honestly, the main reason I originally came to Israel was because the drinking age was 18, but after 4 months I legitimately can say that I not only met some of the best people and friends I could have ever hoped for, my semester abroad gave me a life long passion to the state of Israel which I think is necessary for every Jewish youth.

What would you improve about this program?
Give people the option of who they room with. Furthermore, make Sar El optional, one week long opposed to two weeks, and not at the beginning of the semester.
55 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Yes most kids do party but it’s also really not a big deal to stay in. There’s a solid group of kids that won’t go out and there’s no pressure or anything.