  • Ecuador
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Hotel Lodge


Price Details
Every student who attends a Global Glimpse partner school is eligible for a need-based scholarship. Since 2007, Global Glimpse has provided over $13 million dollars in scholarships to make our program accessible to students from all backgrounds.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airfare Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

Global Glimpse partners with Away Travel to provide a scholarship to cover the cost of passports for accepted students who will be getting their first passport in order to participate in the Global Glimpse program.

What's Not Included
Jul 26, 2023
Aug 17, 2023
2 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

What makes Ecuador unique is the interaction of 4 main regions: the coastal beach life with Afro-Ecuadorians and mestizos (Spanish-indigenous), the Andes – South America’s version of the Swiss Alps – with stunning peaks reaching as high as 20,564 feet, the dynamic volcanic islands of the Galapagos brimming with untouched wildlife, and the Amazon rainforest – the thickest most conserved jungle in the world; home to over 10 ancestral Indigenous nations!

Students will explore the dynamic interplay between environmental preservation in the context of large economic investments, Indigenous efforts to preserve their ancestral knowledge and traditions, and new spaces of social and cooperative entrepreneurship. Ecuador is a true microcosm of South America and a thought-provoking and inspiring real-world classroom for our students.

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 18 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.44%
  • 4 rating 5.56%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.55
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 16 of 18 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Global Glimpse Summer Experience

The experience that Global Glimpse taught me was how other cultures are different and similar to my own. It opened my eyes and allowed me a chance to step out of my comfort zone in the most natural way possible. Not only did I grow as an individual, but this trip made me strive for it. I met so many incredible people who I would continue to see as close friends, if not family. Even after the trip, I aim to continue the healthy routine that Global Glimpse introduced me to. I’m not only healthier, but also stronger and happier. The trip reminds me that everyday could be different and special in its own way.

  • Lots of learning
  • Meeting new people
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone
  • Only 2 weeks
  • Everyday is tiring
  • No electronics
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Traveling abroad as a teenager

This June I went to Riobamba, Ecuador. I went with a program called Global Glimpse and their purpose is to help students explore many different cultures at a young age. The program supports juniors for all different backgrounds. Through this program I was able to stay in a country where I’ve never been previously for two weeks and explore all that was available to me. On the first official day I went to a museum of tribal history. Our guide explained the way things were done back then when everything was different and harder. He shared how the tribe learned how to read and write to further
educate themselves and future generations. He also gave further information about their ponchos and why they are so traditional and even explained the little details such as their calendar embroidered into the ponchos. That same time just outside, the people from the community were coming all together to celebrate giving thanks to the crops and what they have done to help them. The food that was shared were different and things I haven’t heard of but one I do remember is Guinea Pig. They cook it and eat it off a stick and is actually pretty common to eat at special events. Through this trip I was humbled greatly by just seeing how fortunate I am compared to many in Ecuador. Many in Ecuador may not have much but they still are happy and respectful and I applaud them. Seeing them be so humble makes me want to do the same and share it with others.Towards the end of my trip they started to talk about our CAP. It stands for community action project which is when students complete a project they themselves plan and pay for. On my trip the choice was either painting mural or building a fence. I choose the fence because I am horrible at painting. The process goes such as, first planning with your group a presentation that gives all the materials needed, questions, measurements and how much of everything would we need. After we make our presentation we start to plan what we will be doing first and after we start our project. The supplies we get and how much depends on how much money we have. Money that is donated by all students and could donate more to get better supplies which is something most students did. This CAP is something that will stay with me because we built it for a school and we all saw the faces of the students and how excited and happy they were. Everyone was so thankful for what we did and I’m so happy I was apart of this great experience.I loved every single minute of this trip especially during free time when I would hangout with my friends and just talk and eat snacks. Or when I would have conversations every night with my roommate about our day and we would just share our thoughts and opinions in everything we saw or heard. It was great because through this program I made many new friends that I got to experience something so impactful with.

  • Exploring new sites
  • Learning more about Ecuadorian culture
  • The music
  • The altitude
  • The sun
  • Cold weather
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My experience with global glimpse

A 2-week trip to Ecuador proved to be a transformative experience, leaving an indelible mark on my life. Not only did this journey enhance my understanding of the world, but it also instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude, leaving me with memories that continue to inspire and shape my life.

One of the highlights of my trip was exploring the city of riobamaba, known for its captivating blend of colonial and modern architecture. The sense of timelessness in Riobamba was palpable as I admired the grandeur of its iconic churches with its amazing art and artifacts. Immersing myself in the local culture, I found myself connecting with the warm and welcoming people of Ecuador, who were happy to share their stories and traditions, further enriching my experience.

Beyond the urban landscapes, Ecuador's natural wonders were truly awe-inspiring.
Venturing further into Ecuador's diverse landscapes, I discovered the enchanting waterfall we visited en Los Banos. The immersive experience of living amidst nature's wonders was a transformative one, allowing me to disconnect from the hectic pace of daily life and reconnect with the simplicity and beauty of the natural world. Hiking through dense vegetation I felt a profound sense of connection to the Earth and a renewed commitment to sustainable living. The opportunity to learn from local indigenous communities, who possess a deep knowledge of the forest's resources and have lived in harmony with nature for centuries, was both humbling and inspiring.

Ecuador's cultural heritage is as remarkable as its natural wonders. This immersion into the richness of indigenous culture fostered in me a deep appreciation for their customs, resilience, and the importance of preserving their heritage. These experiences left an indelible mark on my soul, reminding me of the value of embracing diversity and preserving cultural identities.

My time in Ecuador has undoubtedly enriched my life in countless ways. It has expanded my understanding of the world, providing me with a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of cultures, nature, and humanity. This journey instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us and a renewed commitment to protecting and nurturing our planet. Ecuador's rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural wonders has forever changed the way I perceive the world, and I will carry the memories and lessons learned from this trip in my heart for a lifetime.

  • Making new friends
  • Exploring a new country
  • Appreciating life more
  • The physical work
  • The mental stress
  • The wanting of more to do
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Ecuador Trip Review

Traveling with Global Glimpse to Ecuador was a really meaningful experience that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. It helped me to expand my knowledge of other cultures through first hand experience of the culture itself, like when we went to Palacio Real and Inti Raymi to learn about the lifestyle of Andean people in Ecuador. I was also able to learn more about myself and connect in a meaningful way with the other students on my trip in a way that I can’t imagine would happen at home. After my trip, I felt more confident in my leadership abilities because of the Leader of the Day part of our trip, and I felt more confident in myself overall for being able to push myself out of my comfort zone in such a big way.

  • Great food
  • Expanding leadership skills
  • Fun
  • Some walking
  • Got homesick
  • Got hungry sometimes with no snacks
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Most Valuable High School Experience

I’m really happy I decided to apply for this program. I was very nervous at first since I didn’t know anyone going in my group (aside from a GG leader) but I was delightfully surprised when we all hit it off so quickly at the airport. The staff were all extremely friendly and at no point throughout the trip did I feel unsafe. Everyday was filled with fun and full filing expenses. I got to meet many people and learn things you just can’t learn in a school setting. I really enjoyed the trip and I hope more people find out about this program.

  • Excellent staff
  • Various learning opportunities
  • Safety
  • Long days
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Don't Think Twice

This year (2023), I have been trying to gain more experiences before I go off to college next fall. I saw an email from Global Glimpse one day and I read it, being a bit skeptical. But I decided to jump into it and let myself take the risk and the opportunity. I felt a bit nervous about a few things on the trip, like not knowing Spanish in a Spanish speaking country, being out of the country without family, not having my phone to text my friends, worrying about making friends, pushing myself to try new things, and more. But I realized that the trip was only for two weeks and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. To be very honest, the whole experience just felt like summer camp, I didn't even feel like I was in another country. Every day was a new activity so everything was so exciting. All of the leaders and students were picked perfectly, our group had a great dynamic, so everyone was included and we all became great friends. One bad thing, though, was the altitude difference made a lot of us a little sick, so some of us missed out on a few activities. I am not sure how to exactly put this whole experience into this review, it was all so gorgeous and fun. This is something you remember for the rest of your life, something you add to your resume and tell your kids and grandkids. Global Glimpse was such an eye opener and gave me so much confidence in myself and hope for future travels. If you are how I was and you're not sure if this is a good idea, don't even think twice about it. Get started on that application and talk your parents into it!!

  • an opportunity to explore myself and my personality
  • an immersive experience in a new culture
  • new friends!
  • rocky beginning with communication and some conflict
  • being sick and missing out
  • occasionally some rules that were a bit overly strict
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I absolutely love Global Glimpse and all the opportunities the program gave to me. I met people who welcomed me to their culture and lifestyle. I met my best friends, that helped me throughout all my fears and they motivated me to be the best person I could possibly be. I explored new traditions and even hiked beautiful volcanoes. Global Glimpse taught me to love and appreciate the world we live in. I absolutely love Global Glimpse for the opportunity they gave me and I see myself living and growing in Ecuador.

  • Meeting new people
  • Exploring sites that I never seen before
  • Trying out different foods and learning about culture and traditions
  • Limited phone access
  • The altitude was hard at first
  • I had the best time out in Ecuador
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A Once in a Lifetime Trip

I had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador with Global Glimpse, and was given generous scholarships that paid for the majority of my trip, including a free luggage and my passport renewal fees. Global Glimpse’s choice to arrange a trip with people not from my school has shown me different perspectives, due to the diverse group of people with different racial and economic backgrounds. We all bonded so quickly and they inspired me to strive higher because of their ambitious goals.

The tech-free environment allowed us to live in the moment and we didn't feel the urge to use our phones anyways since the itinerary would always be packed. We would use our free time every night to bond with each other by making friendship bracelets, playing
board games, and just talking to each other. We were allowed to explore the city without an adult so that tested our independence and ability to navigate in another country.

The Global Glimpse staff, in the US and in Ecuador, were incredibly kind, helpful and genuinely cared about us. We all bonded so well to the point where many of us cried when we had to leave Ecuador and bought flowers for the Global Glimpse staff. We all felt like a family despite the short two weeks we had together and are still in contact till this day.

One of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of this program was our community action project that improved our collaboration skills. We visited a school and discovered that bullying and the challenges of learning in an immersive way were things the school wanted to shed light to. We created an anti-bullying mural, a math mural, educational games and curriculum proposals for students. This helped me see that education is one of the career paths that I'm passionate about. We also had “leader of the day” where everyday one or two students led the whole group with the itinerary that day. During our nightly meetings, we reflected on how we could do better, what we learned, who we appreciated that day, and blog comments from family back at home.

Each day had a specific theme, for example, on "global business" day we visited a quinoa factory where they distributed products to lessen the malnutrition rates. Also, visiting a shoe store showed us the importance of supporting small businesses because many are struggling due to the pandemic and because younger people are moving out of rural areas into the city to find work. Every single person attempted to speak Spanish to the locals even if they weren’t confident and after the trip we all said that we were more motivated to learn Spanish. When we had our “working like a local” day, we spoke directly to the market workers about their lives and worked at their stalls to see a non-sugar coated perspective from their lens.

Although the food was very healthy and filling due to the buffet style meals, I noticed that there weren’t many vegetarian options but later on the chef made personalized dishes for the vegetarians after they expressed their concerns. Also, I noticed that cliques formed to the point where for every meal, the same groups of people sat together and talked to only each other. It would be great if they continued to do randomized meal seating that they once did before so that different people could bond more.

I highly recommend taking this opportunity to travel with Global Glimpse for any high schooler that wants to get out of their comfort zone, learn about a country in a non-sugar coated perspective, and develop leadership skills. You'll come back home a different person, ready to tackle issues in your own community.

  • Meeting people from different backgrounds and developing friendships.
  • The program fosters leadership, independence and motivates you to make change.
  • The opportunity to immerse yourself in another country and speak to the locals.
  • Only three phone calls home allowed during the whole two weeks.
  • In the beginning of the trip, there wasn't many vegetarian options until later on.
  • If you have 3 roommates, you have to get ready in the morning faster.
24 people found this review helpful.

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