  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
4 to 12 weeks

Program Details

Fall J-Term Maymester Spring Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Age Min.


Starting Price
Price Details
For details regarding our latest program tuition & fees, please visit our website (www.vacorps.com/program-cost) or contact our admissions team directly (admissions@vacorps.com).
What's Included
Activities Some Activities Airport Transfers SIM cards Wifi
What's Not Included
Accommodation Meals Travel Insurance
Aug 21, 2023
May 08, 2024
108 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

VACorps offers superior internship placements in Cape Town, South Africa. We commit all of our energy to one purpose – helping our program participants to have a professionally and personally rewarding internship experience in Cape Town. This is why VACorps unfailingly receives great reviews from not only our participants but also parents and university administrators. At the center of our participants' experience in our programs start with the careful selection of internships. Before they leave their home countries for Cape Town, participants will be in constant communication with members of the VACorps staff as we design peculiar details of their internship placements based on their academic, intellectual, and professional aspirations. We are Cape Town specialists, and all of our staff and programs are based in the mother city, simply because it is the most beautiful city in the world.

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Program Highlights

  • Professional internship placement in one of the world's most beautiful cities
  • Expert pre-arrival and in-country staff support (orientation, tour of the city, first-meeting at internship site, 24/7 emergency hotline and general support and guidance)
  • Weekly social excursions to help you explore Cape Town and its surrounds
  • Weekly workshops about South African culture
  • Enjoy plenty of travel opportunities to attractions like the Garden Route, Mozambique, Kruger National Park, and Cederberg Mountains

Popular Programs

Human Rights Internships in Cape Town

VACorps offers one of the most prestigious human rights internship programs in South Africa, facilitated and mentored by a US qualified lawyer who is currently a human rights policy advocate in South Africa. You will be placed with local organizations that provide services to victims of human rights violations. By working directly with service providers and the people they are trying to assist, you will gain exposure to the challenges associated with protecting and exercising one’s human rights.

VACorps counselling and psychology internships

Our internship placements will give you unique access to counseling and social support services in South Africa. Whether you are interested in a counseling internship at an NGO, a clinical placement at a rehabilitation center, or an organizational psychology internship at a private company, we will find you an internship that matches your interests and objectives.

Business Internships in Cape Town with VACorps

Cape Town is one of Africa’s largest business Centres and is home to many well-established companies, SME’s, social enterprises, NGOs, start-ups, and much more. Whether you are looking for experience in a fast-paced for-profit organization or would prefer to apply your knowledge and work for an organization that helps the underprivileged, VACorps will customize a business internship that will help you work towards your goals and objectives.

VACorps Technology Internships in Cape Town

Cape Town boasts a bustling tech start-up scene, and it is estimated that 60% of all African Tech startups have their feet firmly planted within Cape Town City Metro. A Technology Internship abroad will allow you to gain a unique perspective on the very important role the technology industry plays in a developing economy. As you gain experience, learn new skills and expand your network, you will also see how a different culture uses technology to address its own unique market needs.

Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 230 reviews
  • 5 rating 90.87%
  • 4 rating 8.7%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0.43%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.85
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 97 - 104 of 230 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

My six week internship in Cape Town

I originally chose Cape Town as my intern abroad destination solely based on the VAC program and the comfortability I felt speaking to the VAC staff beforehand. Although I only stayed for 6 weeks, the friends and relationships I made during my time there I know are ones that will last a lifetime. After completing my internship, my interests in my future studies were confirmed - I feel now that I can confidently apply to graduate school knowing exactly what my end goal is. I loved the dynamic of the city, the other interns, and the VAC staff that made the first week transitioning to life in Cape Town a breeze!

41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Between the mountains and ocean you can never go wrong

When I first began the search for an internship last fall, I never dreamed that I would spend three months in Cape Town. By the Lord's providence, this was the only internship that ended up front and center, and I realized that spending the summer abroad may be a very real possibility. There really is no place like Cape Town. Naturally, Cape Town is the most beautiful place I have been in.

My internship was with a surfboard startup company in Muizenberg. I am studying mechanical engineering but am extremely interested in small business, so this internship was a perfect combination of the two. I also got the opportunity to surf quite a bit while I was here - something I had never had the opportunity to do before either. I enjoyed the full Cape Town experience - from hiking Table Mountain to surfing in the Indian Ocean to Culture Series and the vast number of Friday Activities that allowed me so many new and exciting opportunities. I am so grateful for the people of VACorps - without the program establishing a group of interns here to befriend and live 3 months with, I would not have made it in Cape Town. The program advisors care so much and have become some of my dearest friends and people I have learned so much from.

I could write forever about my Cape Town experience, but there are not enough words to express the lessons I learned the memories I will take with me when I leave. I would not trade any of them for the world.

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the greatest experiences of my life

I am really thankful for being part of this program. I enjoyed every moment in Cape Town. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I will remember it forever. This experience taught me a lot about life and myself. I have grown in confidence, improved my English, and this experience will definitely help me a lot in the future. For me, the best part of this program is meeting all the incredible people, from all over the world.  I loved meeting people from so many different cultures and countries and found it very interesting.  Now we are a family and I am so thankful to VACorps for giving me this opportunity and introducing me to such an incredible community of people to explore this beautiful country with

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

My time with the VACorps truly has been a life-changing experience. I came across this opportunity since it was one of the only countries with programs available during COVID, but I think that is just one example of the universe working things out for the best. If I could go back and have more options I would choose a placement in Cape Town one thousand times over. It is easy to look at doing a program like this and make an educated guess about how much you will learn and the different aspects of the culture you will be exposed to, but in reality, it's more than you could ever imagine. Being a part of a group of like-minded individuals who would take on a crazy journey like this just proves that the people make the place. The people in Cape Town are by far the most hospitable, welcoming, and friendly faces on the planet. All of the Vac-activities I got to be a part of ensuring that I experienced all the best South Africa has to offer. Plus, if you have activities you really want to do, the VACorps staff with make sure they put you in contact with the best people who will give you the best deals. Overall, if you are asking yourself why Cape Town, the real question would be "Why not Cape Town?" It's the most beautiful place on the planet with some of the most beautiful people to keep you company.

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing comes to mind, I genuinely had a wonderful experience with all the people that I met and getting a chance to truly dive into the culture of Cape Town.
48 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I loved every single moment of this experience

I chose to travel to Cape Town, South Africa to intern because I knew that the cultural immersion I’d have the opportunity to experience here wouldn’t be the same anywhere else in the world! I loved every single day at my internship site to the point where I worked extra. I enjoyed the tasks I was given, and the situations I was allowed to be a part of. I also enjoyed every nurse, doctor, counselor, pharmacist, and patient I was blessed enough to interact with on a daily basis. Being surrounded by such strong, intelligent, powerful women who look just like me was awe-inspiring and something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I learned that I am capable of so much more than I thought possible. I grew in stride every single day, from something different. This experience taught me to smile more, laugh always, and love easily and freely. I would advise anyone participating in this program to come for at least 8 weeks. Please come with an open mind + heart, but also a strong and dedicated work ethic. Be passionate about your internship as it can blossom into more than you could possibly imagine.

41 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I am going to miss everything about this place

Cape Town has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. Alongside all the activities to do here the VaCorps staff was awesome. They are inviting and supportive, but most importantly they make you feel like family. Because of this, the staff has made my time here something I hold especially close to my heart, and I honestly hope I will be able to come back to visit them. Working in Cape Town has also been extremely eye-opening for me. I did a medical internship at a local Cape Town clinic and have learned so much and would even go as far as to say that this was the best experiential learning opportunity I have had.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions because most doctors want to talk to you. If you are curious about anything then odds are they will answer your questions or find someone to answer your question. Also if you want to be moved they will move you.
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My medical internship in Cape Town

The VaCorps program truly lived up to my expectations and more. Not only was I able to work in the medical field and learn about how hospitals are run, but I made so many new lifelong friends. The VACorps staff was so loving and understanding of all of my desires for my work environment and put me in a clinic that catered to my own personal interests. One of my favorite parts about interning in Cape Town was being able to see the different cultures that make up the country of South Africa, specifically the culture series that the VaCorps staff had weekly. I stayed for about 2 months during the summer and I believe this was the ideal time spent here in Cape Town. The two months allowed me to get a lot of experience in the medical clinic as well as participate in all of the activities Cape Town had to offer.

39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Some of the best memories I have ever made!

Coming to Capetown was the best decision I ever made. I learned so much about myself and this community. Everyone is so accepting and made me feel so welcomed. I could not say enough great things about the staff and people I have met here through VACorps. I have made lifelong friends and had experiences that I could have never have dreamed of.

I worked in a clinic in one of Cape Town townships and learned more than I ever imagined. I have a better understanding of how they treat patients in another country, and I know for a fact that I want to be in the medical field one day. Coming here made me realize I have so much passion and get so much joy out of helping others. The nursing sisters that I worked with at the baby clinic were so caring and such great nurses. ​I learned so much from them.

What would you improve about this program?
I would not change anything. I had the best time of my entire life.
42 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Erin, Thanks for the great question! South Africa is home to one of the largest commercial film industries in the Southern Hemisphere and we place VACorps program participants at a variety of different film production companies that operate in Cape Town. We accept gap year students (min age 18) so don't worry if you don't have any prior industry experience. All that is required is enthusiasm...