Teach English in Korea with Travel & Teach | 100% FREE Placement

Questions and Answers

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Hi Wai Yee, It is certainly possible if you are of Asian descent and from one of the 7 countries that Korea will grant a working visa to. If you are not from one of those countries, unfortunately you won't be granted a visa though, even though you speak perfect English and have experience teaching. I hope this helps!

I am not Asian American myself, so I cannot comment from personal experience, but I can say that I recently completed a a teaching seminar with EBY Talking Club in Seoul, and of the six other foreign teachers there, two of them were Asian American. While it may have been harder for them to get a job of this type (I didn't think to ask), I can say that it is certainly possible. I hope this helps.

Hi Sam! Yes, it is certainly possible for two people to share an apartment and to either work in the same school and/or location; we are able to place couples or friends. Also, there isn't really a minimum age, but applicants must hold the minimum of a Bachelor's degree in order to get a teaching visa for Korea.

Hi Miranda!, To teach in Korea, you need to be a citizen of one of the 7 designated countries that Korean immigration grants visas to: USA, Canada, NZ, Australia, Scotland, Ireland and the UK. I hope this helps!

Hello, just to double check - I am a citizen of one of the aforementioned countries (Ireland), however I was born in Russia, so not actually a native speaker. I have been living in English speaking countries for the last 15 years and I speak English fluently. I have graduated Teaching college in Russia as an English teacher, and do have some teaching experience. I am also currently working on 160...